New Northern Noble!

Started by Vacas, January 15, 2008, 12:01:55 AM

We're looking for someone to play in one of the Tuluki noble houses.  You may choose from any of them.

If you've got a concept you'd like to submit, please send it in to and include your account name and GDB handle.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of your sweet ideas!  (I promise I won't steal any)

I would really like to see some more applications before I make a decision on this, so please don't hesitate to send something in.

There's a lot of opportunity and freedom to define your House's and your own role in the north, not to mention interact with a solid playerbase.

The role's been filled.  Thank you to everyone that applied!  I really enjoyed reading these.

You should have received a response one way or the other.