Easy there, fella! You're going to put out an eye! (Stat Reduction)

Started by Jia, August 04, 2009, 04:04:48 PM

Don't know if it's been brought up before, but had a thought, and finally got around to putting it out here.  Haven't put any thought into whether it has potential for abuse.

So, the gist of it is, it would be nice to have the ability to tame down your agility and strength, because realistically, people have control over this.

Quote from: Agility

change tempo quarter/third/half/full

Quote from: Strength

change power quarter/third/half/full

Money is in some respects like fire; it is a very excellent servant but a terrible master.

P.T. Barnum

Some games allow for offense/defense tweaks on the fly. In a game like Arm where skill increase relies on failure, something could be implemented like this:

>Your current combat set is 50% offense, 50% defense.
combat 1
>You have just set your combat to 100% offense, 0% defense.
combat 2
>You have just set your combat to 75% offense, 0% defense.

At 0 defense, you wouldn't be saying "I'm not gonna defend myself at all." What you're saying, is that you will allow your character to be at its minimal base defense. Whatever it came with when you showed up out of chargen, plus any bonus stats for the actual armor/shield/weapon you use. But -not- for any weapon/shield skill. Only whatever the item itself provides people when they hold them. So if it's a +3 shield and you have +12 shield skill, a 0 defensive posture would only give you +3. A 100% defense posture would give you +15, plus 100% of all your coded defensive skills, plus whatever defensive skills you get from your weapon training, plus the + to the weapon itself.

100% offense also means you are putting every ounce of energy/strength/skill into the attack. That'd be your raw offense, plus weapon skill, plus weapon object boost. At 0 offense, you would be using only the weapon object boost plus whatever raw offense you showed up with out of chargen, but no raw offense boost, and no weapon skill boost.

There would be -no- delay for changing your combat posture during combat. Because just like in real life (OMG SHE'S TALKING ABOUT REALISM SOMEONE SHOOT ME DEAD)...if someone hits you, you're not gonna say, "Oh hey Mister Raider, mind holding on a sec with that next backstab? I need to decide if I want to feint, duck, or hit back." You're gonna react. So no delay on changing combat posture during combat. Or during sparring. It can become a -part- of combat strategy, which could make sparring more fun, and -potentially- less brutal.

Possible scenario might be a half-giant vs. a dwarf, both warrior/thugs, both wearing the same armor, both using the same sparring weapons and shields.

Half-giant has sucky defense, naturally, but is freakish on the offense side. Dwarf is naturally quicker and somewhat better than the HG at defense, and would probably beat the shit out of the HG, as long as he could dodge any hits in return. Which, he can't, even though he's naturally quicker.

So - HG sets his combat posture to 4, which gives him 25% offense, 75% defense. He still wants to hit the dwarf - just not nearly as hard or as often. Plus, he wants to stop being beat up because it makes him cry.

Dwarf changes his set to 3, which is 50-50. That way he can get some decent shots in, PLUS maintain a decent defensive stance.

That's just an example. I've seen combat stances/postures work in different kinds of game code/combat systems. Not sure how it'd work with Arm but that's an idea of it anyway.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Money is in some respects like fire; it is a very excellent servant but a terrible master.

P.T. Barnum