Suits and Ranks - Kruth Game

Started by DustMight, January 16, 2009, 08:48:40 AM

January 16, 2009, 08:48:40 AM Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 06:02:30 AM by DustMight
Here is the second of four Kruth games I'm redoing.  It requires a little more skill than "Sun Drunk."

Card Points
Kings:   5
Fate:    4
Life:     3
Truth:  2
Deceit: 1
Death:  0

Suits and Ranks, or just "Suits" is a common game played the world over in one variant or another and the addition of gambling has made it an entertaining
past time for those with a few coins to spare.  This game can be found in both seedy dives and the noble's estate.

The object is to get the highest run of matching suits in your hand.

Each player is dealt five cards and is allowed to discard one on their turn and have a new one dealt or pick the card that was most recently discarded.
A player must have five cards in his hand at all times.  A player must pay the ante again for each card dealt or picked from the discard pile.  

Play moves from right to left, players folding if they wish or passing if they are satisfied with their hand.

Cards are totaled once three rounds have been played or earlier if no one wishes to draw a new card.


Point totals only count for the highest points of the matching suit in hand.

For example: holding three of Wind: Deceit, Truth and Life (6) and two of Stone:
Kings and Fate (9) the Stone suit would count towards his total, but not the Wind

If there is a tie in points the remaining players draw a single  card each, the one with the highest value on that single card claims the whole

Dagger is a brutal variant of Suits, most common in Allanak. It was reputedly to have been derived in the alleys but that's likely just an elf-story.  
Regardless, it's often preferred by those who enjoy a little extra risk.

Anyone who receives a Death card must reveal it and is out. They lose all the coin they've placed in the pot.  
If everyone dies (hey, it's happened) then the pot remains unclaimed and a new hand (with antes) is begun.

The Dagger:
Anyone who receives a Deceit card may reveal it at any time before the end of the hand. This is called "the dagger."  The dagger forces
all other players to "pay the bribe," "turn-cloak" or reveal their highest card and become "a mark."  The player of the dagger then chooses
which of the revealed cards to take into his own hand, discarding any of the cards to maintain five cards in hand and is thus able to build his
own hand and/or ruin the hands of others by taking and discarding the other players cards.  

Paying the Bribe:
A player may double-ante to avoid revealing any cards, this is called "paying the bribe."  

The Turn-Cloak:
A player can play a Deceit card to counter the the dagger. This player (the turn-cloak), forces the player of the dagger card to ante.
Multiple players can avoid becoming a mark in this way, but the dagger only has to ante with the first turn-cloak.

The Marks:
The players who have lost a card, the marks, are then required to draw a new card and must ante as usual when drawing a new card.

All Deceit cards are then discarded to the table and can not be re-appropriated.

In this variant the Deceit card can't be used to complete a run of suits and is worth zero points.

After thinking about it, added a bit more Zalanthan/'naki flavor and included more strategy.

Clarified a few things, changed rules regarding deceit and death cards to the Dagger variant.

Modified the points on the ranks to make it more "''naki."

April 15, 2013, 10:38:32 AM #1 Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 02:52:27 PM by DustMight
Made a few changes.  Thought I would put this out there again for anyone interested.

Changed the variant "Dagger" to be more interesting, less luck-based and more 'naki! =)

I don't think the code lets you shuffle only deceit cards back into the deck. The two options are to shuffle the remaining cards in the deck (change the order) or reset the whole deck so all the cards come back.   :-\
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

April 16, 2013, 05:59:02 AM #3 Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 06:01:42 AM by DustMight
Quote from: musashi on April 15, 2013, 10:24:12 PM
I don't think the code lets you shuffle only deceit cards back into the deck. The two options are to shuffle the remaining cards in the deck (change the order) or reset the whole deck so all the cards come back.   :-\

Shuffle will shuffle cards in your inventory back into the deck.

But to avoid shuffling the dealer's hand back into the deck, you've a point. Changing the wording.

I thought Fate ruled Kings?
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Quote from: Bogre on May 10, 2013, 03:24:20 PM
I thought Fate ruled Kings?

Sounds like a good discussion to have over some Red Sun, eh?