Closing tents

Started by Cuusardo, June 17, 2003, 03:35:33 AM

An exerpt from the description of said tent:

... and the opening to the tent is a piece of canvas which has two tie-down straps to keep it from blowing open in the wind.

Is it possible to actually close the tent off?  Or do you just have to pretend it's closed, even though any Joe Schmoe can walk by and look inside?
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

From my experience, you cannot close tents off. But, I have not seen all the tents of Zalanthas I'm sure, so that goes to say that there may be a tent with the option of closing the flap to keep any prying eyes from looking in.

Hope that helps! :D

I think it's actually an issue with code and rooms you have to 'enter'.

it should be just like a door....if you think about it
Veteran Newbie

The tents I've dealt with did not close.  Which means people standing outside the tent may be able to listen in on your private in-tent conversations. :o  I guess that makes sense, since fabric isn't great for preventing the transmission of sound.

Is the description wrong?  I don't think so, I think it is just one of those things where the code and the  RP don't line up exactly.  I mean, of course your tent can be tied closed, an open tent would let in a lot of sand, dust and wind durring a storm and that would suck.  So RP-wise the tent is able to be closed.  But code-wise the tent doesn't respond to commands to open and close the flap.  You just have to put up with the peeping toms.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I think there is a code issue with enterable things and doors, since you'll see most "hut"s you enter, have a porch or "by the stone hut" room, before you can open the door and go in.