Forage and combat bug?

Started by 5 day lifespan, April 03, 2009, 01:04:15 PM

Two separate questions: 

Is there only one forage skill?  Or is there is a food forage, a stone forage, a cotton forage...?
If I am attacked by two animals and am fighting one, when one dies I noticed I just sit there like a mook and take it.  If I try to flee, I am told I am not in combat.  Do I need to re initiate combat against my second target, or did I get bugged.  If I DO need to re initiate combat, is that an accepted part of the code, or a known bug?  Did I get ripped in half for no reason?
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany.  Except for maybe Allanak."


There will be a brief period between when the first critter dies, and the second one makes its next attack, where for some purposes you will not be in combat (flee, sdesc I think) and for others you will be (I'm pretty sure you can't walk in a direction, been awhile).

As far as I know, this goes all the way back to the gamma diku codebase that spawned current Armageddon codebase.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

You can always "flee self" in any situation.

Also, forage is one skill, but you must specify what you would like to forage for. Rather than have 8 forage skills, there is one, with arguments.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
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Sure, but I wasnt needing to flee self, I was in combat.  But I never attacked.  At least, not the second critter.

So any kind of forage will help the skill.  This is good to know, will actually help my rp, lol.
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany.  Except for maybe Allanak."


Quote from: 5 day lifespan on April 03, 2009, 01:53:10 PM
Sure, but I wasnt needing to flee self, I was in combat.  But I never attacked.  At least, not the second critter.

So any kind of forage will help the skill.  This is good to know, will actually help my rp, lol.

If you kill or maim the first beast, and you haven't attacked the second, and it hasn't swung at you yet, you will not be in combat.

Yes, that means you can just walk out if you want.  I suggest taking the opportunity to attempt a backstab.
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Your character will not attack the second critter until it attacks your character or you initiate something.  I consider it a bug, but it's been around forever.  You are not considered in combat because your character isn't combatting, even if that critter is combatting at you.  You CAN just walk out of the room at that time, iirc... but like Twilight, I haven't really tried in a while, so don't take that as truth from on high.
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