Re: Craft woman into pregnant woman -- link for Cenghiz

Started by Angela Christine, May 24, 2007, 02:33:56 PM

Quoteb) A newborn baby should be fed by only milk, possibly for about one year. Finding sources of milk sacks is painful in most locations and being off-peak doesn't help at all - no rangers or tribals around to bring you milk for a profit. Would it be all right to play out that a VNPC tribal brings you milk once a week and junk the price of milk by giving it to a soldier?

Finding a wet nurse might be more common or easier in some areas than finding a dairy farmer.  Basically, you pay a lactating woman to feed your kid.  Usually either a woman whose own baby died or whose own baby is about ready to be weened.  Using several different neighbourhood women would work too.  Being a wet nurse isn't a bad gig, even part time.  You have to get paid enough to keep you healthy, enough for to pay for the food you are processing plus a little bit extra.  A woman who is nursing is unlikely to become pregnant, which is pretty handy.  It isn't 100% effective as birth control, but nothing is.  So some women might be quite happy to get paid to keep lactating.  In Zalanthas I can see some prostitutes offering the service along with their other services, they get paid, they get to keep the bigger boobs, and they are less likely to get pregnant again.  It is a win win situation.

However, that is not the only option.  Men can breastfeed too.  At least some men.

Oh, sure, some people might think it is weird.  But it is really much less weird than blue skin or tentacle faces.
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Also, animal milk is not a suitable food source for human babies. The nutrition that's in human breast milk is "tuned" to the human physiology and the needs of growing babies; in fact, when a baby is born prematurely the milk produced by the mom will be different than it would have been if the baby had been full-term, AND the composition of human breast milk changes over time as the baby's needs change.

So wet nurse is totally the way to go, if you can't do the breastfeeding yourself.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.