Vials - bug or feature?

Started by MadPoisoner, June 13, 2003, 10:27:20 AM

I bugged this already, but I want to know if it truly is a bug.

You can make vials containing assorted poison-type substances. But you can't "hold" those vials and apply them to things. Drinking the contents, pouring them on objects, neither have any effects.

In ordered to apply a poison the syntax requires you to hold the poison and have the object you're poisoning in your inventory.

So - are these vial really nothing more than interesting colored objects meant to look nice on tables? OR...

Am I not using them correctly?
Are they buggy?

If they're buggy, is there an ETA on getting them fixed?


~The Mad Poisoner~

To be best of my knowledge, the fact that you can't hold vials is not a bug as the poison code currently stands.

That being said, the poisoning/poison-making code has been in the process of being re-examined for quite some time. I'm not sure exactly how far along that project is, at the moment.

As for the other parts of your post, they're secondary, but I don't think that is working properly, if what you've detailed is accurate (I'll take a look to see if it is).

ack to retirement for the school year.

Okay, I've looked this over. I'll just say that it's functioning properly within the context of the existing code. It's very possible that the vial you believe to be poison, isn't poison at all. If you think that it should, logically, be poison for some reason, then you might bug that.
ack to retirement for the school year.

What about a mix that produces a tablet when brewing with a vial?  Is this intentional?  I emailed the mud account about it, but have not heard anything. ( EDIT: UPDATE- I just heard back from the mud, and this is indeed a bug)

Also, if you "Drink Vial", you have an empty vial returned to your inventory, but if you "Pour Vial", the vial dissapears into thin air.  Could this be considered a bug, or another feature?

Hopefully this isn't considered to IC sensitive since its pretty general commands.  If it is, let me know and I'll edit this post.

Thanks in advance

Quote from: "Bakha"Okay, I've looked this over. I'll just say that it's functioning properly within the context of the existing code. It's very possible that the vial you believe to be poison, isn't poison at all.

Is it intended to be able to test whether or not something is poison this way?
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

So, it's been almost half a year and this "bug" Isn't fixed? It doesn't make sense that I can hold the vial before I use it to make a poison, but can't afterwards. I know it's a poison though, and because of that, I can't use it AS a poison.


Umm, I think it's been more than half a year...

I've been told that 'bug' is a feature, myself... if they're a bug it's a ten year old one

so, what I'm noticing is that a vial of poison is no different than the tablets of poison. Except, they cost more and are a waste of time? Some feature....

This thread is over ten years old, and you aren't using your vials properly.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

This may be a "find out IC" sort of thing because of the age of the thread.
i love being a nobles health points