The blood, the pain... infect me baby

Started by Dakkon Black, July 09, 2003, 08:50:54 PM

Saturday. Arm is down. Krath. Log onto another RPI mud... apply for a char yada yada. Ok so here I am, sneaking around this new mud, learning the sights etc.  *** following is shortened for obvious reasons***

Steal coins bob

You are now wanted

Think yeah not the first time.

Guard slashes you hard on the leg 60/90hp

you flee

Now im outside the city, shouting curses at the asshole guards.

Blood flows from your wound 50/90

Think Ummm... ow!

30 seconds later,

the heavy cut in your leg tears as you try to walk 30/90

Think holy crap... this aint good

You pass out from blood loss 10/90

emote passes out; sleep

ooc thought: if she sleeps she will heal.. right?


Welcome to new mud!

The point of the story. I loved it. It was zupa tense. That said I love, like absolutely love the freedom arm gives you in dictating RP wise just how bad the wounds are. However, codewise it doesnt go through. Something like this would make Physicians and Vivaduans much more respected. Seriously Ive seen near dead bynners on the sands, bleeding profusely

say You need some help? Ive got a couple bandges in the pack

funny lookin bynner says Nahh, once he passes out, I think he will make it

This kinda krap is horrible and even if it makes combat that much scarier I think it would be good. It doesnt need to be extreme, but I think an unbound, untreated wound should at least fester. On that mud things can get infected, now suddenly you have less stamina till its treated etc.

I realise that arm is allready harsh and that this would be very nasty so finally I propose at least this. To keep the extent of the damage in the hands of the RPer and not the code have a command that can damage you when you are hurt.


Bleed self
You are not wounded

Bleed self
You wound worsens

No I dont expect everyone to use it but personally Id like to have the option. There have been times when my char was a dead man but recovered. Im not saying its mandatory but damn I think it would be fun.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Bleeding... Nice. But, playing a warrior in the Tzai-Byn, it could really stunt our business, you know? Espicially considering that the Byn is the unoffical newb clan... We might lose a lot of players if the already ridiculous Armageddon difficulty is upped.

I think only bleeding should occur when you're seriously injured. For example, when a character passes out, they should get -worse- instead of better. Forcing a person to use magick or bandages or something. There should be some way for the average non-physcian/non-magicker character to treat the wound... Apply pressure command, or something. It'd be a nice touch, in my opinion. But if we take it to the max, well... I'd either quit, or all my characters would be merchant yuppies sitting around the tavern. Life in the wastes is hard enough as it is... We don't need too much more to make it even more difficult.

And plus, there are plenty of other points, as I'm sure others will bring up. What about bludgeoning weapons? They don't cause a person to bleed, neccasarily... Wouldn't this cause a disadvantage? I'll let other people discuss that... Anyways, my main point is, if there was to be a 'bleeding' code, it should only take effect when a character is seriously, SERIOUSLY, morbidly injured.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

I agree to a lesser extent. I think bleeding code should be reinstated (was up in the past I've heard...?) but not to that extent, I think only on major wounds.

apply pressure would be good too because you don't want to be *completely* fucked after getting that pretty paper cut across your juglar. But then if you were caught playing with paper the templars might nab yah...anywas.

No. Bleed Me is NOT a good idea. ;p. really, wtf would use that regularily? I woudl a few times, but I wouldn't want to kill my char off with it. It would be an extra optional death. why not just die fighting rather than flee, type bleed self, and die.

bleeding should take some part though...and if it did my char wouldve died....3 times now. ;)
Veteran Newbie

From what I've -heard-, there is something like this blood_loss thing currently in code. I believe it's something an imm can hit you with but haven't heard any stories of it being used lately.

As for the blood loss thing, I'm not really in favor of it. I think we've all had characters in the Byn and had our asses handed to us to the point where we were down to about a third of our lives before we could flee. IC, you go to the "doctor" (and I use that term loosely) but OOCly you sleep.

When a character of mine is in a house or military organization, I always expect that there's a VNPC doctor who treats these sort of things and has our wounds tended to while we're logged off or 'sleeping' or whatever. Hell, if you're in 'Nak, you could just roleplay getting healed by a Vivaduan at the temple. I'm not saying to go, 'Oh, don't worry about my arm being amputated, they'll fix me up at that watery-place' every time you get your ass handed to you. It's just an option.

