Halflings Opened!

Started by Tzurahro, February 05, 2009, 05:52:47 PM

February 05, 2009, 05:52:47 PM Last Edit: February 06, 2009, 07:10:22 AM by Tzurahro
Oh... no, it IS true.

We are opening up a pair of slots in the mysterious, elusive tribe of the halflings.  Bring a friend.  This is seriously different from what you might have tried before.  You won't be hanging around in the taverns or prancing about fetching some fancy-pants's cleaning from the shops, let's just put it that way, hrmm?

Can you handle a possibly isolated role?  Can you really groove on the whole We-are-One in the endless circle of nature thing?  Three and a half feet tall, gigged on fermented berry juice and jam-packed up to their leaf-bestrewn dreadlocks with pure Deluxe, this, simply, is not to be missed.  Trust me.

Applications need to include account name, rough concept and lots of enthusiasm.   Deadline for consideration:  Friday, February 20th, midnight PST.

(please -- fanatic powergamers, staff, mean people and those in currently sensitive roles need not apply)

*echo room* You can almost hear the pounding drum beats deep, deep in the Grey Forest calling.

send applications to:  ptarken@armageddon.org
<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?

Just a reminder that this deadline is approaching.  I have sent out replies to everyone who has applied thus far, to let them know I got their app or to answer their questions.  If you sent in an app and didn't get this confirmation, please re-send it.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

Last Day. 

I'm not sure what else to say... except that -this- is a once in a permadeathtime experience not likely to be repeated.  Evar.
<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?

I believe that we have responded to all the applicants.

You should have received some email from me giving your current status in the last great ankle-biter round-up.

If you have NOT received some response from Tzurahro regarding a halfling application in the last twenty-fours hours, please send an inquiry, and I will speedily handle it.
<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?