New mount code?

Started by Veges, October 08, 2009, 04:34:58 PM

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on January 16, 2010, 09:45:59 AM
Sorry, got a bit upset there.

The case is with newbie ride, one handed, fell off three times in a row at walking speed just outside allanak before I even realized that the damage was so great each time.

I'm not upset that I fell off three times in a row, I'm upset that it takes 10 hp per drop. Health is incredibly hard to Regen most of the time in the desert, and since the desert is the only place you seem to fall off... Yeah the levels of HP drop just seem too great, especially for those races and people who don't roll good endurance.

It's not that bad once you realize that you have to practice before you go out.  Just one more little newbie hurdle.

On the other hand, you could always roll up a half-elf ranger/mercenary and start out with ride high enough to juggle flaming torches at a dead sprint through the mountains.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Zoltan's newbie riding advice: Your mad skillz at anything are never as mad as they seem. Ride with both hands free at all times until you stop getting warning messages that you aren't that great. "But I -need- a weapon out!" Then do two things that every warrior-type character should do: alias dismount and alias your "draw swords of doom" action. That way when combat happens, you just go >dm >dw >ds or whatever you use and you're all good to go without falling off your mount every two rooms before hand!
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

Once again. My issue isn't with the frequency of the falls. Or that there is falling. Or with the progression of the skill in any way. I understand why my character fell three times in a row.

I don't understand why he's now mangled both of his arms, and dislocated his hip. PErhaps the echo's could indicate that the mount is trampling over you too, when you fall. Then it would make sense. Not as much as lowering the hp damage done would though.

I even propose a counterbalance: Raise the stun-loss.


Most the Zalanthus mount animals are pretty tall.

Have you ever fallen off a horse IRL? I mean, People are often killed or maimed from that. And I'm talking a surprise fall, not rodeo where people do it for a living on specialy groomed dirt. When you fall off a mount your head is 95% of the time what is heading for the ground and the ground is rarely friendly. Both the times I've come off my horse by surprise, I was Injured. If I was to put the injuries into game terms, both times would have been 30-40hp and double that in stun. Both times I could have easily broken my neck or crushed my skull, but I managed to get twisted around the first time so I only dislocated my shoulder and lost some scalp. And the second time I grabbed the horses tail on the way down, stopping a drop on the head but earning myself a bruised lung and 3 cracked ribs when the horse kicked me. And that is just an animal around 5' tall at the shoulder. Not a 12' tall giant lizard or what have you.
10hp per fall, your getting off lightly.

If anything damage should be drasticly increased and frequency dropped to something VERY low.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

At a brisk run or full gallop, hell maybe even a quick trot I agree with you. However I'm willing to bet a fit man falling off his horse would only sustain significant injury(while the beast was walking, not running) maybe one of a hundred times. The issue with pulling any sort of facts out of my ass about this is pretty hard though, because I don't think anyone's ever fallen off an animal that was walking.

You don't fall off when the animal is walking.

You fall off because they jumped to the right/left/forward/backwards, kick up and turn suddenly, surge forward etc etc etc etc etc. And though the code does not say "Your mount bucks and spins to the right throwing you on your head" Does not mean that is not what is happening. And then your numbers are more like 1 in 2 for taking injury. Fit, unfit, does not matter. If you are not a VERY experianced rider, the horse rearing up like they always show in the movies WILL land you on the ground and odds are you will be landing head and shoulders first. Then you have to take into account the ground itself, how many ruts, boulders, sharp rocks, roots, stumps, thorny bushes, hell, concrete hard salt.

And that is a horse, a rather small mount by zalanthus standards, well behaved with saddle and all. Not some 8 foot tall smooth shelled pissed off bug. Or 10 foot tall armored lizard. Osha says that a worker cannot be in a position to free fall more then 6' without fall protection, Why, because falls from that height or greater, by fit men USUALLY result in injury or death.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Erhmmm.. Let me try a new approach then.

The Hp loss is significant enough to make it not fun, instead of adding a little realistic flavor to the game. I believe around 3-5 hp would be a much more sufficient number from a playability standpoint for hp loss due to falling off of a mount.

Another note: When was the last time you've seen a domesticated riding animal throw a new rider in real life? I can't imagine it happening too often.

I have ridden a camel and a horse, one down the grand canyon and another in desert dunes. Both were my first time on such an animal, the horse was my first time riding anything. In neither instance was the animal so wild that, even when I couldn't guide it properly, it held little to no chance of bucking me off, or of me losing my grip on the animal.

The code is unrealistic in this sense.

Ah yes, the Hey, I rode an animal that has been carrying newb riders down the same trails every day for the last twenty years...and I had no problems!!!

Of course you had no problems, You might not be an experienced rider...the horse/camel were experienced mounts. Lets see you take a 6 year old stallion that has never been on that trail and has only ever had one other rider. Please have the EMT chopper standing by.

I mean, comparing Zalanthas landscape and mounts to earth landscape and mounts is already comparing apples and monkeys, but now you have moved on to apples and Dark matter.

And of course new riders IRL getting thrown and injured does not happen often, why, because you don't let them start out on animals that are a risk.

And as I said earlier, I do not agree that the damage should be less, it should be far more. But the odds of it happening should be reduced like 50 times. Down to where a maxed out rider should never have it happen, even galloping through the mountains juggling flaming torches. (assuming correct guild/sub or race choices.)
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Ah. Well Then in this case experience beats anecdote. I concede that the mount code, while not perfect, may be as good as it can possibly get in this incarnation of the game world and really is pretty awesome as stands. The dissatisfaction I taste seems to be from personal misconceptions.