Send More Kudos!

Started by Troicha, December 16, 2007, 02:11:46 AM

Two things.

1) I think I sent a kudos to the rival of one of my PC's once (if not I had good intentions of doing so!), it was a hate which lasted at least an IG year if I recall correctly.

2) I received a Kudos today (or opened it today, been a bit since I checked email). It gave me warm fuzzy feelings to have my PC acknowledged. Only wish it were possible to know who sent it so I could say thank you!
Quote from: Yam
Tew is the sound Soh make when they shoot guns.

Tew! Tew! Tew!



BUMPITY BUMP! Remember to send these out, people! They make everyone's day.
"Never was anything great achieved without danger."
     -Niccolo Machiavelli

I typically recieve kudos after the death of my character and I send kudos to those who die.

There is something really cool about recieving kudos - Especially if there is some really good commentary from the sendie. Makes me redouble my efforts, whenever roleplaying. :)
Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

I send kudos a lot. For the last month I was sending nearly one a day. I don't wait until people die. I feel that they should know NOW how awesome I think they are. :-)
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

I've only sent one kudo in my entire "career".

You all suck.  ;)

Seriously though, I guess that would be a good resolution for 2009. Show some recognition of characters and effort that make the game fun.
Lunch makes me happy.

If I don't send kudos out immediately, I usually forget to send them  :'(
"Last night a moth came to my bed
and filled my tired weary head
with horrid tales of you, I can't believe it's true.
But then the lampshade smiled at me -
It said believe, it said believe.
I want you to know it's nothing personal."

The Chosen

Quote from: Shiroi Tsuki on January 05, 2009, 02:35:13 PM
If I don't send kudos out immediately, I usually forget to send them  :'(

I tend to send to people I play around if they die, because I want them to know how awesome they were and to give them a boost into creating another PC.

I sometimes send to still living PCs... those that I love the RP with and know I probably won't see again.

Quote from: Qetesh on July 20, 2008, 11:46:20 PM
Just a staff perspective on these, as some of us Staff were talking about Kudos.

First, they are awesome, yes you should send them in. Nothing makes other players feel more special.

But, we have been getting a lot of quick one liner Kudos that don't really say much and take a up a good deal of staff time to resolve. So please if you are going to send someone a Kudos, have the following:

At minimum, one full sentence on why the player deserves the Kudos. Either for consistent RP, for being a responsible player, for being a part of a really awesome scene... Ect...

The one line "You rocked that scene last night, thanks!" is not a good Kudos. Or the "I liked your character, good job." also, not    the best use of staff time. Try to be detailed as to why you are giving the compliment and make it meaningful to the recipient.

Second, please put in the SHORT DESC of the Character you are sending the Kudos to, and a name if you have one. It is -Super- hard for us to find out who you are writing in about on just a name, (pssst... it might not be the right name) so a name and short desc will certainly ensure that your praise gets to the right source, quickly and effectively.

Lastly, Bundle Kudos! Send in a few at a time. We don't mind! You can put a few Kudos on one request. No need to send in five seperate ones. We will make sure they all get to where they are going as long as you have the right info for each so we can find the players.

So, with that said, we have gotten A LOT of kudos in the past week, which is great. So well done thread! You are keeping your staffers busy.

Bumping this as we have once again, gotten a LOT of kudos this week, (GREAT!) but a lot lacking Short descs, and a lot of one liners (NOT GREAT!)

Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

Qetesh, what is the official opinion on bundling kudos, if there is one?

I've been told twice in the past NOT to put more than one kudos in the same request, but other staffers have encouraged it on the GDB at times.
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

January 05, 2009, 08:35:56 PM #110 Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 08:44:37 PM by Qetesh
I think as long as you bundle them with the proper information, Ie: PC name & Short Desc, I can't see it being an issue with staff.  If you can't give all the proper info though, it can become an issue, because then you have a half complete request lingering around until someone can dig up the information.