Keep in mind that one of the reasons we're here and playing ArmageddonMUD rather than in the Sahara Desert and living it is because we like the fun atmosphere and not 100% realistic atmosphere. If you put in blood_loss now, what's to say that two years down the line someone's not going to go, 'Hey, let's put in broken bones! I saw it in this other MUD and it was super cool! Arm isn't realistic enough yet!'.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


I agree to everything thats been said really. My idea here isnt to make the game unplayable, but to add that element of fear into you when you are out there 50 miles past the black stump. There is no Vnpc doctor there, there is no water temple, there is your screwed if you are badly injured. I want the power of the RP to stay in the players hands, I want to choose if im gonna die or not from the wounds. I know I could stay and fight if I wanted to die, but thats not my choice, my char wants to run. Three hours later and 30 pints of blood less, I wanna be able to type bleed self and continue to die.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

As nice as it is to add lots of realism via code, I'd think this would be better handled via poses. It's more fun to act sick/dying/bleeding without having to see "Your life blood spills out of your wounds" every few seconds. Also, lets think of the practical applications of the code. It would be to make things tougher so if you get mauled by a mek or some such you can bleed to death if you manage to escape. I don't think that such a thing would add anything to the gameplay really. If something can hit you hard enough to make you bleed out then it can probably chase you down and finish the job without the help of your coded bloodloss. 8)

I like the idea of wounds that need some sort of healer to fix in theory, but in practice I am not as much of a fan.  The most basic reason is that healers are hard to find unless you sprinkle NPC healers everywhere.  In a city like Allanak or Tuluk, I imagine you would be ok and be able to find someone to fix you up.  That might not be so true for people who are more out of reach.  I know that my Red Storm character or (god forbid) my East Red Storm character would shit out of luck, even though in both these places there would be at least some sort of support.

Hey... I would use the 'bleed self' code.. To tell the truth, I'm bored when I play a character with extraordinary endurance. You RP a very badly injured wrist, but that heals in 5 minutes.Then you have the responsibility to RP the wound to every person in contact. Bleeding self code is not necessary for the wilderness, it's necessary for the taverns, in safety. So I may decide that I'm not bleeding lightly, still bleeding heavily.
Of course changing the ldesc solves this problem, but bleeding self would be fine for self RP satisfaction.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

I see a real problem with 'bleed self'. It'd basically be an option to suicide your character, and that topic is another debate in and of itself.

Think about. You're bored with your current character, want to try something new, and are maybe curious as to whether or not you've accrued some more karma. All you have to do is stumble down a hill or down a well, and spam 'bleed self' eight times and... Welcome to Armageddon.

Of course, in a perfect world no one would abuse this in such a way. But, neither Zalanthas nor Earth is a perfect world.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Someone may just go down the whiran tower two times to suicide. Someone MAY suicide in any way. Of course it's a new way to suicide, but we can't stop the suiciders. But it'll add to some players' (mine!) RP pleasure.
And... how can even someone consent his char's death.. Sorrily I can't understand that.... Bah....
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

I personally loved the blood loss code, I think it was instated for everyone, and now is just an imm-spank if you play the "10 hp, time for run to the city, then to the nearest rest stop, sleep" game, so that way, you bleed and bleed and pass out before you get to the city, that way you don't screw around with hp as if they were just numbers, and not actually how close your character is to dying. If you were reduced to 10 hp, I'm imagining serious bruising and many open lacerations, puncture wounds, pressure wounds (bludgeon wounds?), blood everywhere, swollen areas, internal bleeding, and quite frankly hardly able to walk if it wasn't for massive amounts of cracked out Zalanthan adrenaline.

I would love to see blood loss come back. It may mean I die some more, but it's worth it.

I like the idea of blood loss code as well, but rather than having it come into effect when you lose X percentage of hit points, maybe it could instead be induced by blows doing a different X percentage of damage? This would prevent poor Bynners from potentially bleeding to death whenever someone pushes themselves too far, or Something Bad happens.


If you want to kill yourself, there are plenty of ways.  Attack city soldiers, throw yourself off something, hell, just wander into the desert.  A feature like bleeding will not make suicide any easier.

Quote from: "Ghardoan"I like the idea of blood loss code as well, but rather than having it come into effect when you lose X percentage of hit points, maybe it could instead be induced by blows doing a different X percentage of damage? This would prevent poor Bynners from potentially bleeding to death whenever someone pushes themselves too far, or Something Bad happens.


good. but not because of the bynners.  fuck the bynners *mutters something about being rejected*
Veteran Newbie

Personally... The only way a blood loss code would really work... Is if the damage code and everything was COMPLETELY revamped... And I'd preferable not see that. I like the simplistic way Arm is... I like it BECAUSE it's not like most the MUDs out there. It's simple, basic, it's not grandly complex, and myself as the player, I don't have to go around reading medical text books just to keep my character alive(Sure it won't got that for but you know...)

