The Rinth Wants You!

Started by morrigan, November 30, 2007, 10:38:03 AM

Trying out my first and lovin' it. One of the best times I have had in Arm thus far.  :-*

Unfortunately, Zira, deaths while linkdead do happen. I've lost more than one character while disconnected, but letting a few bad experiences (which may or may not have even been PK--until I get my account notes, who knows?) sour an entire geographical area is a little silly.

I think in order to play a game like Arm, you have to grow a bit thicker skin than other MMO players simply because when your buddy accidentally typos and one-shot PKs you in an Arm raid, you die for good.

Provided you play enough and/or go through enough characters...

You will lose characters while disconnected; you will lose characters to bugs/typos; you will lose characters to the unfair and possibly rule-breaking actions of other players. Sometimes, resurrections are granted. Sometimes, they aren't. However, if you play enough, you're bound to encounter these things. And they can happen anywhere, not just the Labyrinth. The best you can do is play responsibly on your part and trust other players to do the same.
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

I think you're much more likely to lose characters link-dead outside the city than in the 'rinth. But I wouldn't know :P Still, I heard it's dangerous if you're rich. There's a good reason most clans whip you a lot for entering.

Not wanting to enter the 'rinth because you don't want your character who you spent a lot of time on to die is silly. Everyone spends a lot of time on all their characters. And all of them will die. Half the deaths will be stupid and pointless. Getting ganked by someone in the Labyrinth who's practicing backstab is no different than getting robbed and killed by a raider or being thrown into the arena because a 'Naki templar doesn't like the way you walk.
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

You have two kinds of twinkery in the 'rinth.

One is the pc's that go to a place for nonstop, backstabbing action and pk to amp themselves up.  While they may end up with a tough character if they manage to survive the NPC's and local, big dicked crime boss they're not very hard to outsmart.

The other is the experienced, spec-app or karma pc that gets scared over losing his l33t character and starts doing lame shit because of it.  It happens with alarming regularity once you get in a conflict with one of these pcs and they consider you dangerous.  In the 'rinth, my favourite place to play along with Storm I've had the finest, truly zalanthan rp I feel is available in armageddon.  I've also been attacked my high-tier karma magickers while linkdead and been lamishly attacked by NPC's in control of a spec-app PC.  Without all the rules of a city, people get scared and do lame shit.

But when you can expect it, nothing really to worry about it.  A PC will show it's players colours very quickly and then you know the rules of the game they're playing, if you survive, and can respond accordingly.  Or you can take it a step up and let your PC die to lameass tactics in the name of good rp and have a special place in rp heaven with all the martyrs who without praise of imms or players have sacrificed beloved PC's to this cause.  I've done both over the years, bending the rules to take out someone who has already been doing it is pretty satisfying... but not really what armageddon is about, I guess.

My longest lived PC was in the 'rinth and to a Templar simply because I didn't run or attack where I could have because I needed out of arm OOCly and wanted to go out with a bang.  It's a great, dangerous place and while there's no garunteed rewards for formula gameplay like other parts of the game if you do put a system of checks and balances on yourself, get connected with some other PC's and find some tactics that work for you combat-wise you can do just fine.  You will die eventually, and it may not be satisfying because chances are you got fucked over with little chance of retaliation but that's life... er death, whatever.

I love posts that just keep rehashing and restating the entire thread, good job, roughneck.  At least you all got to hear about my great experiences, I must have a big penis.

I'm pretty much in agreement with Zira.

I've lost enough two-hour characters to twink assasins in the labyrinth. (not to npc's, I know the difference)

When I was a newb and still learning the game I've been lured into the labyrinth and killed. Twice.

and I've been attacked while linkdead in the labyrinth.

I've also been spam stolen from in the labyrinth.

I'm not saying that this experience is universal, I'm just saying that I've had enough and I'm not about to give it another shot.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

I suppose everyone has different experiences. I'm glad my first is turning out well.