So I'd say as long as you can give both a short desc and a name, you could bundle. If you can't, then put it in a seperate request. But I'll also defer to a higher power however, as they might have different thoughts.
Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

Nyr once asked me to pretty pretty please break up a kudo into three seperate ones, even though I did have the PC names and what have you clearly listed. I thought staff's offical policy was to do 1 kudo per player/staffer  :-\
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Thanks for checking on it, either way.
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

I send Kudos like a mother Fer, as long as someone is interesting to deal with.


January 09, 2009, 12:44:48 AM #114 Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 01:05:36 AM by SMuz
I'd rather send a character kudos after maybe a week or so playing with him, rather than just last night. If I look forward to a guy being there when I log on, then that person deserve kudos. Or even if I get annoyed enough to gossip about him to other people, then it's well-played.

It's fine to send Kudos to dead characters, right?
I sent a few out :)

I like threads like these. I'd be hesitant to send kudos otherwise, because going to the request page is like meeting a templar.
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

I like getting kudos in my inbox, but, I'm always disappointed to at least a _small_ degree to find that there are no criticisms in there. Even a player complaint would be nice, maybe I'm doing everything right, but I seriously doubt it. Constructive criticism, even if misplaced, is always a great way to help a person build his role playing skills. So, that said, hopefully I'll get some bitchy complaints about how I didn't keep my accent up, or my magicker's cantrips were just a bit too overdone. Or that somebody hates the fact the even my ugly mutants are out-of-this world hot.
Quote from: Scarecrow on February 21, 2014, 04:45:46 PMIn Zalanthas, people don't dig graves with shovels, they dig them with their own tongues.

Quote from: Kevo on January 12, 2009, 05:28:10 PM
I like getting kudos in my inbox, but, I'm always disappointed to at least a _small_ degree to find that there are no criticisms in there. Even a player complaint would be nice, maybe I'm doing everything right, but I seriously doubt it. Constructive criticism, even if misplaced, is always a great way to help a person build his role playing skills. So, that said, hopefully I'll get some bitchy complaints about how I didn't keep my accent up, or my magicker's cantrips were just a bit too overdone. Or that somebody hates the fact the even my ugly mutants are out-of-this world hot.

We don't forward player complaints.  Player complaints are handled by staff, if they are valid ones.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Why not? Do you reserve that for account note requests?

"Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway."

I usually send out kudos when someone dies, but this thread has made me realize I may not remember the sdesc of some of the people who deserve them should they die.  So, I'll be sending them out randomly in bundles.

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on January 12, 2009, 08:32:39 PM
Why not? Do you reserve that for account note requests?

Nope.  Player complaints are complaints from players to staff about players.  That part of the player request system was made for that purpose, not to forward gripes and complaints directly from players to players.
However, if you have constructive criticism, hopefully you have something nice to say as well (hence constructive/kudos) and send it as a kudos; we'll send those along.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

I do like getting criticism. I still remember the first criticism I got, from an imm, about me not emoting when crafting, and telling me about thinks and feels. That was great.. it really made me feel special because there was an imm watching me dying out there. It's what got me hooked onto this game and telling everyone about it. Would be nice if everyone put a little criticism in their kudos as well, since they know the character :)
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

yay. We're changing the virtual world one kudos at a time.

The highlord tektolnes, (sdesc unknown)
I like the concept, it's real nice, but....maybe you could throw in an emote or two sometimes? Throw some lightning out your window. Contact people drunk, so they can see your image, then freak out. Other than that, I can't say much as to how to improve your char. Good job with making that statue tear through my sanity.
Quote from: Scarecrow on February 21, 2014, 04:45:46 PMIn Zalanthas, people don't dig graves with shovels, they dig them with their own tongues.

Quote from: Kevo on January 14, 2009, 04:46:09 PM
yay. We're changing the virtual world one kudos at a time.

The highlord tektolnes, (sdesc unknown)
I like the concept, it's real nice, but....maybe you could throw in an emote or two sometimes? Throw some lightning out your window. Contact people drunk, so they can see your image, then freak out. Other than that, I can't say much as to how to improve your char. Good job with making that statue tear through my sanity.

>steal statue gate
You quietly approach your target.



Your encumbrance is OMFG! UNBELIEVABLY HEAVY!!!!!

you are carrying:
A huge black steel statue of a dragon.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.


Some dead guys deserve a final kudos :)
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.