Soh Lanah Kah....We're active!

Started by YellowCactus, December 29, 2007, 05:43:04 PM

    You too can drop like a kank-fly in a thick mug of mead!  Lots of 'stuff' going on here.  Love to meet some new players, and missing those who've gone to Lanah.

Is this for the D-elf Tribe or is this just my call for you being "Active"?  ;) :-*
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime


     This is for the tribe.  But yes, I'm active until I die.  Then I'll pout for a couple months....

I'd like to note that however SLK are tribe with best PR (I see their announcement every other month), there are other d-elf tribes, which are pretty active too - in general, it's worth to consider playing a d-elf these days and you indeed could choose from wider variety than just go with on with SLK ;)

Quote from: Elgiva on December 30, 2007, 08:59:28 AM
I'd like to note that however SLK are tribe with best PR (I see their announcement every other month), there are other d-elf tribes, which are pretty active too - in general, it's worth to consider playing a d-elf these days and you indeed could choose from wider variety than just go with on with SLK ;)
I've never played a clanned tribal elf before, how do we go about doing it again? (Do we have to ask permission first like with noble roles?). Also are these the only D-Elf tribes available to play in?

December 30, 2007, 11:27:25 AM #5 Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 11:34:38 AM by Maybe42or54
All you have to do is read up on the Soh, Apply for a d-elf, then pick the Soh Lanah Kah camp as your starting point. They even have their own discussion board! Awesome! Sweet!
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

If you want to play a d-elf magicker, you need permission even if the clan you want to play in says "open to play." If you want to play a non-magicker d-elf, in a clan that says it's "open to play" then you can just go ahead and roll one up. But you should -still- e-mail the clan imm to let them know you're doing it. You just don't need a special app or permission. Some clans have coded camps, that you have to be a "clanned" member to enter.

The following is the list, and applies only to NON-Magicker PCs. If you play a magicker PC you still need permission, no matter what clan you want to join.

ATV: need permission
Blackwing: need permission
Dune Stalker: okay
Red Fangs: okay
Sand Jakhals: okay
Silt Winds: not okay (may be defunct, definitely e-mail to find out)
SLK: okay
Sun Runners: okay

For SLK, you can discuss clan info with

For all others, you'd need to contact Dakurus, Bhagharva, and Shaloonsh

This is all from the "Tribes of the Known World" page, I'm assuming it's all up to date info.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

It's generally worth to try to ask IMMs for additional documentation of said tribe before making up a concept, so you have all information needed beforehand.

Quote from: Elgiva on December 30, 2007, 08:59:28 AM
I'd like to note that however SLK are tribe with best PR (I see their announcement every other month), there are other d-elf tribes, which are pretty active too - in general, it's worth to consider playing a d-elf these days and you indeed could choose from wider variety than just go with on with SLK ;)

I'll second this. The d-elf experience is largely about the tribe you're in. Read up and find the right fit as each tribe has its own idiosyncrasies. Tribe activity can also be a factor, in which case Sun Runners or SLK is a good bet, though some of the smaller ones can easily gain momentum with just a couple active players doing cool things.
Amor Fati

I have to put in my two cents here...

I played with the SOH for a month or two and it was great and sucked all at the same time.

Lemme explain

Great things:

For the most part, it seems the soh get some really good rpers and when they are about they are tits to play with.

The tablelands area they are in is pretty self sustaining and the actual *NEED* for sid isn't there.  They in my mind seem to have everything they need to "live off the land" without having to go through shops for much, besides maybe weapons and some gear.

Water is actually the easiest to come by in the tablelands from what I've seen of playing almost everything else.

Bad things:

The whole, "I fear cities" thing blows cause when the other few soh players aren't on, and nobody is at the major rp focus centers of the tablelands, you're sorta stuck emoting kicking sand or just being plain bored.  For me I got so sick of sitting at a mud hole waiting for people to wake up, I got yelled at for leaving to go cause some havok in cities.

There is nothing (least that I've seen) that stops anyone from outright stealing from you in your camp, cause I personally have tested this code wise, I could empty out almost anyone's crap if I were a twink and they npc's would stare at me **this is mostly a statement about all npc groups that are supposedly part of pc orgs, they should be insta-attack again in my opinion, unless your following a member**

Just all together the lack of things to do outside, hunt, skin, transport to camp, look for people to talk to.  It seemed like a viscious cycle which led to me turning to cities where I could readily find people and occassionally running back to the tablelands in hope that my "brothers and sisters" were finally around.

