The dwarven nonfocus.

Started by Freman Scum, October 04, 2002, 08:29:50 PM

Should dwarves be:

A preocupied, studius, focused race?
43 (72.9%)
Ale guzzeling, dwarven love stick waving, gruff little warriors?
16 (27.1%)

Total Members Voted: 55

Voting closed: October 04, 2002, 08:29:50 PM

Quote from: "Freman Scum"Personally, I base accents on what socal class the character is more than race or starting location.  I think someone pointed this out before.

My my most recent character, I made a real effort to pay attention to my word-choices and avoid some of the flowery language that I default to.  As I did that, I found that an accent started creeping in too - this guy just wouldn't say things very precisely all the time, and that wanted to be expressed in my choice of spelling.

If only he hadn't tried to be a hero, I might have learned more  :cry:

QuoteIt's amusing, though, how you seem to take my dislike for accents and persecute me for it and try to make me look incompetent.

If you want to call it persecution, then so be it.  But if I was persecuting you, then I was only doing so because you were persecuting people who used heavy accents and Scottish dwarves.

QuoteI'll remember that when one of your characters pisses off one of mine and I just run into the room and kill him without any warning. We'll see what your position on emoting is then.

That would be extraordinarily mature of you.  But even if you did do something like that, I wouldn't persecute you.  As I said quite clearly before, we'd all like people to emote, but it's not necessary to the game.  I'd be disappointed that you didn't take the time to emote, but I wouldn't say you weren't playing the game properly, either.
ife, like a dome of many-coloured glass,
Stains the white radiance of eternity.
 --Percy Bysshe Shelley

Quote from: "deviant storm"So the language is flavored by the accents. I picture what it would be like to have an elf standing there, speaking with an allundean accent (might sound like a french accent, maybe?). And I think that sounds cool.

I once played this orphan desert elf child who was brought up by a human tribe which spoke Bendune.  She learned Bendune from the tribe, but then later picked up Allundean from elves.  So I played her as having this strange accent when speaking Allundean - I had a lot of fun with it actually, lilting her voice in odd places and warping words and what not.  I think it'd be really great if the language system was extended to accents like this - the hardcode might stop a player and get them to think about what the character might sound like, if even just fueling their imagination inside their own heads.
ife, like a dome of many-coloured glass,
Stains the white radiance of eternity.
 --Percy Bysshe Shelley

Sometimes if you can't understand what someone is saying. Say it outloud. I often sit there and say "huh" until I say it outloud, which makes everyone else in the room give me strange looks.

When I first came to Arm, some dwarf was talking to me and I had to sit there while another PC translated for me. It was a ball, cause I thought he was saying some pretty strange insults until I got told Bynner was short for T'zai Byn.


Why is it you're responding to parts of my posts that were directed to someone else, and not you?

Second, it was an example, so calm down. Personally, I think you're BSing me that not emoting is acceptable, but if that's how you want to play the game, then whatever.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


If you read the help on dwarves, they are indeed a focused race.. on their focus.  That is the design we have for them.

If you are not playing your dwarf being driven by your focus, you ARE indeed playing them wrong, according to ArmageddonMUD.  I can't say this enough.

Personally, I've always wanted to require dwarves to be karma-only, but that's just me.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

I think this thread has somehow turned into an accents debate, but here's more on the dwarven focus:

I think that a focus should definitley be the driving force in the dwarf's life and any decision he makes about his actions will reflect that.  Now, after that, you can have real rash dwarves who will be immediately convinced that the next step to becoming the most famous raider of all time will be to go and live in the tablelands for a year, and you'll get non-decisive dwarves who have to mull over a decision for a while to be SURE that the next step in taking over allanak is to move to the northlands and not to join the Byn, or move to storm, or a whole slew of other possiblities each carefully weighed.  Dwarves can be different, but they're the same in that everything they do will have to do with driving them towards their end goal.

I feel like a majority (if not all) of these end goals should be very difficult to acheive.  So even if a dwarf decides he wants to start his own merc group, that doesn't mean he's going to start some half-assed one tomorrow.  He may spend 20 years as a guard, or in some other merc group because he wants to be damn sure that he knows everything there is to know about being a mercenary before he goes and starts his own thing.  So, I think some people look to dwarves who are hanging out in a tavern as being bad dwarves.  Dwarves need to kick back every now and then too.  They might have the night off from their guard work or weaponsmith apprenticing or whatever it is they're doing to reach their goals.  Now, if being in the tavern could any way inhibit them reaching these goals, they would never step foot in there.  Most likely, they're planning their next step, or making sure everything is going as planned, or just relaxing because there's nothing they can possibly do to further their life goals until tomorrow.

Quote from: "Carnage"Personally, I think you're BSing me that not emoting is acceptable, but if that's how you want to play the game, then whatever.

Someone mentioned how this thread somehow turned into an accent debate.  Well, seems to be it's beginning to turn into flaming.  So, I'm done with it.
ife, like a dome of many-coloured glass,
Stains the white radiance of eternity.
 --Percy Bysshe Shelley

i think you can be funloving love stick waving dwarf and be totally focused on your focus. Even people with goals have personalities and temparents.

Quote from: "Carnage"I've gotten sick of all the damn dwarves with Scottish accents. For crying out loud, EVERY dwarf with an accent has a Scottish accent. A SCOTTISH ACCENT!

Maybe Mirrukim is really Gaelic?   :wink: