
Started by Dynnage, September 20, 2007, 11:05:41 PM

I've been looking into these recently, and I DO understand they require karma, but I want to know some things about them.

Do they have other psionic abilities besides barrier and contact? I can't seem to find any on the skill list in the help files.

Are they worth playing? I see that they require 8 karma. Is this a doable goal to accomplish before Arm 2?
Shh! The cow is sleeping!

Quote from: "Dynnage"I've been looking into these recently, and I DO understand they require karma, but I want to know some things about them.

Do they have other psionic abilities besides barrier and contact? I can't seem to find any on the skill list in the help files.

Are they worth playing? I see that they require 8 karma. Is this a doable goal to accomplish before Arm 2?

Yes they do, and part of the great thing about Arm is that you don't know what those crazy sorcerers/psionicists have, as the regular Joe shouldn't know.

As for if you can accomplish before Arm 2, it depends on the delay for Arm 2, and how quickly you show yourself to be trustworthy.  I doubt there's any chance in hell you'll get 8 karma (people with many years won't) but special applications* are useful.  However, even with those I think you'd have a snowballs chance in hell unless you at least played a few of the lower karma races/classes showing that you are trustworthy.

By trustworthy, it really means playing the role accurately, no powergaming (ie. characters can practice their talent, but not to an obscene degree).  Just relax, play your character out, don't play them to accumulate as many skillpoints as possible as fast as possible.

So, in general, yes its possible, although aim for something a little lower on the karma scale.  You might want to join a clan with your first character, because immortals tend to watch their own clans, and so they'll see you being a good RPer (or not, if the case may be).  Just think of the world, and your character would act.  I mean, you can be a crazed maniacal killer, but don't get mad if you die fast.  There are powerful forces in the midst of things and its tempting if you don't understand the way the world works to think this Imm or that Imm or that player has it in for you on an OOC level.

* Special applications are used to ask the Immortals to play a role you don't have karma for.

Quote from: "Ktavialt"
Quote from: "Dynnage"I've been looking into these recently, and I DO understand they require karma, but I want to know some things about them.

Do they have other psionic abilities besides barrier and contact? I can't seem to find any on the skill list in the help files.

Are they worth playing? I see that they require 8 karma. Is this a doable goal to accomplish before Arm 2?

Yes they do, and part of the great thing about Arm is that you don't know what those crazy sorcerers/psionicists have, as the regular Joe shouldn't know.

As for if you can accomplish before Arm 2, it depends on the delay for Arm 2, and how quickly you show yourself to be trustworthy.  I doubt there's any chance in hell you'll get 8 karma (people with many years won't) but special applications are useful.  However, even with those I think you'd have a snowballs chance in hell unless you at least played a few of the lesser karma races showing that you are trustworthy.

By trustworthy, it really means playing the role accurately, no powergaming (ie. characters can practice their talent, but not to an obscene degree).

So, in general, yes its possible, although aim for something a little lower on the karma scale.  You might want to join a clan with your first character, because immortals tend to watch their own clans, and so they'll see you being a good RPer (or not, if the case may be).
Thank you! Excellent advice, and it was inspiring. I think I'm gonna go and try to join the Byn very soon, maybe I can work my way up the ladder and prove my role-playing ability to the Imm that watches over it. Once again, thanks!
Shh! The cow is sleeping!

There are lots of majickal spells and psionic abilities not mentioned in the documentation to keep things like that mysterious and "special".   Once you play the character, you would probably be able to figure out how to do stuff fairly quickly with trial and error.

As far as karma goes, unless you play constantly and are an excellent role-player, I would not expect to get much karma.  But that's just my opinion... I love to try to roleplay realistically and have played pretty frequently at various times... but honestly, I'm just not that good of a roleplayer - I'm a sucky actor.  I do alright and have created some pretty fun RP sessions and played some convincing characters, but apparently not good enough to get beyond 2 karma in several years of play time.  Heh.  Of course, I've played pretty sporadically since the karma system went into effect... so that probably has a lot to do with it... but still.  ;)

I'm just not into the constantly "thinking" and "mooding" and all that complicated stuff.  I have a hard enough time trying to think in my own brain what my character is going to say without trying to think about what my character is thinking while he's talking while I'm thinking while I'm chewing gum at the same time.  Phew...  Seriously... it is a little ridiculous for someone like me that just gets a few hours here and there to play.  Sorry, I love the idea of it all... but I just don't use it most of the time.  However, I do try to do so in special circumstances... but again, when things are getting intense it sometimes makes it even harder to do certain stuff like that.  Like when you're about to die and all you can think to say is "wait, I canz makes you some zidian coinses".   Where's AC and her cats at when you need them?

I'm not application staff, so I can't say this for certain, but you might want to hold off a bit and/or try for something of lesser karma requirements. I was turned down for a psion not long ago due to a high number of people playing the guild.


Usually if there's not much info in a helpfile it can be an indication that it's not common knowledge and something that you need to find out (and is usually more fun to find out) in the game.

Psionicisits are one of the scarier people of the game, generally feared and hated by the populace, part of the reason for that is no one ever really knows what they can do.

I do suggest trying out a few different roles, joining a few clans and learning a few things that way before worrying about apping for a restricted roles such as a psi.

Good luck!

Locking this thread now.
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