Automagically hiding

Started by Kryos, November 27, 2009, 04:31:22 PM

Indeed, and to tack on to what Musashi posted.

I know a lot of people hate not being able to do something. When I play a warrior, I hate not have ranger direction sense, I mean really, really hate it. And when I'm playing a ranger, I'd kill for SOME kind of defense against disarm. When I'm playing an assassin...well, there is lots of stuff I wish for then. And a mage...GAH, Everything.

Point is, many of you think that it is broken, and think the fix is to make everybody equal.  BORING.

Balance in arm has always been that each class is the best at what they are supposed to do. I, and others like that balance.

I know that if I'm playing a ranger I have to use ranged stick and move tactics, I like that. If I'm playing a warrior I know that I have the best chance of getting in close and eating face then walking back out like nothing happened. I know that as an assassin its stealth, get in close and hope to fuck they die or run. That my burgler or pick pocket should avoid direct combat at all costs and my merchant should be crafting his ass off, making friends and getting enough coin and goods to have his friends kill off the people that threaton him.

I like the fact that if I'm playing a byn sarge I have to find PCs with certain skill sets to fill my unit, it helps with unit dynamics, RP and tactics.

This is the sort of balance that stops any one class from being all powerful or all the classes being worthless.

So leave the stealth alone, let the people play ninja PCs without smoke bombs. Let warriors be the disarm monsters, etc etc etc.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

If you weren't >watching them then you weren't watching them. You looked away and they peaced out.

Quote from: Reiloth on November 27, 2009, 10:14:59 PM
How does this account for automagickally hiding rangers with arrows of doom? Watch direction? Run around trying to see the dude circling you and 'watch' him before he hides again?

Either >ep shield or get the fuck outta there. You're being sniped by a hidden sniper, that's supposed to be incredibly difficult to deal with.

Great post X-D. I fully agree.

Quote from: Kryos on November 27, 2009, 04:31:22 PM
This one's going to be trouble, but I feel it needs to be discussed anyway. 

I think hide is a little too powerful in its current incarnation.  People can run up to your room, spam hide, and then start hammering in the backstab <you> or shoot <you> and you'll never have a chance of finding them.  This is situational, of course, it'd be much easier to sip into a crowd or duck into an alley within a city then it would be to just suddenly vanish in a low desert environment or small indoor room.  Yet, people do this all the time, and I find it obscene and immersion ruining.  I don't care if you're Ryu Hyabusa, unless you use mystical magic super-ninja-invisibility powers, you can't vanish in plain sight.  Its not mundanely possible.  Plus if you run/ride up close to someone in the desert, they are going to stare at you, more often then not, but because of code spam, this isn't possible.

Its more believable that someone would be sitting in preparation for you.  Camouflage and time to find a suitable location should give someone the edge they need to *possibly* pull off a successful ambush or evasion.  However, emoting that you throw a stone up in the air and then vanishing from a group of people who are all staring at you with deadly intent just isn't fun, good rp, or capable of maintaining my immersion.  Yet its done, because the code allows it.  Twinkage always happens if the code allows it.

So, what I purpose is a way of penalizing people's ability to hide based on their movement and environment, certainly more so then the game does now.  The more you've moved recently, the less likely you are to succeed.  Environments like small rooms should be neigh impossible to hide in, while more object-strewn areas should be much easier to prepare.  Hiding with people in same room should also be tremendously difficult, at best.  These kinds of changes would really help tone down the abusive, twinkish behavior I see from time to time, and make me a happier guy.

I disagree with the original post.