I don't mean this is a bash against the soh, but with their rules and regulations, unless you have someone around almost 24/7 you're going to run into days or hours of just wanting to go smack that Gaj, just to get some excitement.  At least that is how I felt.  I have debated making another Soh, but I am worried I will run into bowl of soup, that had large chunks of boredum, mixed in with some tasty rp broth...


There's quite a few roles in some of the clans that allow for city visiting, you just have to choose your role appropriately.

Also: Delf'ing is not for people not wanting to solo rp quite a bit at times.
Quote from: Fathi on March 08, 2018, 06:40:45 PMAnd then I sat there going "really? that was it? that's so stupid."

I still think the best closure you get in Armageddon is just moving on to the next character.

I think it's a matter of perspective -and- play times -and- the current shift of the PC population at any given moment, Cerelum.

My first character in this game was a city girl, merchant guild. I was hired into a greater merchant house, and then my character's boss promptly moved his wagon to the other city for almost a RL month, leaving me with nothing to do, no one to pay me, no authority to order anything, sell anything, buy anything, or do anything. After I was hired I found out his player doesn't normally play the same time I do, so even if he was in the same city, I probably would've had only slightly less of a frustrating time of it than I ended up having. Then my character's boss bit the dust, and I was informed I'd have to transfer to the other city - which was -totally- in character, for my character to hate with every fiber of her being. Not only that, but the boss my character was being assigned to work for, I had attempted to interact with on several occasions (ICly that was part of my tasks - to keep in touch with that side of the house), and only once in 2 RL months time did I ever actually see that PC. I ended up retiring the character rather than deal with the drudgery of transferring to yet another non-position of non-authority in a House where the players who were supposed to be my boss weren't ever around when I was, relegated yet again to tavern-sitting with absolutely no goals or functions at all, and no means to do anything else.

After all of that, I have to say it was THRILLING to play a tribal elf, and I am totally looking forward to doing it again. I had a great time of it, partly because of the players in my character's tribe, and partly because I *made* it a great time for myself. Solo RP is definitely not for everyone, and frankly I'm not all that fond of it either. But because I had never been to certain areas of the game, it was AWESOME to explore them, with the freedom to just up and run any time I wanted, without having to worry about my mount taking longer than I did to rest, carrying with me only what I could reasonably handle and still be able to run, experimenting with the sneak/hide command (hehehehe), Ranger D-Elf is just SO amazing in Armageddon, especially if you're in an established tribe like SLK or Sun Runners. And sure there are downsides, but unlike being a city-bound merchant-house employed assistant, you *can* get up and run to another area whenever you want, you do NOT need sids, ever, to do anything your character -would- want to do, and you can explore parts of the game world that your city-bound characters will never even know about, let alone see.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Trust me, if you up and run anywhere as a Soh, you will get bitched at... I'm living proof.

Yes. It's generally extremely out of character for pc's of MOST tribes to hang out in cities.

Quote from: Adiadochokinesis on December 30, 2007, 06:14:07 PM
Yes. It's generally extremely out of character for pc's of MOST tribes to hang out in cities.

I'd like to point out that for example traders have all reasons to go into cities - and tribes which produce something especial would sure need someone to establish regular trade = spending time in cities with a good reason.

The individual tribe has guidelines for leaving their territory and visiting cities. Some tribes thrive on trade and are free to go pretty much wherever they want while others are much more strict. If your tribe's documentation states that the tribe members very rarely leave their lands except for the occasional quick trip to Luir's Outpost to trade for a few necessities that they can't get in the wasteland, then you should expect the staff to comment if you're running off to sit in the Gaj for no reason other than boredom. I'm sure that if your characters has an excellent reason for doing this then the staff will understand, but "I had nothing else to do" just isn't enough. If you do have a sufficient reason to defy the documentation then it should be included in your character's background or in a biography entry so that the clan's immortal doesn't have to guess why the hell your desert raider is chatting up a bunch of humans in a city tavern.
Telling the Truth Where Others Hush.

December 30, 2007, 07:03:06 PM #17 Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 07:13:05 PM by Cerelum
This is an e-mail about me wanting to goto the cities, or at least a part of a non ic info giving spot of what I was replied to by Shan.  Read it.

QuoteThere simply is no room, -none-, in the Soh Lanah Kah lifestyle for
anyone who hobnobs in the cities, for any reason.  They, above all
tribes other than perhaps the Akei'ta Var, hate the cities.  A city, to
them, is a sign of absolute weakness and deep corruption.  To even enter
it is to risk ... captured, killed, and burnt without a proper Soh burial ...

