Give command etiquette

Started by Raging Mek, June 13, 2003, 03:14:28 PM

Should the 'give' command be preceeded by an 'offering' emote?

Just give it.
17 (51.5%)
Offer it
16 (48.5%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Voting closed: June 27, 2003, 03:14:28 PM

I was reading over something yesterday about non-combat physical assaults and their roleplay.  It discussed the proper form for that being that the assaulting party emote the "attempt" and allow the other person to gauge whether or not to let the blow to land or not.

Now, for the same reasons of presumption, I think at times the 'give' command could/should be played out in a similar manner.  Without going into specifics, my current character has reason to not take things handed to him sometimes.  Though even in the past I've had things given to my character with the give command that he wouldn't have accepted.  I see how it could be handled two ways though.  You can 'give' to someone and if they've reason not to take it emote dropping it or handing it back.  Alternately, you could emote holding it out to them, and let them indicate for you to go ahead with the give command.

It only occurs to me because while playing the other day someone took the time to emote holding an item out before using the hardcoded "give", allowing me the opportunity to interact a bit more, and I appreciated it.  It turned what would have otherwise been a mundane hard-coded action a chance to blossom into a much more interesting encounter.

I'm curious what other players think about this little issue of etiquette.

Oh, look, a poll option... I'll do that.

Most of the time people accept the things that are given to them. If the need arises to reject an offer, I think the receiver can just codewise give it back and emote the rejection.

A related suggestion: emote possibility to give command.

Example: give 200 coins elf (tossing a small bag of coins to !elf)

Would echo:
Tossing a small bag of coins to you/him, the tall muscular man gives (you/the white-eyed, suspicious elf) 200 coins.

Probably already suggested, but it was worth a shot.  :D

I'll agree with Mek.  If you go to give something to someone, do you force it into their hands and force them to do something with it?  No, you hold it out and then they take it from you...or just stand there...or laugh in your face, or whatnot.  RP wise, it makes more sense to hold it out and let the other person react as they would.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I'd suggest half and half.
really, emoting can be exessive. do you have a conversation waving your hands about, eating some food, laughing, smiling, the frownig...leaning back in your chair...palying with your hair....
;) emoting is great though. adds a bit

go for just trying to implement emoting gives into your own rp
(Ill do it, didnt know () worked for give to, only knew it was movement, or does that work for pretty much every command)

although sometime, if you are going to give someone a steak, it doesnt matter if you give it to them, or give it to them with an extended hand or(insert variation) every time.
good thoughts though

My summed up opinion: Details
Veteran Newbie

I hate it when people "shove" things into my pc's hands. I have people completely ignore my ldesc when it was in place when the offender walked into the room.  One time my ldesc showed both hands on my face and this pc walks in, ignores the emote of my pc that reaffirmed the placement of the hands and shoves sack upon sack of flour at my pc.

Of course, I emoted that they were shoved against my chest and the flour fell to the floor.

Drop drop drop drop

I have also done the emote holds out bag to ~target.

Then waited and waited and waited for them to respond and finally getting a:

say Arent you going to give that to me?

The only time I break that rule of offering is when I am in a complete hurry OOCly and I need to finish and get out.  :)
color=violet]If life was like a box of chocolates we would spend all day inside being poked and eaten.[/color]

As usual, I will say that it depends.

It is very nice to emote, but I don't see it necessary every time.

If you are handing them something they should accept (their pay for example), or something they know to expect (you went to fetch a named item for them) or you are handing several people things (stabling fees to six Bynners) just plain 'give' should do fine.

I'd love to see the suggestion Zore implemented.
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Gosh doesn't it depend?

Are you a byn sergeant shoving a tent into a runner's hands, or a crafter offering an article of clothing for inspection?

I do both.

It depends. Just like in real life. Which ever seems most correct at the moment. I don't think we need a rule for it. The way things are there is a choice.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

My beef with offer emotes are the weirdness I feel making an accept emote, because it seems the only things you can emote are "Reaches out to take ~blah" or something equally impatient sounding, which... I don't like to seem with some of my characters.

I say let them 'give' then you emote what you want, rejection, slip up, acceptance.

Quote from: "Zore"
A related suggestion: emote possibility to give command.

Example: give 200 coins elf (tossing a small bag of coins to !elf)

Would echo:
Tossing a small bag of coins to you/him, the tall muscular man gives (you/the white-eyed, suspicious elf) 200 coins.

Probably already suggested, but it was worth a shot.  :D

Oooooh. I like this.

The other option to a 'give' command would be an 'offer/accept' system, like..

>offer jane flower
Joe offers Jane a pretty flower.

>accept joe
Jane accepts a pretty flower from Joe.

However I can see that quickly becoming cumbersome, and would much rather just keep the 'give' command and RP out offering it, or dropping it etc, if someone just 'gives' you something you wouldn't be able to/want to accept ICly. It just depends.

With the whole accept/offer thing...make it work like the format for crafting...

person a: offer item1 item2 item3... to jimbob
person b: accept bobbysue
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

What if you have to give something back to someone who isn't responding, went afk, or is linkdead?
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

I personally think, that using an emote and then giving is alot easier. Let them decide what happens more then just wait. I've seen people emote the give and then someone else or myself emote the taking and the other person doesn't give or changes their mind.

Of if you toss it, and they say they don't catch it/drop it. Then you'd have to drop it and it'd look alittle funny.

The dude tosses a big rock at the man.

The man gets slamed in the head by a big rock, falling to the ground as it tumbles past.

The dude drops a big rock.

Also, if you don't give they don't have anything to target with their emote and so on and so forth. NOW, if you were tossing them a big bag with a burning fuse coming off of it, or something they might avoid, I think an emote and then a drop would be better. To show that for a time it's in neither persons possession if they want it they can take it with an emote and so on. SHRUG.

An offer/accept seems really bulky and more of a hindrance to RP. To me it seems like something like this would cut out alot of emotes. Just going of the coded echo. But thats just me.

Anyways... What about them Mariners huh?

21sters Unite!

They go l/d dont want the item ect...

>offer flower joe
You offer a pretty flower to Joe
You stop offering a pretty flower to Joe

They dont notice
>offer flower joe
You offer a pretty flower to Joe
*after some amount of time*
You stop offering a pretty flower to Joe

I like the accept idea, in a busy tavern with tonnes of people talking and my screen scrolling at 50kph I normally miss stuff, whats to stop some evil bum from >give lady spice ?

50%chance ill miss it (least with my current client that messes up when I try and scroll up)

Quote from: "Raging Mek"It only occurs to me because while playing the other day someone took the time to emote holding an item out before using the hardcoded "give", allowing me the opportunity to interact a bit more, and I appreciated it.  It turned what would have otherwise been a mundane hard-coded action a chance to blossom into a much more interesting encounter.

I find it odd that the original poster stated that he enjoyed the additional rp, and that the subsequent posters want to take the rp away and make it hard coded.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."