Stain Command

Started by Pungee, June 26, 2003, 01:35:03 AM

I was thinking of commands that aid RP when I came across an Idea. Perhaps a stain command?

stain [item] [type of stain]

And then it would stain it for you. You'd still have to clean it the usual way by scrubbing like crazy or paying for it but it'd give you the ability to enhance your ensemble. Any thoughts?  8)

Sounds great to me but your going to need.........sweat (a lot of it to give it a stained look. Probably best to just go running in the item  :lol:), blood (again, not too easy to come by without killing someone or finding a dead body) or dust (easiest to get).

How on earth would you get those?

Well yes you could consider those options but there are a great number of factors that you might want to have happened but cannot due to the nature of them.

Not to mention, I don't think I can bring myself to run around for the sake of making my clothing sweaty especially if whatever I have planned that made them stained with sweat or what not has already happened.

Well...a long time ago a small drunken dwarf vommited on me...and I roleplayed getting hit in the cloak.  I wished up for my cloak to be stained and sure enough about 20 seconds later, it was stained as has remained so ever since.  Make use of those immortals, they do a damn good job.
However, I approve of the idea.  I always think of interesting emotes that may lead to a bit of a mess.  Good thinkin'.