Can my PC really punch yours? Brawl Anywhere

Started by Sephiroto, December 02, 2008, 07:06:39 PM

I'd love to see the ability to fistfight everywhere.  And crim code support the less-lethal engagements.  Definitely a pro move.

I confess, I was very tempted to cut and paste your "I can't see that this adds anything meaningful to the game, you can do it on your own if you want to." bit from a different thread and put it here, but ... sorry, just a moment of weakness.

In terms of gaining the most, while working the least, I think it would be a good idea if the current brawl code was used ... but the areas where it was ok to use it were increased quite a bit (like, making it ok everywhere except places like in front of the noble's quarter, the Artrium, ect ect, places where the guards would take issue with even a simple brawl) ... and ... if we did away with the auto-emotes that the brawl code throws out, and just left it to people to emote it themselves, so we could do something like:

emo throws a punch at %sillylittlemerchant jaw.
hit sillylittlemerchant
You punch the silly little merchant, making solid contact.

... ... Now the silly little merchant would look like an idiot for emoting that he dodged away with the quickness of the ninja, and the bawl code wouldn't look so clumsy when you try to RP while using it.
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.