Steep learning curve

Started by Romy, July 17, 2010, 01:11:21 AM

This game is so difficult to play. I really don't know what else to say...

No matter how hard I try I always die in the dumbest ways.
Quote from: Nyr>mount corpse


I went through around twenty characters before I managed to get one to last more than a day....

Yeah-- the curve is -steep-.

The best thing you can do is contact a helper.

Yeesh, I have the commands down and such, it's just the combat is so fast and deadly even when practicing.

Maybe I need to play a character that doesn't fight, but that would be boring haha

The problem is this "reel" code. It stops you from being able to do anything. I don't understand the purpose for it and don't even know what reel means.

Is that like when you juggle a combo with Eddie Gordo in Tekken or something?
Quote from: Nyr>mount corpse


Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:23:03 AM
Yeesh, I have the commands down and such, it's just the combat is so fast and deadly even when practicing.

Maybe I need to play a character that doesn't fight, but that would be boring haha

The problem is this "reel" code. It stops you from being able to do anything. I don't understand the purpose for it and don't even know what reel means.

Is that like when you juggle a combo with Eddie Gordo in Tekken or something?

Have you ever been hit really hard in the head or stomach, and it stunned you for a second or two because it hurt like eight bitches in a bitch boat?

That's what reeling is. :)

Replace "eve: the second genesis" with "Armageddon MUD"

It's something like that...
Quote from: Yam on March 18, 2011, 09:57:04 AM
There's really nothing wrong with a pretty boy in a dress.

July 17, 2010, 01:43:31 AM #5 Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 01:53:04 AM by Qzzrbl
In all seriousness though, I'd suggest joining the Byn or another combat-oriented clan with one of your characters.

They're a great way to explore the basics of the combat code, provided you're savvy with the "flee" and "disengage" commands. ;D

July 17, 2010, 02:08:34 AM #6 Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 02:35:49 AM by RogueGunslinger
Honestly, play with precautions. The learning curve is steep for this game, yes. But keeping a character alive isn't really part of that. Play your character like you play real life and you should stay alive. If you lose more then 35% health, you want to flee. Every time. Training or not. Because it's too common that you get to there, think you can get to the 50% mark, and then run. But then you get hit hard, reeled, or something else happens that makes it so you can't run.

Never enter a fight without stamina stun and health maxxed. Alias a key on your board to flee. Always be aware of your encumbrance, if you're carrying too much weight your ability to fight goes WAY down. Never engage in a fight you don't know you can win. Never fight drunk. Never climb things more than a room or two high unless your climb skill rocks. Never ">kill beetle" if you are using a beetle for a mount. Never talk smack to a templar.

There's more I'm sure. But doing these things should keep you alive.

Edit: 35% is actually better and more safe than 40%. As a rule of thumb. Never sleep in non-secluded place to regain hp. Hell, never let your hp go low enough that you need to sleep.

Quote from: Qzzrbl on July 17, 2010, 01:43:31 AM
In all seriousness though, I'd suggest joining the Byn or another combat-oriented clan with one of your characters.

I did. I died. =P
Quote from: Nyr>mount corpse


I think the GMH clans are best for newbies.  Play a ranger or a warrior/hunter and join one of those clans.  Learn a bit about the world, what's needed for crafting, how to fight/hunt, first aid/herbalism general knowledge, and all sorts of useful Arm knowledge.  Don't do anything stupid and make your character inexperienced and knows it, and is honest about it so that people will teach your character and thus teach you.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

July 17, 2010, 02:46:42 AM #9 Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 02:48:26 AM by RogueGunslinger
Quote from: spawnloser on July 17, 2010, 02:40:09 AM
I think the GMH clans are best for newbies.  Play a ranger or a warrior/hunter and join one of those clans.  Learn a bit about the world, what's needed for crafting, how to fight/hunt, first aid/herbalism general knowledge, and all sorts of useful Arm knowledge. Don't do anything stupid and make your character inexperienced and knows it, and is honest about it so that people will teach your character and thus teach you.

Just gonna second this. All of it. Great Merchant Houses(if you were wondering about the acronym) are Salarr, Kurac, and Kadius and are great places for a newbies. Kadius was my first clan and it was great. Great great great. They give you more freedom than some clans, so you don't get so bored, and also give you the protection, food and water you need.

The bolded section for extra emphasis. Your first characters should be inexperianced and young, because you are. Nothing is worse than making your character have an awesome background that paints him as a hard, bad-ass somfabitch, when you're a 0 day newbie that can't cut a fruit without dropping it fifty times.

"Brain wave, main wave"
Psycho got a high kick
Collect and select
Show me your best set

Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:23:03 AM
Yeesh, I have the commands down and such, it's just the combat is so fast and deadly even when practicing.

Maybe I need to play a character that doesn't fight, but that would be boring haha

The problem is this "reel" code. It stops you from being able to do anything. I don't understand the purpose for it and don't even know what reel means.

Is that like when you juggle a combo with Eddie Gordo in Tekken or something?

