Looking for interim role

Started by Cerelum, May 29, 2008, 03:32:42 PM

Hi! I'm a special application junkie who is always thinking up interesting and fun concepts to play that are beyond my karma...

I currently am waiting on one of those special applications to come to fruition and am looking for a flash in the pan type of role, something where you won't be too pissed if I up and die/store after a short period of time.  But something that I could grow into in case I am having fun.  I don't want to be cannon fodder for the highlord or anything quite as disposable but I don't want to be in a position where I feel bad for leaving loose ends either.

If you have a situation that fits the bill, then I am game.  I'm available most evenings EST and some earlier afternoons.  Wednesday and Sunday are my days off, so I tend to be tooling around quite extensively then.

Lemme know!