An the person I ran from

Started by morrigan, April 17, 2008, 05:14:45 PM

I must've run into Musashi.. I've had characters who've done something similar a million times , oft starting from watching some new hunter try out their trade in my territory..
Anonymous:  I don't get why magickers are so amazingly powerful in Arm.

Anonymous:  I mean... the concept of making one class completely dominating, and able to crush any other class after 5 days of power-playing, seems ridiculous to me.

An elf has entered the room.

An elf looks at you.

You stand up and grasp at the reigns of your kank while drawing a small bone scimitar from your belt.

An elf hitches a green-scaled inix.

An elf runs east.

A green-scaled inix runs east.

An arrow comes in from the west and strikes you in the neck!

I get code things taken care of first when interacting with an unknown. Especially if I am attached to that particular character.

It's kind of like defensive driving.

Quote from: Hot_Dancer on April 18, 2008, 06:25:22 PM
I must've run into Musashi.. I've had characters who've done something similar a million times , oft starting from watching some new hunter try out their trade in my territory..

Could be ... could be ...  ;)
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

To the OP: don't feel bad man, I lost a couple of very dear to me characters because I was trying to enrich the scene by emoting. Yeah I enriched the scene for the spam-killer.... Not to say I would switch sides and spam only, but that kind of experience embitters you a bit.

Quote from: jstorrie on April 18, 2008, 02:03:02 PM
protip: when going out in the wastes for extended amounts of time, come up with an 'oh shit' emote, like–

>emote Completely startled, @ snaps up his things in a hurry and quickly dashes off.

Then cut it. If you get panicked and feel the need to do some e;s;e;s or whatever, the explanation of your exit is at least only a ctrl-v away.

Heh I use that for a lot of things! I might be just about to hit "enter" when telling the "tall" man something, when some -other- tall guy comes into the room, and is looking specifically for me. So I have to put what I was gonna say aside to the first guy, and I cut it. That way I won't have to retype it later when I'm done dealing with the second guy.

ctrl-x - ctrl-v is my pal!
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

I tend to play in the Rinth quite a bit and this is a place where alot of people just spam kill. I personally have never just hauled off on another PC in there without reason (a good reason at that). I really like to emote and make the scene more dynamic especially when I know I'm the stronger of the PC's in the area. I also hate when people just run too, but I can see why they do.
Respect. Responsibility. Compassion.