Ginka == Down

Started by Saikun, October 22, 2008, 02:45:57 PM

Looks like the machine is taking a nap. I'll take a look at it this afternoon and let you know what's up.


Well, cold booting it didn't bring it back up. That's fairly inauspicious. I'm still remote from the machine though, so I'll get back to you guys maybe tonight. In the mean time, go outside, get some fresh air. Don't sit waiting for it to reconnect because it'll be at least a few hours.


Game is back. Stupid kernel misconfiguration on my part. The machine hasn't been down for about 500 days, and so I never noticed the problem, but there was an extended power outage today that outlasted the UPS, and when Ginka tried to come back, it wouldn't. Fixed the problem, everything's fine.
