
Started by Raesanos, August 01, 2007, 10:07:41 PM

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"How would you feel if you mutilated a character and they just stored, or attacked a random soldier unarmed.

Blithely unconcerned.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"How would you feel if you mutilated a character and they just stored, or attacked a random soldier unarmed.

I'd think they are pretty bad roleplayers and would wish them luck on their next dwarven warrior.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"How would you feel if you mutilated a character and they just stored, or attacked a random soldier unarmed.

Retarted, because I could have killed them firsthand.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

But I think it would be pretty neat to have one of those wooden crossbows instead of a lower leg. If you're going to cut off my leg, then at least allow me to attach a crossbow to my missing limb afterward.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

I don't share that sentiment. I'd rather kill someone outright than maim them so bad they retire or do things that their character wouldn't do in those circumstances. That would also make one more player that would just "naturally" stay away from your character. Other characters hear about it, they are probably more likely to stay away. This is all in my own opinion. But I've seen it happen still. I know a few players that were mutilated or otherwise made unplayable for the enjoyment of the game that don't play arm anymore because of it.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "Seeker"
Quote from: "Maybe42or54"How would you feel if you mutilated a character and they just stored, or attacked a random soldier unarmed.

Blithely unconcerned.

Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "Malken"
Quote from: "Maybe42or54"How would you feel if you mutilated a character and they just stored, or attacked a random soldier unarmed.

I'd think they are pretty bad roleplayers and would wish them luck on their next dwarven warrior.

Hey. Dwarven warriors can have depth too.
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

Personally I don't like playing totally mutilated characters though if someone cut off both my arms and let me live, instead of storing or killing myself I'd probably go to the extent of something like going straight to a "Dragon" like being, get six more arms then go back and beat up the bastard who mutilated me after which I'll cut off all his limbs.

My opinion about mutilation is it's a fantasy game which means if you do not like playing a mutilated character there are several ways around it.

I'm a bit late into the discussion, but I thought I'd chime in on the original question.

Mutilation is a thematic form of punishment. If the authority figure feels their interests would be better served by it, so be it. Many have already said that certain scars can provide depth and history to role-play. I agree.

That said, I believe there's a line. Some kinds of mutilation - total blindness, loss of both legs, etc - stand a chance of coming off as OOCly vindictive. It's pretty common sense that such injuries would ruin most peoples' characters, particularly in a world as harsh as Zalanthas. If the crime was severe enough to warrant such an extreme mutilation, I'd personally do the player a favor and just conduct an execution.

It's important to remember that a real person sits behind every character, and they want to have fun too.

Mind you, even severe physical disabilities are fun for some people. I had a great time playing an elderly guy who was created blind and hard of hearing. Hilarity ensued every time he decided to cast a lightning bolt.

Cut out my tongue, eyes, arms, legs it doesn't bother me...  You mutilate the nether regions and it's a one way path to storage or off the shield wall.
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

I prefer mutilation that makes you ugly to mutilation that interferes with your L33T skillz.  Being ugly is easier to work with.
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I like being hated.

Mutilated half-breed 'rinthers for the win.

Note to self: Make that char.
Free your hate.

better mutilated than killed, always, I say.

But sometimes mutilated will effectively destroy a character's goals. And If I can't come up with new goals for that char, I won't have a direction for him, which means I won't enjoy playing, which means i won't log in, which means after weeks of logging in some one will say "why don't you play anymore" and I'll say, "Oh, because i'm bored with my char. I'll store him."

So mutilate away, mutilators. Have a mutil, mutil, mutilrificday.


by the way, i'd like to take the time to support non PK forms of punishment/dealing with less powerful characters. Too often a simple PK gets the job done because it's simple and clean and mistakenly thought to be thematic. Well, it's simple alright, but it's definitely not clean, and definitely not thematic.

When you have such scarce resources on a world like zalanthas, the only lives that aren't worth the clothes on their back to an authority figure are the stupid and weak. Better to make someone your bitch and get some use out of them and make their life miserable than to simply end it and have to have the mess cleaned up.

And this also coincides with the good OOC goal of encouraging plotlines and character interaction. You can scream IC only all you want, but if there are no plotlines and interaction, I might as well just go play fallout and get REALLY into my character.

I added this to the consent help file, I limited a bit from what I was originally thinking based on this conversation.

QuoteIn the case of mutilation, an action that would cause a character
to lose their ability to function in some way, the victim may
request that they be killed by the precedure.  It is then the
instigator's responsibility to attempt to kill the victim, or take
some other appropriate course of action.  The victim should not
request other punishments, bargain, or otherwise discuss the
situation out of character beyond this provision.

So under this new rule can the instigator, upon being told that the player would rather have death, OOCly offer some other punishment?  Can they OOCly ask the victim for suggestions?

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"So under this new rule can the instigator, upon being told that the player would rather have death, OOCly offer some other punishment?  Can they OOCly ask the victim for suggestions?

Sorry this is going to be a non-answer, but I don't think we need a black and white rule for this, so fall back on the general guideline of "use OOC as little as possible."  I doubt this kind of conversation would ever be truly necessary but see no need to rule it out.

i think this is a slippery slope, and caution against having to get OOC consent for any IC action but rape.

I think that torture that makes someone so cripple they have to beg, or pay someone to take care of them just to live, is something that should be asked OOC, if they say "No" Then they die. Simple as that, there is no "getting out of it by saying NO" you either die or become crippled. Its your fault for doing the act and knowing what would happen.  Its atleast a RP way to end the character. By getting killed.

Also, I think forced enslavement is something that is a touchie subject. Because forced enslavement can ruin someones hours apon hours-planed RP, just becomes someone beats them up and says "You are my bitch! NOW!" This one wouldn't need OOC consent at all. Again if you are the victim and don't want to be a slave, either try running or fight and die honorablely. Its better then storing in my thoughts.

That is BlackMagic's two cents, enjoy.  :shock:  Yes I got cents.. ^^
"Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway."

-edit sorry, double post-
"Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway."

Sorry, I know this is late, but I was reading and came across "blindness/deafness mutilation". If this were the case and someone's eyes were taken or their ears, in the real world the body adapts and improves its other senses. (Blind people hear very well normally, and vice versa, deaf people see very well.)

It would be neat if you could LOOK farther (begin to develop that) or LISTEN with more success or whatever if you were mutilated in that respect.

And, speaking from inexperience: What happens if you have your ears taken? You still hear says but must roleplay not? Roleplay watching lips, etc?
Quote from: Fathi on March 08, 2018, 06:40:45 PMAnd then I sat there going "really? that was it? that's so stupid."

I still think the best closure you get in Armageddon is just moving on to the next character.

There is deafness and blindness code in already.  They are crippling and would make the game very much not fun for the person permanently afflicted.  You don't even see says and tells when deaf.  You can't tell what room you're in because there aren't enough non-visual things for your character to investigate (most rooms don't have scent messages for example).

Deaf and blind PCs in game are generally not afflicted with coded conditions, but roleplay the character in such a way that they would not notice things that they should not.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Just to clarify, though it should be obvious, it is much easier to play a deaf PC than a blind PC... Especially with coded afflictions.  Truly blind PCs are rarely functional outside of a few specific circumstances...
Quote from: Wish

Don't think you're having all the fun...
You know me, I hate everyone!

Wish there was something real!
Wish there was something true!
Wish there was something real,
in this world full of YOU!