Call for Northern Sponsored Roles (And a reminder of these clans IC!)

Started by Nyr, January 05, 2009, 12:29:25 PM

We are officially opening up applications for sponsored roles for the following Northern Noble Houses:


Below are some blurbs on what to expect, accompanied with what roles we could be looking for and what would be appropriate for each clan.  In the past, only slave roles have been offered as sponsored roles for Northern Houses.  However, in the majority of cases, slave role applicants tend to store.  Rather than limit each House to only slave applications, I'm providing a bit of a primer on what roles one could expect that are NOT specifically slave related.  Hopefully, this will strike up interest both in applications and in the form of IC interest for potential partisans who may not be aware of the interesting roles in store for those who become more loyal to the Houses in question.

Associates: Associates are the "house muscle," not to put too fine a point on it.  They are servants of the House, almost always human Tuluki citizens, and act as left and right hand men/women of the nobles themselves.  You are not limited to just being muscle, however--intelligence is required, as your duties will extend beyond what you might normally expect.  Associates are afforded privilege that is not often found among partisans.
The need for this sort of role is low, as partisans can eventually attain this rank over a period of time and trust. 
Applications for other roles such as slaves will be looked over on a case by case basis.

Lyksaen Warriors: The Lyksaen Warriors are known as one of the most formidable and brutal fighting forces within the Northlands, as well as one of the most secretive and insular.  The vast majority of Warriors are slaves to the House, though much different than slave roles as seen in most Houses.  Warriors are afforded many privileges and knowledge that is not usually available to partisans OR slaves of most other Houses.  As such, their tasks, responsibilities, and opportunities for promotion are much greater.
This role is unique and is definitely a need due to how the clan operates.  Applicants must be human or dwarf, no exceptions.  No magickers.

Winrothol Guards:  Winrothol Guards are assigned to all sorts of tasks, such as security, gathering supplies, collecting wild specimens, and even participation in local bardic events and artistry.  Besides being privy to several interesting Guard traditions, Winrothol Guards are secure in knowing that--for now--they are the most prestigious commoners working for a noble House in Tuluk, due to Winrothol's top position among the tiers.
The need for this role is low to moderate--Guards can become Guards in-character from the ranks of Winrothol partisans.
Applications for other roles such as slaves or servants of some type will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Dasari employees:  The majority of Dasari's staff of employees are slaves.  They tend the grounds, grow crops, weave cloth, spin fibers, etc.  Some commoners are accepted into the ranks of trusted employees that manage things ranging from diplomatic affairs all the way to medicinal research, hunting, and the like.  House Dasari in Tuluk is known to be filled with knowledge about the Known World's flora, fauna and anything related to the two.
The need for this role is low, as most partisans shouldn't have any trouble attaining such a position in character.
Applications for other roles such as slaves will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In your application, please include the following items.

Account name / GDB name you most commonly use
House you are applying for
Proposed character name
Proposed character guild/subguild
Proposed character description/biography
Your familiarity with Tuluk on a scale of 1-5 (1 being very familiar, 5 being completely unfamiliar)
Your familiarity with this particular House on a scale of 1-5 (1 being very familiar, 5 being completely unfamiliar)
Your playtimes

Applications are open until Wednesday, January 14th, at 11:59 PM Eastern.
Please send applications to
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Approximately two more days before this is closed.  Get your applications in before then!
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.