I think every time I've died in the rinth, it's been in public places where the room desc's had a crapload of other vnpc's sleeping--and my character just happened to be a PC, so they got ganked.
Quote from: Fathi on March 08, 2018, 06:40:45 PMAnd then I sat there going "really? that was it? that's so stupid."

I still think the best closure you get in Armageddon is just moving on to the next character.

I've played in the rinth pretty much exclusively.  It makes me unhappy to hear some people avoid it like the plauge.  For me, its the metaphorical equivalent of sitting in a warm room with my pants off sipping iced tea (nice!).

Sure there are assholes there.  Dont doubt that I may have been one of them.  Having no limit to what you can do besides pissing off the entirety of the 'rinth and having them claw you down is one of the most thrilling things ive ever experienced.  It can be boring, It can be lame, but most of the stories I tell about arm are generally of crazy shenanigans that go on in there.  Where the mugger pc starts shit and ends up dead.  Or when this inept looking, rag bedecked man you always see just sitting around doing nothing just annihilates some poor fool who picked a fight with the wrong dude.  Ugh, so epic.  It takes a little skill to survive there and it doesnt always involve twinking.  A tip i'd like to inject is that the fastest people ive seen get dead are the ones who twink endlessly.  So that jerk that backstabbed you once probably got his in the end.  If you end up dying, you forgive the killer.  If you dont, You get revenge.  Its the 'rinth.  The only law is basically how long you can hold onto a roller coaster with no safety gear.  If you've got a grudge, hold it ic.  Just survive first.
Robots rule

January 08, 2009, 04:19:33 PM #233 Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 04:22:49 PM by Qzzrbl
The -only- reason twinks are ever allowed to prevail in 'Rinth is because of a low player density.

Contrary to popular belief, the Labyrinth is not an all-out murderfest -- there can be rules, but with nobody around to mob together to omgwtfpwn troublemakers who backstab NPCs and players for no real reason, rules cannot be made and enforced.

So by having experienced players outrightly refuse to enjoy the awesomeness 'Rinth has to offer at its best we're just leaving gaps for newbie twinks to fill.


It's sad, really.

Believe me, if your twinking in the rinth. Backstabbing npc's or pc's  like it's just the cool thing to do. It's only a matter of time before your seen doing it and are dealt with.
Who would you kill for a klondike bar?

Quote from: The Archbishop on January 08, 2009, 10:38:14 PM
Believe me, if your twinking in the rinth. Backstabbing npc's or pc's  like it's just the cool thing to do. It's only a matter of time before your seen doing it and are dealt with.

And if we had more people, twinks would more likely be caught.


I'm assuming that one of the best things about playing in the 'rinth is that you could actually kill the twinks, not just yell at them on the GDB? Anyway, if a guy's going around killing innocent children, that's a huge enough IC reason to gangkill them. Sounds like PK heaven :P
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

January 09, 2009, 01:15:56 AM #237 Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 01:26:21 AM by Synthesis
You've got to love the hypocritical subtext of all of this.


Edited to add:  The vast majority of these 'rinth avengers seem to in fact be twinks who managed to get it done while nobody was looking.  Upon getting buff enough, then they start to get all self-righteous about what you can and can't backstab.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Synthesis on January 09, 2009, 01:15:56 AM
You've got to love the hypocritical subtext of all of this.


Edited to add:  The vast majority of these 'rinth avengers seem to in fact be twinks who managed to get it done while nobody was looking.  Upon getting buff enough, then they start to get all self-righteous about what you can and can't backstab.

Agreed. Twinks can be awesome roleplayers too.
Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Initiative, drive and willpower are the essence of its body.

Quote from: Synthesis on January 09, 2009, 01:15:56 AM
You've got to love the hypocritical subtext of all of this.


Edited to add:  The vast majority of these 'rinth avengers seem to in fact be twinks who managed to get it done while nobody was looking.  Upon getting buff enough, then they start to get all self-righteous about what you can and can't backstab.

Probably because there weren't enough people in 'Rinth to group together and take care of power-skilled twinks, so they had to twink in order to become more powerful than other twinks who come along.

