Player/Staff Meeting 2-7-09 @ 8 PM Eastern (in Arm 2 Chat Rooms)

Started by Nyr, February 02, 2009, 01:05:44 PM

We will be hosting the next Player/Staff Meeting within the OOC Chat Rooms of Armageddon Reborn:
Saturday, February 7th at 8 PM Eastern time (-5 GMT).

You can create an account for the OOC Chat Rooms of Armageddon Reborn NOW.

All OOC Chat Rooms will be open until after the meeting, at which point they will be shut down.  We will repeat this process the Monday before the next meeting.

How to connect to the Armageddon Reborn OOC Chat Room:

1.  Open your mud client and connect to:

Enter your account name or 'new' for a new account.
Press RETURN for more options.
Account Name:

2.  You will need to create an account in order to log in to the chat rooms.  Type "new" in order to create a new account.

Account names cannot contain spaces and must be 3 to 15 characters long.
Enter a name for your new account:

3.  At this point, you will need to enter your account name.  We suggest that you make this your game account name or your GDB account name so that you can be easily identified.

To help protect your account, we need a security question and answer to
establish your identity.  This is only as useful as you make it, so please
choose a question and answer that only you would know.  Some examples:

  What is your mother's maiden name?
  What is the name of your first pet?
  What is your father's middle name?

Enter your security question:

4.  Write out a security question here, as stated.  To provide protection for your account and to help confirm your identity if you have lost your password, we now require all players to keep a security question and answer on file.

Enter the answer:

5.  Write out a security answer here, as stated.

We need an email address to confirm your account.  We understand some people
may not want to disclose this information, however we have found it necessary
to maintain Armageddon Reborn.  We respect your privacy, and will NEVER share nor
sell it to anyone.

Enter an email address:

6.  Enter your e-mail address here.  After you press enter, a password will be generated and sent to the e-mail address that you specified.

7.  Open your e-mail.  You should see something like this:

QuoteWelcome to Armageddon Reborn!

Your account named <name> has been created.

We have generated a password for you, it is: <password>

If you did not ask for this account, just ignore this message.


Armageddon Staff

8.  Reconnect to

9.  Once you are reconnected, enter the account name that you created.

10.  You will now be asked for your password.  Input the case-sensitive password that was sent to your e-mail account.

11.  You will now be asked to change your password.  Input a new password that you will be able to remember.

12.  Confirm the new password.

Now you will see the truncated menu:

Choose One of:
     (A) Account Options 
     (O) Out of Character chatroom
     (X) Exit Armageddon Reborn   
     (?) Review menu options     

We highly recommend that all players read the provided information at:
We hold all players accountable to the information therein.

Armageddon Reborn is CLOSED

Enter your choice (A,C,O,X,?):

13.  Select option O to enter the Out Of Character chatroom.

Within the Chat Room Itself:
* You have entered #main
*** Topic is 'Welcome to the Armageddon Reborn Chat Rooms'
*** Set on Fri, Jan 16, '09


This is very much similar to an IRC chat room.  Note that the same rules apply here as on the GDB and anything you type will be logged.

Do not discuss in-character things or share information about your characters from Armageddon.

Feel free to play around in the chat rooms. 

We would like to test them to be sure they work well before the actual player/staff meeting itself.

For a list of commands, type /commands.


#main> /commands
Available commands:
     /commands     /syntax       exit     
     /beep         /focus        /invite       /join         /list         /me           /mode         /msg     
     /part         /quit         /set          /topic        /who     

To send a message to a moderator (during a staff meeting), you would type /msg <name> <message>.

To leave the chat room, simply type /quit.

If you notice the chat rooms being abused in some fashion, please place a complaint request in the request queue.

If you find some sort of problem or bug within the use of the chat room, please place send an e-mail to with a CC to

Due to how the main Chat Room is set up, the rules for previous staff meetings will change.

Previous Rules That Still Apply
There are a few simple rules for this player-staff meeting:
(1) This meeting is held at the sole discretion of the staff; anyone who acts inappropriately in the staff's opinion will be removed silenced and unable to speak.
(2) There is only one designated mortal speaker at any one time, and the moderator will clearly indicate who that is (because they will be able to talk).
(3) The designated speaker must use the ooc command to communicate, and not any IC communication command.
(4) Performing visible actions when you are not the designated speaker will see you removed from the meeting.
(5) If you try to look at other people in any way, your character will be killed.

(6) If you want to speak, you must wish directly send a message directly to the moderator and await your turn patiently.  Syntax for this is described above.
(7) If you need to leave the meeting early, you must wish directly to the moderator. You will not be allowed to rejoin the meeting.

We can moderate the room so that you can't talk in the room unless you've been 'voiced' by an operator/owner (staff member), much like IRC. This makes rule (2) very easy to follow.

Rule 3 will be obsolete as there is not an 'ooc' command in the chat rooms, you can just type.

Rule 4 will also go away--if not voiced, you can't talk or emote.

Rule 5 will go away as you can't look in the chat rooms.

Rule 7 will go away--People can join and leave as they wish.  Just don't expect a recap until AFTER the meeting is over (usually the logs are posted somewhere).

Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Meeting Topics:

Player Retention and Player Promotion for Arm 1/Arm 2 -- Discussion on retaining new players and acquiring more new players without resorting to violence
Clan Staffing, Animation, Bringing the World to Life -- How things have been, how they are changing, how they will be for Arm 1/Arm 2
Armageddon Reborn -- General questions about currently revealed information regarding the new game
Miscellaneous*-- Things that don't fit into the previous categories that aren't already answered on the GDB, in e-mail, documentation, or within the game

*If there is time.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

The Arm 2 Chat Rooms are back open on 8384 and will remain open till after the Player/Staff meeting tomorrow.

Armageddon Staff