old newbie

Started by Orados, April 09, 2010, 06:37:11 PM

April 09, 2010, 06:37:11 PM Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 06:40:57 PM by Orados
I played on Armageddon last summer: July-August '09 I believe. Due to having a terrible connection, work/studies, and moving across Canada, I haven't had time for Armageddon anymore. However, I found myself thinking about it a lot, and even though I only played on Arm for a short time, I still remember some of the situations my character was involved in as some of the best roleplay I've ever experienced anywhere.

Now, I still have a living character, but I've completely forgotten everything about him (If his name wasn't saved on the MUD, I would have forgotten that too). I'm finding it very difficult to create a renewed concept for him too. I do, however, have plenty of new character ideas.

I was wondering if there was some sort of a suicide option available for characters. (I tried looking through the game information, but didn't see anything on that.) I suppose I could always head out to a dangerous area and suicide him that way... but it wouldn't in any way be proper RP, and therefore, I assume that's frowned upon. I'm concerned that if I encounter any PCs I'll have no way to interact with them-- it's amazing how hard it is to RP without any motivations or premise for a character. I may as well be playing a character called Dodopantz on a hack-and-slash MUD because that's how I feel when I'm logged in-- complete unattachment to the game world.

That's a long and drawn out way of asking what's commonly done with unwanted characters. I'm wanting to start over, but I don't want to do anything uncouth.

Send in a storage request. Access to the request tool can be found on the main page.

What's a storage request?

It's a request to have a character stored. Basically, it will retire that PC. Your situation sounds perfect for one. Upon resolution of the request, you will be able to create an entirely new PC.

Oh and before I forget. Welcome Back!

Ah, I see. Thanks for the advice, and thanks for the welcome!

Also, typing the command bio should bring up your characters initial background.

Check out the helpfiles for biography for more.
Free your hate.

Yeah.  Typo "Bio" and it will show you your character's history

A refresher on some syntax, aka a walkthrough, is in my signature.

What part of Canada?
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Or, instead of having a storage request, just run around for awhile and get familiar with the game commands.  Chances are you will die while doing that.  So make use of your current character and get used to the game again.

Btw, I blame Mansa for being here.

Type bio 1 to see your character's background. Stat, score, l me to see fairly relevant information.

Get used to the game world again. Wander around the desert. Say hi to the scrabs.