   If you desire a city based lifestyle, with tons of interaction with
non elves, I would suggest storing *My GUY* at your first chance and
applying with a Dune Stalker, Sand Jakhal, or a Red Fang.  Both the Dune
Stalkers and Sand Jakhals do business in both cities, while the Red
Fangs primarily deal with Allanak and Luir's.

EDITTED: To remove one bit of ic info I missed. J-Rod

December 30, 2007, 07:06:31 PM #18 Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 07:13:33 PM by Adiadochokinesis
Cerelum, that has IC info in it. Please edit that out. It's not a wise idea to post excerpts from staff emails on the board for any reason.

Edit: No, almost the whole damn thing is IC info that should not be on the forum.

December 30, 2007, 07:11:17 PM #19 Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 08:22:38 PM by FuSoYa

Quote from: Ghost on December 16, 2009, 06:15:17 PMbrandon....

you did the biggest mistake of your life

QuoteThis is an e-mail about me wanting to goto the cities, or at least a part of a non ic info giving spot of what I was replied to by Shan.  Read it.

I'm not sure if you're agreeing or implying that it's unfair. If the latter then you'll just have to realize that sometimes a certain venue of roleplay isn't for you. Every single role in this game comes with certain restrictions, some harsher than others, and I'd say that the SLK's aversion to cities is both reasonable and partly based on actual IC events in the past. The rule isn't there to rob you of your fun, it's there to make the tribe and the game around it more real and, ultimately, more interesting. The whole idea of reclusive desert tribes would be fairly pointless if the players' behaviour didn't reflect the documentation.
Telling the Truth Where Others Hush.

It does sound like you were corrupted Cerelum. However, if you need that comfort of the cities that are also empty, well, the Most Prideful tribe that doesn't have a lot of trader's is probably not for you.

The Sun Runners cater more to that tribe, if not the ATV.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

December 30, 2007, 07:15:12 PM #22 Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 07:17:46 PM by John
Quote from: Throttle on December 30, 2007, 07:11:23 PM
I'm not sure if you're agreeing or implying that it's unfair.
I think he was just informing players in case they wanted to play a D-Elf that went into the cities :)

Thanks for the info everyone. I'll definitely consider a D-Elf for my next char.

Quote from: Maybe42or54 on December 30, 2007, 07:14:28 PM
It does sound like you were corrupted Cerelum. However, if you need that comfort of the cities that are also empty, well, the Most Prideful tribe that doesn't have a lot of trader's is probably not for you.

The Sun Runners cater more to that tribe, if not the ATV.

I'm not saying Shan is wrong, I just saw that people were making a mistake I did when I played a Soh.  I thought that reasonable relations would be held with the city, and that trade would be encouraged.  But as Shan put, the soh don't leave the tablelands because of their intense fear of losing their link to their land.

So now I'm less apt to play them, unless I know there are a ton of you in it.  Cause I play for interaction, not to see how long I can emote with vnpcs who exist in my mind.  No offense.  But if you are a solo rper who loves that stuff, and/or more soh are around then there was with my character, go for it.

Right Cerelum. And when Tuluk is empty of PCs because everyone is playing a D-Elf, will you break the IC rules and send your Legionairre out to the Tablelands because you're bored? When Allanak doesn't have any players during your playtime, will you say fuck the Byn and their schedule and ride up to Luir's because you're bored?

Do you see the point I'm making here? If -you- spend day after day, hour after hour, sitting in the same "usual spot" waiting for RP to come to you, then there's something wrong with you, not with the clan you're in. You shouldn't be sitting around waiting for RP all the time. Sure there are downtimes, but anyone in any clan, or independent, or even an iso-role, can -find- RP without blatantly disregarding the IC restrictions.

Shaloonsh said the Soh don't hobnob with city people. That doesn't mean they don't ever find reason, or need, to ever enter the city. It doesn't mean they never have business there. It just means they don't go there just because they're bored to find something to do - or in your own words, "create havok." This is pretty clearly stated in the clan docs and on the clan GDB. If you chose to ignore that, or assumed it applied to everyone except you, then you should probably reconsider your reasons for playing an RPI. Games like Armageddon simply work that way. Restrictions exist for IC reasons, because of IC history, not because they want to gank the players. That's just the nature of RPI games.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.