Over all... I'd prefer a bathroom code instead of a blood loss code. It'd be alot more funnier. Even include something when in character creation you set your character thing, kind of like wimpy and if you run into large enough creatures or something big and scary attacks you you just piss your pants... It'd be great. Have some cowardly pick pocket that shits his pants whenever a big mul walks in or something... HAHAHA, or the neighborhood Templar walks by.

*begins to cry from laughing so hard*

Creeper who acctually just has a slight smirk on while writing this.
21sters Unite!

I would personally like to see a more adamant blood loss code (similar to shadows of isildur maybe where I played a while).  Where if you take a big blow the wound will bleed and if you don't get it bound with..whatever you guys could use to bind it with here(I've recently discovered steel is very rare) then I think it would only add to the greatness of the atmosphere, people couldn't take a huge mortal gash to the chest and live to tell about it.  Then again one could argue that this world is far more harsh, (it is) and that other worlds where a gash that size would kill a man, here it would only slow him down..


Sandors Right I feel, this doesnt need to be a huge revamping of the the damage code, just the ability to codewise portray what is happening RPwise. It adds that real throb of emergency when you and a buddy are out on the sands and he is dying. Right now, you RP that you are worried, but I was in a situation recently where he really shoulda died. And I RP'd ohh krath its all over hes dead. And he gets better, without any aid. Out on the sands, while bleeding profusely. I seriously considered typing kill bob, and then Rping that his wounds bleed more. Arm draws me in because it strives to be real, to be harsh, and to have serious consequences for actions. All I want is the ability to at least follow through with it at a player if I want.

bleed self
your wound worstens

infect self (random infections??)
1) You feel out of breath (max stamina -50)
2) You hand burns like fire (Cant equip in left/right hand)
3) You have the boils!!! (Sdesc change)

the green-eyed woman

The green-eyed herpes-covered woman.

* Something like when you wear a templar cloak maybe? *

Anyways the, list is endless and I think would make for a great avenue of RP, escpecially if the boils were contageous  :twisted:
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Why not have it so that you can make yourself bleed, but only a little bit, a few hp at a time and only down to 25% of your total hp? Heavy hits... Very hard or harder could just be given a flag that puts a time on it, you can make yourself bleed until that timer runs out... might be alot of work, but it would be a nice feature.

Also, I know of one person who would constantly attack people in my clan. He would attack someone, run away, sleep, repeat ad infinitum... so one day, to his surprise he didn't just stop bleeding, was funny to hear that he got the 'blood_loss' flag. He didn't attack us quite so often after that.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Well I think someone just said this or something similar but what if it depends on what weapon they use?, like a blade would slice the flesh making it bleed where as a club with just bruise the skin, so only edged weapons can cause bleeding,that might even out the fact that bludgeoning weapons cause stun loss? and maby make them have to do a certain amount of damage to cause bloodloss?.I think it would be cool although you CAN just roleplay bleeding it would be much more fun if code could support it and maby even make more openings to roleplay.

This is an idea that I submitted to the MUD account regarding wound RP.

Idea: Minor Wound Code.

This code would be used for creating a small realistic reminder to someone that sustained a very nasty wound as well as give PC's with the bandage skill a more practical application.

If a PC sustained a wound that was either...

a) a certain amount of hps
b) a certain % of their health
c) a certain damage + random chance

...the PC would develop a minor wound.  This wound would act much like a poison, though you would still be able to regain health.



The half-giant raider does unspeakable damage to your arm with his bludgeon.
Your skin tears as you develop a wound!


Your encumbrance is manageable.
Relationship to the land is neutral.
You are currently speaking sirihish.
You are affected by :
You are sitting down
You are not refusing saves (nosave off).
You are not being merciful.


>sit table
You sit at a round, wooden table.

Your wound tears, a trickle of blood oozing foth.

<75/154/98>emote grumbles, looking over his leg.
The rough, leather-skinned man grumbles, looking over his leg.

<77/154/98>hold patch
The rough, leather-skinned man holds a small cloth patch.

Your wound tears, a trickle of blood oozing forth.

<76/154/98>bandage self
You begin to patch up a bloody wound.

<78/154/98>ass me
The rough, leather-skinned man is in moderate condition.
The rough, leather-skinned man does not look tired.

You manage to close up the wound, covering it with a cloth patch.

