Bruce Lee Aint Got Nothin On Me

Started by Shalooonsh, June 01, 2009, 12:28:45 AM

Sick of those pansy, soft-hearted but hard handed Allanaki Templars?  Does your stomach churn at the very thought of magick?  Do you love it when plans come together?  Have you ever wanted to feel what halfling brains feel like when they slide off of your bare hand?  Does your fashion tend to lead towards red, red, and more red?

We may have a place for you.  The hard mother that is Armageddon raised you tough, it raised you to be cunning, quick minded, and sharp.  It taught you betrayal and it taught you love.  It made you strong.  Join us, and we'll make you Jihaen Strong.

We have an opening.  Can you fill it?

Blatantly stolen from Nyr, please send the following to
Applications should have the following:
Account name
GDB account name
Name of your proposed character
House of your proposed character
Description of your proposed character
Background of your proposed character

(If you are not very familiar with the House you are applying for, we can provide some guidance, but just keep it vague if you're unsure.  You can revise the background assuming you are approved and are given access to the documentation.)
Your usual playtimes and your expectations of future playtimes
How familiar are you with Tuluk and Tuluki politics?  Pick a letter and explain.
A.  Very Familiar (I make up a new Tuluki parting phrase every RL day that is some variation of "walk in/on/around His _____," and I know each House like the back of my hand--which, of course, has a seven-pronged star on it.)
B.  Familiar (I can find my way around Tuluk and know, in general, what is going on with the Houses, but am not too familiar with the internal affairs of each one.)
C.  Slightly Familiar (I know where the Sanctuary is and I know that there aren't any gemmers and that they hate magick, but who do I bow to?)
D.  Not Familiar (Striasiri?  I used to own a '98 Dodge Striasiri.)
E.  Other (explain)

If chosen, you will receive:
Hot babes in white to hang out with
Other cool guys in red
Nifty laws to enforce
A most rocking city
All the trees you can hug
A pretty schnazzy staff
The emnity of all those weak-spined sorcerous southern barbarian robe wearers
I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill

We've got another opening for a kung-fu-wielding-overlord of the Northlands!  If you're interested, follow the instructions in the original post.

Applications for Jihaen Templars will be open until 11:59 PM Eastern, Tuesday, July 14th.  Send applications to

Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

March 12, 2010, 02:01:35 PM #2 Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 02:16:57 PM by Tzurahro
Two ineffably powerful clans surmount the Dominion of the Sun King.  Striding among the citizens, an intimate part of and yet forever elevated from them, they are the tangible embodiment of the Radiant Presence in the Ivory.  Guides, enforcers, diplomats and guardians to this city, everything passes under their ever-vigilant attention and the webs of their influence are deeply hooked into the farthest reaches of the known world.

The sword-arm of Tuluk, the Jihaen Brotherhood, the single-greatest masters of close-combat and the directing intelligence behind the Dominion's armed forces are rising in ascendancy and gathering forces to face the besetting challenges engulfing the Scaien walls.

We are opening two player positions within their ranks.  This can be a demanding role.  Developing and directing strike forces, combating (or "properly redirecting") criminal elements, insuring a pacified and naively-content population's ignorance while your efforts handle the real issues, intrigues and horrors.

This opportunity promises to be more engaging then any presented outside of Tuluk in a King's Age.

All the above posts apply.  We will consider storage requests for already existing characters, but we will not favor PCs already in staff-sponsored roles.

Questions and applications can be sent to tuluki_templarate@armageddon.mud.  This open call will close Sunday, March 28th at midnight, PST.
<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?

Tonight, this closes, then we roll.

Everyone should have received a confirmation of receipt email.
<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?

Freshly minted, the new Jedi have begun their journey.
<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?

August 08, 2010, 05:55:53 AM #5 Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 05:27:18 PM by Senga
If: put the 'laughter' in 'manslaughter'... kill two stones with one bird... eat criminal scum for breakfast... know the quickest way to a man's heart is with your fist...

Then you may be exactly who we're looking for.

That's right, folks, it's time to step up. Come one, come all, and bask in His Light.

We're now looking for one, count that, one new Jihaen victim Templar. Do you have the guts, the glory, the courage, the conviction, and the seriously bad-ass moves?

Quote from: Shalooonsh on June 01, 2009, 12:28:45 AM
Blatantly stolen from Shalooonsh and Nyr, please submit via the REQUEST TOOL
Applications should have the following:
Account name
GDB account name
Name of your proposed character
House of your proposed character
Description of your proposed character
Background of your proposed character

(If you are not very familiar with the House you are applying for, we can provide some guidance, but just keep it vague if you're unsure.  You can revise the background assuming you are approved and are given access to the documentation.)
Your usual playtimes and your expectations of future playtimes
How familiar are you with Tuluk and Tuluki politics?  Pick a letter and explain.
A.  Very Familiar (I make up a new Tuluki parting phrase every RL day that is some variation of "walk in/on/around His _____," and I know each House like the back of my hand--which, of course, has a seven-pronged star on it.)
B.  Familiar (I can find my way around Tuluk and know, in general, what is going on with the Houses, but am not too familiar with the internal affairs of each one.)
C.  Slightly Familiar (I know where the Sanctuary is and I know that there aren't any gemmed and that they hate magick, but who do I bow to?)
D.  Not Familiar (Striasiri?  I used to own a '98 Dodge Striasiri.)
E.  Other (explain)

Why be this guy:
When you could be THIS guy:
Random Armageddon.thoughts: fuck dwarves, fuck magickers, fuck f-me's, fuck city elves and nerf everything I don't use
My position is unassailable.
My breeds discriminate against other breeds.

That's how hardcore I am.

Get these applications in by August 21st.

This is closed. Thanks to all who applied.

Have you always wanted to lead a cavalry and handle a tasseled lirapet?  We have an opening for a Jihaen templar. Knowledge of Tuluki politics and diplomacy would be helpful.

Please submit applications via the Request Tool.

Applications should have the following:
Account name
GDB account name
Name of your proposed character
House of your proposed character
Description of your proposed character
Background of your proposed character

(If you are not very familiar with the House you are applying for, we can provide some guidance, but just keep it vague if you're unsure.  You can revise the background assuming you are approved and are given access to the documentation.)
Your usual playtimes and your expectations of future playtimes
How familiar are you with Tuluk and Tuluki politics?  Pick a letter and explain.

A.  Very Familiar (I make up a new Tuluki parting phrase every RL day that is some variation of "walk in/on/around His _____," and I know each House like the back of my hand--which, of course, has a seven-pronged star on it.)
B.  Familiar (I can find my way around Tuluk and know, in general, what is going on with the Houses, but am not too familiar with the internal affairs of each one.)
C.  Slightly Familiar (I know where the Sanctuary is and I know that there aren't any gemmed and that they hate magick, but who do I bow to?)
D.  Not Familiar (Striasiri?  I used to own a '98 Dodge Striasiri.)
E.  Other (explain)

We'll be making a decision on a Jihaen soon, so if you haven't sent in your application and want to, do so now.

This is still open, pending a decision.

This is now closed, with a decision made. Many thanks to all applicants, and all should have received a reply. If not, please contact staff through the request tool.