Re: Random Tiny Wants spice derail

Started by bcw81, July 19, 2010, 07:10:24 PM

Quote from: Blackisback on July 19, 2010, 04:39:55 PM
Of course, this would require writing different emotes for the various parts of different creatures, just as failing a craft causes a particular echo. But, I think it could really work.
You could always simply keep the current fail echo, no need to edit it more than it needs to be.

QuoteA female voice says, in sirihish:
     "] yer a wizard, oashi"

Nosave confiscate:

When you go through the gates, you willingly give up anything illegal so that you aren't smuggling, and you aren't getting pounded on for things you didn't know you had.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: Armaddict on July 19, 2010, 09:03:47 PM
Nosave confiscate:

When you go through the gates, you willingly give up anything illegal so that you aren't smuggling, and you aren't getting pounded on for things you didn't know you had.


With a room it gets tossed into, like weapons are now when you get arrested.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Quote from: Dan on July 19, 2010, 09:38:40 PM
Quote from: Armaddict on July 19, 2010, 09:03:47 PM
Nosave confiscate:

When you go through the gates, you willingly give up anything illegal so that you aren't smuggling, and you aren't getting pounded on for things you didn't know you had.


With a room it gets tossed into, like weapons are now when you get arrested.

I still feel bad for Murk.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

But then one of the oldest griefing tactics in the book would be impossible :(.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Synthesis on July 19, 2010, 10:39:10 PM
But then one of the oldest griefing tactics in the book would be impossible :(.

You'd still have shitmugs.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: Reiloth on July 19, 2010, 10:23:54 PM
Quote from: Dan on July 19, 2010, 09:38:40 PM
Quote from: Armaddict on July 19, 2010, 09:03:47 PM
Nosave confiscate:

When you go through the gates, you willingly give up anything illegal so that you aren't smuggling, and you aren't getting pounded on for things you didn't know you had.


With a room it gets tossed into, like weapons are now when you get arrested.

I still feel bad for Murk.

Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

Wait, what?

You think that when walking into Allanak you should be able to just say "Oops!  Sorry, soldier, I totally forgot that was in my pocket.  Here, you can have it." and then be allowed to go on your merry way?

Sure, after you also pay an apology fine. Why not? Allanak is a cesspit of corruptness. That soldier would probably be happy to go home and 'dispose' of the confiscated goods.

Quote from: Armaddict on July 19, 2010, 10:46:27 PM
Quote from: Synthesis on July 19, 2010, 10:39:10 PM
But then one of the oldest griefing tactics in the book would be impossible :(.

You'd still have shitmugs.

I am guilty of having performed this tactic.

talk (looking to the guy he hates) Hey man. Sorry about earlier. How about a buy you an ale? (that happens to be the same color as byn sewage)

Why not just put nosave arrest on and handle all that bribing with a PC soldier/templar in jail?

(Though, great idea in that illegal items should be tossed in the same place weapons go when you get arrested, if they aren't already.)

Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 20, 2010, 01:10:27 PM
Why not just put nosave arrest on and handle all that bribing with a PC soldier/templar in jail?

Does nosave arrest somehow not work in this situation?  People seem to die to gateguards, yet I can't imagine that more than 5% of players ever have a reason to turn off nosave arrest.
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

Quote from: brytta.leofa on July 20, 2010, 02:01:43 PM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 20, 2010, 01:10:27 PM
Why not just put nosave arrest on and handle all that bribing with a PC soldier/templar in jail?

Does nosave arrest somehow not work in this situation?  People seem to die to gateguards, yet I can't imagine that more than 5% of players ever have a reason to turn off nosave arrest.

1.  You still spend jail time, you still lose your weapons, and you still look like you were trying to smuggle even if you, for example, looted a body out in the desert, or picked up a pack you found.
2.  Some militia npc's don't try to subdue, they are coded to attack due to their role.  If they engage first, subdue isn't allowed and the other soldiers assist instead.
3.  Some races can't be subdued.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Subdue issues would definitely be a problem, but I don't really know enough about the details of gate guard code so say where/how/if it needs to be fixed.

However, if you have spice, and you're trying to get into Allanak, you are smuggling.

Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 20, 2010, 03:15:13 PM
Subdue issues would definitely be a problem, but I don't really know enough about the details of gate guard code so say where/how/if it needs to be fixed.

However, if you have spice, and you're trying to get into Allanak, you are smuggling.

