Nechomacus has leveled!

Started by Morgenes, July 09, 2010, 12:20:43 PM

Everyone please join me in congratulating our newest Administrator Nechomacus.  Nechomacus has been a long time player and a great asset as a staffer.  He will be helping out by overseeing the Great Merchant Houses clans.  He will be transitioning from the Independents group over the next week or so.

Congratulations Nechomacus, and thank you!

Armageddon Staff


For those of you that don't know me or remember, I've been playing this mud and ONLY this mud for 16 years, maybe even a touch more at this point.

I got hooked as a kid going to visit my brother's friend at college.  We got there Friday night.  Broke into the computer lab and we mudded until Sunday afternoon.  Didn't leave the lab once.

Had pizza and beverages delivered right to the lab and never slept or moved.  For about an hour Azroen banned us for multiplaying from the same IP and after that was straightened out every time we died.  (Which I died a lot)  - They approved new characters immediately cause they knew we were:  1.) new and 2.) on a marathon.
Of course times were different, halflings could hang out in cities and so on.

Still, the direction the mud is going and has gone with such vast improvements make me smile.  I'm glad to see some of you are still here after so long and happy to see so many new faces as well.