I've been playing for years and I still hate the reel code. I don't think it adds anything to the game other than to make combat-based pcs -more- difficult to play. I don't think it was necessary.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:23:03 AM
Yeesh, I have the commands down and such, it's just the combat is so fast and deadly even when practicing.

Maybe I need to play a character that doesn't fight, but that would be boring haha

The problem is this "reel" code. It stops you from being able to do anything. I don't understand the purpose for it and don't even know what reel means.

Is that like when you juggle a combo with Eddie Gordo in Tekken or something?

Hello fellow n00b! I understand your frustration.

BUT.. that game is fun and once you start to 'get it' it really opens up (getting into RP in crowds is another story though..)

What I suggest is this (and I'll try not to give away IG stuff and keep things vague..). Make a character that's a TOUGH class but something you want to play and try. Start in Tuluk. Not because I find it n00b friendly or easier (theirs lots of dangerous things out there) BUT it does seem like a great place to go and 'learn' Arm. Least for me.

In combat, be patience and show reserve. It's about joining the Byn or a House but finding someone IG who has the patience to help you and teach you ICly. I got -very- lucky when I started two months ago and came across some people who went out of their way to help me. Just ask all the stupid questions and anyone who blows you off, just leave them alone and find someone who will help.

Don't charge at a Mantis b/c you think it looks cool (if you want to live) Ask TONS of really frustratingly silly questions IG about monsters and beasts and areas. Try to press for real answers from them. Example:

n00b Warrior: Hey Boss, I saw a Black Mantis earlier, can I kill that?

Boss: No. Best to keep away from them and stay away from whereever you saw it. Now clean the toilets.

n00b Warrior: But why not? I mean it didn't look -that- hard. Big, yes, but how come I can't? I mean if I train hard can I?

Boss: *le sigh* Listen up, Mantis are, least from what I know one of the most fearsome predators in the lands. I mean they're insanely fast.. Much faster than anything you've ever seen so they attack a lot.. And if you consider they use weapons of their own design and will come at you with -four- arms.. I really think you should put them out of your mind. Besides, if you get into trouble, and have to run they've been known to track you down.. So if you shut up and listen to what I say about training and following orders if you come across one, -maybe- you'll be able to kill it.. But I'd avoid it entirely if I were you.

Yes the curve is insane, but imo, they're people out there who want to help so just keep trying. Use Helpers and send PMs. Good luck :)
Czar of City Elves.

It took me around 40 characters till I really shaped up and learned enough about the game to live long.

Usually I'd go around killing whores in the 'rinth, putting their heads in my basket.  Then when I learned more about the game I'd go around at night, killing whores in Allanak and putting their heads in my backpack.  It takes a while to learn the basics of combat.

Quote from: Dakota on July 17, 2010, 04:17:36 AM
Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:23:03 AM
Yeesh, I have the commands down and such, it's just the combat is so fast and deadly even when practicing.

Maybe I need to play a character that doesn't fight, but that would be boring haha

The problem is this "reel" code. It stops you from being able to do anything. I don't understand the purpose for it and don't even know what reel means.

Is that like when you juggle a combo with Eddie Gordo in Tekken or something?
Start in Tuluk. Not because I find it n00b friendly or easier (theirs lots of dangerous things out there) BUT it does seem like a great place to go and 'learn' Arm. Least for me.

[rantinthegaj] talk (shaking his fist) Prissy Tuluki an' their damnd' food, wata' and spice!
drink mug (pounding it hard) [curses still sounding through the thick ale] [/rantinthegaj]

Like everyone else said, try and play your character as close to a real life person and you'll have a much easier time keeping them alive.  Clans rule, even the more dangerous ones still want to keep you alive.

If those don't work... Keep trying.  I'm convinced a long-lived character is all about finding that sweet spot in society, and shoving yourself (as forcefully as possible) in there.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
Vote at TMS
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Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:23:03 AM
Yeesh, I have the commands down and such, it's just the combat is so fast and deadly even when practicing.

Maybe I need to play a character that doesn't fight, but that would be boring haha

The problem is this "reel" code. It stops you from being able to do anything. I don't understand the purpose for it and don't even know what reel means.

Is that like when you juggle a combo with Eddie Gordo in Tekken or something?

Well don't fight really big things :) Also, try to not weigh yourself down. If you're heavily encumbered it acts as a penalty to your combat abilities.
Quote from: Morrolan on July 16, 2013, 01:43:41 AM
And there was some dwarf smoking spice, and I thought that was so scandalous because I'd only been playing in 'nak.

Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:23:03 AM
Yeesh, I have the commands down and such, it's just the combat is so fast and deadly even when practicing.

Keep your encumbrance light.
Never ever spar without your head and neck well-armored; body, too, if possible.
Know your opponent; someone who's much better than you or insanely strong can kill you...well, you know.
Never let your hitpoints get below 60-65 hitpoints.  Or Gunslinger's 35% rule is good.
Don't play with the half-giants.
Don't play with the muls.
Keep an extra weapon in inventory; if you get disarmed, immediately ep it.  Fighting disarmed is incredibly dangerous; so is bending to pick up a weapon.