The rough, leather-skinned man nods.


I am envisioning this NOT being lethal or damaging to a person at rest.  The wound tears should be far enough apart for them NOT to die from them and be able to recover to full health.  The wounds, however,
should be more of a subtle reminder of their condition to help with RP and for others around them to interact.  I'm against heavy wounds and forcing RP on victims.  I thought this addition may add a little flavor and encourage otherwise wound-ignoring PC's to pay more attention.


I've always seen damage in simple wound systems like Armageddon has as being inclusive of the inevitable blood loss, shock, etc.  So that 20 hp hit might be 75% damage, 15% blood loss, and 10% trauma.  RP it out if you'd like, just realize that you've already taken it all.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

I really like the idea of blodd loss. I think it would add a hell of a lot to the game and would love to see it imped. LoD's idea is great.
"People survive by climbing over anyone who gets in their way, by cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise taking advantage of others."

"Don't do this. I can't believe I have to write this post."

I still support the idea of actual coded wounds in body locations, and the bandage skill having a more significant use than placing a bandage "somewhere vague" on the wounded person.

It is -so- annoying to come across an unconscious, bleeding person, and having -no- idea where to RP placing the bandage, because his bloody clothes were stolen and he is too deep in injury to wake up and tell you where it hurts.

It's equally annoying to GET injured during sparring or actual combat, and the screen scrolls by SO fast that you can't respond when someone asks where you got hit, because you're too busy scrolling back to find out what the hell happened to even know that someone just asked.

I would love to see injuries coded similarly to the codes in other games I've played:


You have minor injuries on your head, face, and neck.
You are bleeding lightly from your left arm and right foot.
You are bleeding profusely from your abdomen.
Your left leg is missing.

This would help immensely both in usefulness of the physician skills and in roleplaying either a victim or someone attempting to help the victim, or even someone who doesn't give a shit coming across the victim in the desert and snickering after looking at the guy's intestines pouring out of the hole in his belly.

Well, technically, there is bleeding code's just not as hardcord as people are suggesting here.  Ever notice how you get really screwed up and then you can't heal?  Everyone around you sees that you're bleeding.  However, I do like the idea of, while you're still wounded, of the game telling you where the wounds are.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

What Bestatte mentioned I think would be a necessary part for a bleeding code. Is a way for the code to figure out where you are hurt to determine how serious a wound is. How much it bleeds. Blah blah blah.

The only problem... Is it tend to go overboard. I'd prefer not to have it. I've seen a fairly decent RP mode implement a realistic bleeding code, where if you got so much damage to one area you'd get slapped with the bleed tag. And over all it didn't help much. It really restricted RP and such.

But then I'm the type of person that RPs out a sparring wounds and such to have my character out for several IC weeks... Even to the point of changing their lives so far. Even RPed out a broken/sprained wrist after it got hit several hard times over the course of a few IC days. Was great fun. Although my characters tend to have good endurance and it really sucks. I get injured and just stand around so I don't heal as fast... And even then I'm full health in a few IG hours... It really sucks, although it's MUCH better now then before after a brief minute of resting you could go from half HP to full hitpoints... But it's not so bad that I think there needs to be more code changed. Things are working pretty good as it is.

21sters Unite!

QuoteYour left leg is missing.

No no no no no. Amputation code is the worst thing ever. How is it going to tell the difference between training weapons and a real fight? No freakin' way is being slashed by Garufashank the Two Day Old Warrior going to take off my leg with a dull wooden training sword because I failed my flee checks a few times. And how about piercing weapons? Is Shadownightkillerdemonsouldrovmysteriousman the 'Rinthi assassin going to take off my leg with his little obsidian-bladed toothpick?
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was meant to be a little tongue-in-cheek humor, Carnage, not an actual suggestion that amputation code be implimented. ;)

I think she meant the leg thing as a joke, I mean, no one expects limb-breaking code, let alone an amputation code.

On a side note, on a MUD that I played there was a Pirate class skill called "amputate", so either you gained health back, or you hurt yourself more. My goal was to become the person to kill himself the most with the skill. I failed.

...Consider my lack of perceptiveness to that as a side-effect of being a member of a generation raised by Ren and Stimpy cartoons.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


I didn't mean for it to be serious - the leg is missing part anyway.

HOWEVER.. perhaps it's possible to separate sparring results from real combat? Since you brought up that idea anyway.

I mean, it's a bit much to see someone bleeding profusely and have to RP it as just a really nasty bump on the head or a cracked rib from overdoing it.