That's the whole point.  You aren't -trying- to smuggle, so if they find anything in the search you're willingly turning it over for safe passage.  You don't -want- it in the city, either, you're an unfortunate carrier.

There's a difference between someone hiding it and trying to get it in and a guy who blinks and just says, "Take it, I don't want it!".  One is obviously more cooperative in the search, as well.  Search -everything- please.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Yes but you seem to be forgetting the typical attitude of Zalanthan law enforcement.  They don't care if it was an accident.

Furthermore, NPC soldiers aren't equipped to make a judgment about your character's sincerity (an thus how much you ought to be fined/jailed/killed).  PC soldiers and templars are, so I think they're the best ones to handle this circumstance.

Set them up with a script that gives you a chance to bribe your way out of the situation.

If you give them, say, two hundred 'sid you live. If not, bye bye.
The man wears his heavy war-saddle on his back, covering a tattoo

Crawling up on all fours, the man sits on a sturdy bed

The man sends you a telepathic message:
     "Alright, you got to tame a wild one today."

Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 20, 2010, 03:29:51 PM
Yes but you seem to be forgetting the typical attitude of Zalanthan law enforcement.  They don't care if it was an accident.

Furthermore, NPC soldiers aren't equipped to make a judgment about your character's sincerity (an thus how much you ought to be fined/jailed/killed).  PC soldiers and templars are, so I think they're the best ones to handle this circumstance.

You mean...where they find your body on the ground.  Sounds to me like someone just wants to continue planting, since the idea only prevents deaths that are unnecessary and only hurts...people...who the gates.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

So file a player complaint and whoever the douche is that is planting spice on people at the gates will be dealt with by staff.  Just because some griefer is being a total dick doesn't mean we should undergo some project that seems like more hassle than it is worth.  The way things are right now meshes with the IC attitude of the guards.  I'm fine with it.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: Armaddict on July 20, 2010, 03:40:35 PMSounds to me like someone just wants to continue planting, since the idea only prevents deaths that are unnecessary and only hurts...people...who the gates.
You've gone a bit far with that remark.

Again, I wasn't previously aware that there was an issue with gate guards not responding correctly to nosave arrest, or being unable to subdue certain types of characters, or that people were abusing either.

I just think that those problems should be fixed directly, and/or abusers told to stop doing that.

The notion of soldiers just taking your spice and some coins and then letting you go on your way with zero questions asked, however,seems somewhat problematic from an IC perspective.

You all should be happy that the gate guards aren't planting spice on you themselves, then jacking your shit and selling it in the bazaar.

This is Allanak, after all.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

July 20, 2010, 04:31:48 PM #21 Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 04:57:48 PM by X-D
All chars are subdueable...just not by all other chars.

The only real problem I see with the gate guard spice code is there are many things that are labled spice by code but a PC/player might not know is labled spice by code.

These things should not trigger the code or should be plainly labeled in sdesc and mdesc, I don't care if the item has a line on it in mdesc that says OOC THIS IS SPICE! and it should tell you in assess as well. This item could be sniffed or smoked. Which would be a dead giveaway that it is spice..

What I see a LARGE  % of the time that is exactly the case.

When I was running a byn sarge, always had everybody ditch the spice on the way in the gates, more then once after the gate guards insta ganked some poor runner or trooper I did indeed find these spice items on the corpse.

A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Try to cross any border holding weed/coke/whatever, then explain to the guards that it isn't your bag --- tell us what happens.
Quote from: scienceAn early study by Plaut and Kohn-Speyer (1947)[11] found that horse smegma had a carcinogenic effect on mice. Heins et al.(1958)

I was playing a GMH family member who rode into the city, after having brought down with me something I -thought- was often sold in a particular shop in Allanak for mucho sids.

I was crim-flagged on the way in because it turned out to be merely something that looked like this other thing, but was actually coded as spice. Fortunately, I was already "running" on my mount because it was close to dark and I didn't want to miss the gate and be stuck outside the city.

So I just kept running and ran right past two NPC soldiers into the estate, waited it out, ditched the item, and continued on my merry way.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Synthesis on July 20, 2010, 04:25:56 PM
You all should be happy that the gate guards aren't planting spice on you themselves, then jacking your shit and selling it in the bazaar.
This is Allanak, after all.

Seems like a good way to get a promotion.

Lord Templar Hard Nose says, in sirihish:
"Thank you for your contribution to the Allanaki Templarate Recreational Fund.  You will now be condemned to death or fined four hundred obsidian coins."

Lord Templar Hard Nose pauses, arching an eyebrow at ~you.