And sometimes accidents just happen.

Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:23:03 AM
Maybe I need to play a character that doesn't fight, but that would be boring haha

Good man.
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

Also, some important habits to get into:

1. If you are riding an inix, do -not- target "shell" in combat unless you are trying to kill your inix. Find a different keyword to target.

2. If you are riding and get into combat, remember to type STAND every so often. You can get thrown from your mount and not even realize you're sitting on your ass because of the screen scroll.

3. If you need/want to use the FLEE command, get into the habit of typing WALK when you're done running from whatever you're running from. In sparring, type WALK as soon as you successfully flee. In actual combat, a few rooms at least, if you have enough stamina to handle it.

4. When using the flee command, it can be extra helpful to not only boost your skill, but to stay out of ditches, to flee in a particular direction if possible. "Flee" could cause you to flee right off the shield wall. "Flee south" might save your life.

5. Never leave the gates without a FULL skin of water -and- a couple of somethings to eat, AFTER you have already had enough to drink and eat that you are not thirsty or hungry. Two skins is better.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Qzzrbl on July 17, 2010, 01:29:25 AM
Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:23:03 AM
Yeesh, I have the commands down and such, it's just the combat is so fast and deadly even when practicing.

Maybe I need to play a character that doesn't fight, but that would be boring haha

The problem is this "reel" code. It stops you from being able to do anything. I don't understand the purpose for it and don't even know what reel means.

Is that like when you juggle a combo with Eddie Gordo in Tekken or something?

Have you ever been hit really hard in the head or stomach, and it stunned you for a second or two because it hurt like eight bitches in a bitch boat?

That's what reeling is. :)

Technically, reeling is the act of stumbling or wavering. In the case of combat, the blow connects in a way that transfers enough kinetic energy to make you lose control of your momentum. You stagger, trying to get your feet into a position to counter this extra energy, and the reason you can't continue making normal maneuvers is that if you do not focus on getting your feet back under you you will fall.

If you've ever been punched in the face and stumbled backwards before falling on your ass, then you've reeled from the blow.

You might also be stunned, as Qzzrbl stated, in which case you're pretty much boned.
"Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
- Samuel Clemens

I've macro'd Flee self on F1 so I can get out quick if Trouble pops up.  Though yeah, mind the holes.
I've macro'd Stand on F2 as well, so I can flee if Trouble hits first.
And disengage on F3 for when/if I get in a position where I can kill noobs.

Though I use disengage for sparring, it pays not to forget the Flee button in training.  I got killed once , partly because I forgot to flee when it was for real.

Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:11:21 AM
This game is so difficult to play. I really don't know what else to say...

No matter how hard I try I always die in the dumbest ways.

You know, there is some good advice posted in this thread. 

You think the game is hard?  Good, I agree.  I'm glad that you're giving it a shot, and I'm glad that you're sticking with it.  Hang in there.

In my opinion, this game isn't about kicking ass.  It's about standing back up after you get knocked down and putting your dukes up.  Determination. 

So yeah, if you can hang in there for a bit more you'll toughen up some and then probably do fine.  You might have to switch your strategy around until you find your niche.

Oh yeah, here is my piece of advice:  Play warriors until you get the hang of the combat code.  As you've noted, the code can be downright unforgiving, so it's best to play a class (i.e. warrior) that has plenty of hitpoints, etc., so that they can live long enough for you to run the hell away from danger.

Welcome to Armageddon.
He said, "I don't fly coach, never save the roach."

The reeling code is a real sonofabitch sometimes.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 02:27:58 AM
Quote from: Qzzrbl on July 17, 2010, 01:43:31 AM
In all seriousness though, I'd suggest joining the Byn or another combat-oriented clan with one of your characters.

I did. I died. =P

We all did.

Know what helped me?  The byn is great, but you get to many chances to well... die.

Try joining a house as a guard, Like Oash. Trust me, you live much longer in a house. And Oash uses there guard enough when there out of the recruit phase, to make it worth it.

Winrothol and Tenneshi up north if you want a safer alternative to the byn, but want to go out and play in that big sandbox called zalanthas regularly.
I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

Quote from: Romy on July 17, 2010, 01:11:21 AM
This game is so difficult to play. I really don't know what else to say...

No matter how hard I try I always die in the dumbest ways.

I can still say this after six years.

In retrospect, if it was mad easy, I wouldn't still be here.

This is where I'd tell you to go here but it seems the helperchat is down. So send me a PM if you have any quandaries.

A good tip is to have triggers that fire to color-ize combat specifics if able, such as reeling from blows, falling off mounts, disarming, parrying and the such. This makes it a lot easier to keep track of your character's situation and adjust accordingly.
"Brain wave, main wave"
Psycho got a high kick
Collect and select
Show me your best set