Smoke 'em if you got em

Started by Thistle, July 07, 2009, 12:31:50 AM

We are now accepting applications for a Kurac family role.

This is a leadership role which will be centered in the Kurac military, a successful application will have knowledge with the Kurac military, some prior leadership experience and the ability to play during peak times.

Applications will be opened until Monday, July 13th.

Please send all applications to  before the cutoff date to be considered.

Thank you.
Tiernan: I think it's someone playing a game
Thistle: Is that game called 'armageddon'?
Nyr swings a steel greatsword named 'Immortal Slayer' at Thistle, a thorny potted plant.
Tiernan the Timelord leans backward and boots you right in your head.
/* T

We're expanding this call to include one more kurac for a total of two kuraci family.  The second Kurac call will be for a mercantile minded Kuraci, either an agent or a merchant, to be serving in the north.

I'll expand the call for the second Kurac family to last until Friday, July 10th,

Please send applications to
Tiernan: I think it's someone playing a game
Thistle: Is that game called 'armageddon'?
Nyr swings a steel greatsword named 'Immortal Slayer' at Thistle, a thorny potted plant.
Tiernan the Timelord leans backward and boots you right in your head.
/* T

Thank you for those who sent in an application for the military kuraci family role, we will be getting back to you within the next few days.

The mercantile family role is STILL OPENED until friday, lets see those apps!
Tiernan: I think it's someone playing a game
Thistle: Is that game called 'armageddon'?
Nyr swings a steel greatsword named 'Immortal Slayer' at Thistle, a thorny potted plant.
Tiernan the Timelord leans backward and boots you right in your head.
/* T

We're making an extension on the Kuraci Mercantile role opening.  This is for a northern Kuraci who is working in the mercantile branch.  Applications will now close Saturday August 9th.

Tiernan: I think it's someone playing a game
Thistle: Is that game called 'armageddon'?
Nyr swings a steel greatsword named 'Immortal Slayer' at Thistle, a thorny potted plant.
Tiernan the Timelord leans backward and boots you right in your head.
/* T

This application round for kurac is now closed, applicants should be hearing back within the next couple of days. Thank you.
Tiernan: I think it's someone playing a game
Thistle: Is that game called 'armageddon'?
Nyr swings a steel greatsword named 'Immortal Slayer' at Thistle, a thorny potted plant.
Tiernan the Timelord leans backward and boots you right in your head.
/* T