Need a volunteer to take responsibility...

Started by Dakurus, March 16, 2009, 04:57:35 PM

... for a couple specific deaths.

Ever wanted to take credit for a couple dark deeds? Be that nemesis or shadowy figure in history that was somehow responsible for X, even if they didn't do the deed themselves. To wonder years down the road where that will put them and who will come looking for them, or what other fortune will befall them due to it.

I need such a character to do this.
These are the requirements:
Over 10 days played time on the character in question.
Without me revealing in this post what race, locale, and wealth, your character must have a plausible reason they would have killed/disappeared a couple folks (either by their own hand or a hired hand).
Once you've been accepted for this, and more details are presented to you, you need to be willing to work these "deaths" and their story into your history (with approval) AND properly drop hints, red herrings, and so on in your game play.
You can work with me to expand on the idea if and when it develops.
Be ready to deal with the consequences, whatever they may end up being.

Interested and ready to take the plunge? Send an email to

I'll let you figure out the upside for taking on such a duty.

At this point I'm going to stop taking volunteers for this particular request. Please don't send any more  emails.
That said, you'll be glad to know there's plenty of you out there that are willing to take some responsibility, even with the chance of extra threat and possible death to further roleplay and expand a story of an adversarial nature.

Those that have emailed, I'm reviewing and gathering details. You'll all get replies, some with a thank you for volunteering, others with some more details to determine if it has the potential to work. This is a test of sorts and while I'm sure you're all capable, and obviously willing, some will fit this particular situation better.
