Player/Staff Meeting : Clan Staffing, Animations, etc.

Started by Dalmeth, February 07, 2009, 11:14:59 PM

February 07, 2009, 11:14:59 PM Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 11:43:56 PM by Morgenes
<Nyr> Next topic:  clan staffing, animation, bringing the world to life.

<Nyr> How things have been, how they are changing, how they will be for arm 1
and arm 2.  Send a message to me if you'd like to be moderated to talk on it.
This one won't take too long to give more time for the last topic.

<Nyr> Archbaron, go ahead

<Archbaron> Okay, mine's big:

<Archbaron> Armageddon has a huge playerbase that rivals even some of the more
prestigious hack-n-slash MUDs out there. However, I find it hard most of the
time to see this accurately represented in-game. What I've found is that each
clan and group in-game, whether it be sponsored or player-made, has some sort
of private hovel they can stow away in. We're all lucky to have apartments for
our hunting groups and compounds for our other operations, but I think our
staff should move towards integrating these clans together as much as possible
and getting them out of their holes. I am also very guilty of this, and find
that sitting in my office or compound all day to interact with my clan tends to
yield more interaction then leaving to hang out in the no-man's-land of the
tavern or the streets. I think we should make more places more public. Perhaps
vestibules in these compounds where you can meet with people in that specific
clan, or offices that are on streets instead of 4-rooms deep in a
locked-and-guard compound. I know we want to protect our stuff, but some people
in leadership roles literally never have a reason to leave their compound. I
know I'm not presenting very helpful solutions at this time, but I'd like to
see if staff have acknowledged this and have any plans for fixing the isolation
issue we have.

<Archbaron> Done.

<Nyr> Thanks Archbaron

<Adhira> Well, Archbaron, I can't say that I agree with your statement.

<Adhira> So if you're looking for acknowledgement from me that we should be
having much more communal spaces and less private compounds and so on, then no,
that's not something I want to see happen.

<Adhira> However, I will mention that armageddon 2 is being designed in a much
more 'user friendly' manner

<Adhira> The current game has evolved organically, this can make it somewhat
unwieldy. We are trying to design for the new game with group gatherings and
the ideas of fostering more interaction in mind.

<Nyr> Thanks, Adhira

<Nyr> Any other comments or questions on this topic?  I know we made an
announcement on clan staffing and animation policy just after I posted this
call for the meeting topics, so...that may be why there are no questions.

<Nyr> alright, got two more, I'm cutting it off at those two

<Nyr> Go ahead Lysine

<Lysine> I'd just like to ask that more attention be paid to mundane details
in the world. The Bard's Barrel was "under construction" for many years after
the gith war, for example.

<Lysine> Small, frequent changes here and there can go a long way to making
the game world seem alive. They don't have to be magnificent. They don't have
to have any real purpose by themselves. Just to giving that sense of a changing

<Lysine> done

<Lysine> Done, that is.

<Nyr> Thanks Lysine

<Senga> With building, it's important to remember that we do live in a
low-tech world. It is a very slow and tedious process. In addition, there may
be ic reasons that hold up some projects.

<Senga> However, with the new system/approach we are using with staffing, it
should make it easier and faster to address some things that do need updating
on a more frequent basis.

<Senga> An example of this would be bartender talk scripts.

<Nyr> Thanks, Senga

<Nyr> One more from jlcjules

<Jcljules> Just an idea I had... I'd like to see storytellers focus as much on
echoes and making rooms and clan compounds come alive as on animations. I'd
also like them to give a 'general idea' of the large-scale direction of the
clan--maybe some news about the most important NPCs, or just some made up news
for flavor. Like... if you're a Salarri, maybe you'd hear around the compound
that a caravan was taken by gith or something.

<Jcljules> done

<Nyr> Thanks, Jcljules.

<Nyr> That's generally what we plan to do, yes.
Any questions, comments, or condemnations to an eternity of fiery torment?

Waving a hammer, the irate, seething crafter says, in rage-accented sirihish :
"Be impressed.  Now!"