Secrets, mysteries... The Haruch Kemad

Started by Wachabe, April 06, 2008, 08:24:15 PM

April 06, 2008, 08:24:15 PM Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 11:09:11 AM by Vanth
I have a couple spots open for this secretive and mysterious group of city elves.

These are not roles for someone who gets bored easily. This is also not a role for someone that likes lots of combat and killing.
While these things are common in the rinth, it is far from the focus of this specific role. If you have no idea who the Haruch Kemad are, this is not a role for you.

I am looking for strong roleplayers, who are already familiar with the labyrinth.

Please email me at with your account name if you are interested.

Thank you to all who took the tine to respond, I will be responding to you shortly in which I will be asking you for a character concept (Background/Proposal) so you man wish to have them ready.

As to others, we've had some very good applicants, thus the current positions are now closed.

Thanks for your interest, we'll see you next round.

I'm again looking for applicants... please include a characted concept with your initial e-mail, and don't forget to CC the mud.