Quick forage question

Started by Lavalamps, June 29, 2007, 02:20:19 PM

I want to forage for plants, herbs, flowers, etc.
Would I use 'forage food' or something else?
Also, what is 'forage artifacts' used for?

Forage artifacts is for just that, finding old things that can be used for various things. It's best to find out IC what these things are used for. You've probably ran across some without realizing it.

Forage food will find anything that can be eaten: mushrooms, moss, slugs, roots, etc. Not everything that you find will be good for you, but you can make the decision IC.

If this is to IC feel free to remove this.

Quote from: "Winterless"If this is to IC feel free to remove this.

Not that I think what you posted is too IC, but if you feel the need to include the above disclaimer, don't post.  Dozens of players will probably read your post before any staffers do.  Don't rely on the staff to censor you.  Censor yourself.  Besides, they don't need permission to censor you in the first place.

Anyway, back on topic, the list of forage arguments is in the help file.  Some of those things you mentioned might come up if you forage for food.  Some might need to be acquired through other means like finding coded plant objects and such.

It is worth noting that in this context "artifact" is used more in the archaeological sense of the word, not the D&D sense of the word.  Expect to find stuff like clay pots and arrowheads, not super-powered magickal items.  I was ever so disappointed the first time I successfully managed to "forage artifact" and got some old junk rather than a Sphere of Annihilation or the Hand of Vecna.   :)
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Most plants, herbs, and flowers can be found as physical objects in certain locations, which you'll discover through exploration and asking people.

Artifacts are, indeed, generally useless... to most people.