Elementalist Robes in Allanak

Started by Sanvean, June 17, 2003, 12:20:02 AM

I've noticed a few people wearing garments in the game in a way that they're not intended to be worn. I'm referring specifically to the elementalist robes in Allanak; the sdescs are:

a set of hooded, water-hued robes -  [water_elementalist]
a set of hooded, shadow-grey robes -  drov_elementalist]
a set of hooded, fiery crimson robes - [fire_elementalist]
a set of hooded, airy white robes - [wind_elementalist]
a set of hooded, stone grey robes - [stone_elementalist]
a set of hooded, silver-slashed robes - [elkros_elementalist]

I will try to put something in the docs about this, but for now, I wanted to make sure people know what they're doing. If you are wearing a set of those, you are pretty much saying you are an elementalist affiliated with that element. This is why they are sold in the Elementalist Quarter. Coatlicue valiantly went through on Saturday to dress appropriate npcs in these, to try and make it clearer, but I'm worried that people are seeing other people wearing them and not understanding the implications, and the mistake will perpetuate and end up making something that should be meaningful meaningless. Suggestions on how to make this clearer are welcome - the staff thought having the shop in the Elementalist Quarter, having them clearly affiliated with the elements, and dressing elementalist npcs in them would be sufficient, so I'm not sure what more to do beyond putting it in the docs.

Someone wearing a set of those robes might expect things like odd looks, harassment, things at them thrown behind their back, shopkeepers adjusting prices upward, strenuous questioning by the templarate, and all manner of unpleasant attention.

Please make sure that if your character is wearing them that they understand the implications and are doing it for a reason other than "they look cool." Thanks. If you bought them in error, you can junk them and let me know, and I will reimburse you however much you spent. Thanks.

heheh. that is dangerous. ...
Veteran Newbie

You might have the shop-keeper say something to the effect of asking the PC if he is a magicker or not. Or perhapws even not selling to the PC if he or she does not wear the gem about their neck.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Kill them I say. Kill them!

How is this any different than a slave not carrying papers or wearing a collar?

How is it any different than insulting a templar?

I say kill them and let people learn the lesson the hard way or force them to wear a gem!

It would surely make them learn a lesson not hard to forget!

How can someone truly prove they are something they are not?

Lord Templar Goofy says: "You wear the cloak of Drov?"

Commoner says: "This cloak your mean?"

Lord Templar Goofy says: "So your a magicker and you have not reported to the templarate? "

think He is either a magicker; he is trying to spy on the magicers; or he is a fool.

Lord Templar Goofy says: "I shall give you four choices: First, death for unlawful practice of magic. Second, I shall cut off your tongue. remove your eyes, and make you a slave. Third, you may pay me 1000 coins as a late fee and be gemmed like the rest of the magickers in Nak."

QuoteLord Templar Goofy says: "I shall give you four choices: First, death for unlawful practice of magic. Second, I shall cut off your tongue. remove your eyes, and make you a slave. Third, you may pay me 1000 coins as a late fee and be gemmed like the rest of the magickers in Nak."

Whatever you do... DON'T ask about the fourth option.

Creeper hints, "Hint hint... it involves the other three."
21sters Unite!