Again, the twinkery stems from lack of players.

I've never actually had a character killed by another PC in the rinth; probably random and unusual luck, but it always seemed to me that due to the very low amount of players in the area, most will do what they can to involve you in long-term roleplay rather than kill you for the sake of it. I'm sure there are code-twinks, just as there are everywhere else, but the vast majority of them tend to die off long before they become a factor - unlike the other type of twinks, those who choose to ignore docs, racial guidelines, common sense and IC/OOC barriers to further their cause, which I think is worse because they're normally allowed to do so for as long as they can bother playing their characters. I've found precious little of this in the rinth, probably because most players specifically choose this area because of its culture and thus adhere to it more readily than elsewhere.

I just have to say that while I've only been here a little over a year now and haven't gotten into everything (by far), I have had several characters in the 'rinth and it remains my favorite place.  Things are more violent there, and if you don't like living constantly looking over your shoulder, the 'rinth isn't for you. It's not safe and it's not nice... but that just makes things that much more intense.  My next character will totally be back there.

And of the several characters I've had there, btw, only one has been pk'd - and if I'd been smarter I wouldn't have been.  The rest died to my stupid newbishness, mostly outside of the 'rinth, or to mobs when I went ld in the wrong place.
People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes.
- John Dee, Preludes & Nocturns

From what I've seen, most of the twinks in the rinth don't actually play in the rinth, they just use the lawless place as a means to buffing their skills up. But twinkery has been going on forever, it's not gonna stop. People just like characters get self righteous and decide what they want people not to do even if they themselves do the same damn thing. Not to mention everyone has their own viewpoint on what is twinking and what isn't. I'm just gonna say everyone is a twink one way or another.
Who would you kill for a klondike bar?

Speaking as the player of several previous Rinth scavengers, I can tell you that I've found and pilfered numerous dead pcs by following the trail of dead npcs.  They don't get away with it.  They eventually run into one of the npc gang clans and get annihilated no matter what their apparent, twinkish power level is...and I've been all too happy to pick them clean and pawn off all their items for my pc's next year of meals.

Of these pcs, only one of two of these pcs knew which end of a blade was which, and I've found that they never needed to learn how to fight--just flee.  Surviving in the Rinth is not difficult.  Look like crap, dress like crap, move through the alleys regularly for loot but always go back to the pubs to rest and you'll be fine.

I should also add that it's even better to be in a clan like Sandas or the Haruch Kemad.  There, you have your turf and allies in addition to being able to do all of the above.  I speak of Eastside examples because, more often than not, I've played a city elf.  The Guild is pretty cool too, but I've only played with them twice.

I would love to see a lot more emphasis and attention given to the Rinth by both players and imms alike.  I also hope that there is some equivalent to it in Arm II, since it's one of the most unique and interesting settings in rp environ I've ever played in.  It would be a shame to lose it.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

'Rinth still wants you, btw.

I'll go there next then.
Quote from: Cutthroat on September 30, 2008, 10:15:55 PM
> forage artifacts

You find a rusty, armed landmine and pick it up.

How's the off-peak play in the rinth right now? The kid's been let loose in the candy store, and doesn't know what to get!
Quote from: Rahnevyn
QuoteWhat is the difference between a Highlord and Overlord?
OLs are like HLs on steroids. They make the Really Big Decisions that affect the course of the entire game.

Quote from: Zira on January 17, 2009, 07:43:06 PM
How's the off-peak play in the rinth right now? The kid's been let loose in the candy store, and doesn't know what to get!

Off peak is awesome for the 'rinth. App up before you miss the chance.

I've decided. As long as I get at least some RP, I'll probably keep to the rinth for a few characters. C'mon! Let's see some more RPing rinthers!
Quote from: Rahnevyn
QuoteWhat is the difference between a Highlord and Overlord?
OLs are like HLs on steroids. They make the Really Big Decisions that affect the course of the entire game.

I've decided much the same.

I want to see if I can make it 'till 2.Arm.


Still though.... 'Rinth needs moar people.
