Mount's ldesc

Started by jhunter, June 14, 2003, 03:32:02 PM

I had an idea about mounts and their ldesc's, does anyone else wish they could change them?
I was thinking it would be cool, as long as you have a mount hitched to you, you could do something like: change mount ldesc stands at the side of the road.
And then anyone would see for your mount something like:
A light greenish-brown kank stands at the side of the road.
Just something that occured to me lately that I would like to be able to do. rather than, I know where my mount is in the room, but others cannot tell unless they are there to see my emote.
What are others thoughts about his?
I've idea'd it already but I was curious as to what others think.

Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

There's a problem. Like when someone is mounted on the animal and tries that... Because it doesn't show BOTH the animal and the mounted person. It just shows that the person is mounted doesn't it? Why you can't see your own mount while 'look'ing while mounted? Thats how I thought it worked...


21sters Unite!

I'd like to have that, though I wouldn't say it's a total priority. Sometimes I'll reflect the position of my mount by my ldesc -

The skinny, pale girl stands alongside the road, leaning on a polka-dotted kank.

But it would definitely be fun to be able to make your mount change his ldesc, just add another dimension to the game.

And Creeper, when you look, it just says:

The tall muscular man is here, riding a neon pink kank.

I imagine that when someone 'mounted' the kank, it could be coded so that the kank's ldesc is automatically set back to 'default'.