Haggle Idea

Started by Jenred, March 15, 2009, 09:45:39 PM

I was thinking that it might be interesting if different NPCs could have some kind of memory when it came to haggling.
For instance, the more you fail at haggling and upset a certain NPC the less likely they will be to haggle for a certain amount of time. And then conversely, the better rapport you build with NPCs through haggling, the easier it becomes in the future.

This is already done a little bit, when you upset a merchant and they won't haggle. But more in depth detriments/benefits could be helpful.

And it would add a new dimension to merchants - like some renowned merchant that has an in for best prices here and there.

Code-wise it could probably just be stored somewhere in the merchant's data, or via a script, not sure on the specifics.
Quote from: SynthesisI always thought of jozhals as like...reptilian wallabies.

Quote from: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWitI pictured them as cute, glittery mini-velociraptors.
Kinda like a My Little Pony that could eat your face.

Imagine storing both a number, and a name for -every- PC that tries to haggle with a specific merchant, though. If there was a way to purge the database of any links to dead/stored characters or something, but thats a lot of work, if it doesn't already exist.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

To be honest. This kind of thing might already exist. Not too sure, but ... if you continiously haggle with someone, while your skill increases the merchants 'patience' wears out. So while before you could really squeeze those sid out, later the merchants get annoyed after 2-3 fails. So something like that might already exist. Or maybe I'm just recalling it wrong.
Peering into the darkness, your voice uncertain, you say, in sirihish:
     "You be wary, you lot. It ain' I who's locked 'p here with yeh. it's the whol
e bunch of youse that's locked down here with meh."

Well the concept I had in mind was that it would only store for a temporary amount of time, and yeah, if they died then it would clear as well.
Eventually the merchant would forget some people because of the amount of people they deal with.
But if a relationship is constantly worked on, the time period of remembering would go up, until such a point they became a favored trader and then they'd likely remember them for awhile.
Quote from: SynthesisI always thought of jozhals as like...reptilian wallabies.

Quote from: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWitI pictured them as cute, glittery mini-velociraptors.
Kinda like a My Little Pony that could eat your face.

Merchants are already stingy enough. ><
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game