New Player's barrier to entry

Started by Riev, May 11, 2007, 09:22:07 PM

The tablelands is a rough place to start.  You really need to be on your toes... and then some.  Even for a crusty old vet like me who knows the area, the table lands posses a great deal of danger.

I know others have already said this, but if you want something a little less harsh, try the wilds outside of Tuluk.  In particular, to the east and south of Tuluk you have a fair diversity of tasty critters a few challenges, and you have easy access to a city.  When you are tired of the wastes, you can always wander back to the Sanctuary tavern and kick your heels up.

An alternative, if you are dead set on the Table Lands area, try joining House Kurac.  If you can't find someone in Luir's Outpost to let you in, drop a line to the clan imm and ask where/when Kurac is active so that you can join.

Finally, if you just want to get a feel for the game, get neck deep into the action, stomp around the wilderness, and be surrounded by other players, I suggest the Byn.  The Byn is very newbie friendly, yet it often has a pile of experienced players to show the ropes due to it being such a fun and active clan.  The Byn is a great place to learn the game mechanics, make some friends, and put a little meat on your bones.  Further, if you don't like it, you can always quit.  I would give them a try before quitting out of frustration.

If you are dead set on playing in the Tablelands, I can offer up a few suggestions that might make life easier.

1)  Assume every player (and most NPCs) you see in the wilderness is looking to kill you.  That isn't to say you can't interact with people, just be paranoid.  Before moving into the same area as someone else, shout at them and ask if they want company.  Try and show them that you are not aggressive.  If they attack you or (especially) if they start casting spells at you, don't think about it, run.  It is pretty easy to escape in Armageddon if you do it early.

2)  Realize that the tablelands has territories that are 'owned'.  If you start seeing lots of Gith, it is safe to assume you are moving in on their territory.  Don't do it.  The same goes for elves.  It is pretty safe to assume that any elf you see in the wilderness is a tribal elf, and therefor thinks of you as prey.  Avoid the buggers like the plague.  Peaceful interactions with tribal elves near or on their territory is always dangerous.

3)  The best way to learn how to play in that area is to make a desert elf.  You probably don't have the karma for it as a new players, but you can special app for it.  Drop a message asking which elven tribes are active and you should get some helpful responses and maybe a person or two who can help you with an application.  Special applications take some time, but you can keep playing normal characters while you wait.

Don't give up yet.  At the very least, try the Byn before throwing in the towel.  Try experiencing an active and exciting clan like the Byn at least once before deciding that Armageddon is not for you.

Well first off, to  jstorrie, I'm not askaran's biggest fan after reading the majority of his posts, and I'm not privvy to taking anyone that posts with that kind of idiocy very seriously.

Otherwise, all great ideas, I guess I just learned the north, so starting in Tuluk or Luir's just seems more familiar. I attribute most of my unluckiness to the fact that not many people play during my hours, and alot of people are playing magickers because the world is ending.

Don't get me wrong, by "Tablelands" I don't mean "Running into Gith"... I hardly go south of the oasis, and never move too far into the dusty sands. I'm usually rather careful, and offer things at the oasis, I just keep running into Dunestalkers and sorcerors and crap that really gets my goat. I'm going to spend pretty much all day tomorrow standing at the Byn gates in Tuluk and wishing up to see if there ARE any Byn around because its driving me bonkaahs
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

When I was running a hunter clan in Tuluk long ago (long before all the complaints about magicker over were being given voice), what I always told new recruits was this: stay out of the tablelands if you want to live. Without fail, the recruits that heeded this advice lived, those that didn't died much faster.

The Tuluki grassland and Tuluki scrub is a much, much nicer and safer place to frolic, if you can avoid the bahamets. Work your ranger skills up on things like gurth, duskhorn, and kylori. Once you have 10 or 20 days under your belt, THEN you can think about running around elf territory. If you want.
subdue thread
release thread pit

Quote from: "Riev". I'm going to spend pretty much all day tomorrow standing at the Byn gates in Tuluk and wishing up to see if there ARE any Byn around because its driving me bonkaahs

Don't. I'm pretty sure that the northern branch of the Byn is NPC only right now.

Your best bet for a clan would probably be Allanak, I got the impression that Tuluk is pretty dead when it comes to that... But since you said you wanted to stick around the north, you could also go to Luirs and try to join Kurac there. I know there's at least one officer around on a regular basis, plus a bunch of people that may or may not have the authority to hire you, but will be able to introduce you to someone who can and with whom you can interact in the meantime.

Good luck.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Travel to Allanak and join the Byn there. Bynners don't care where your character is from, and most 'Nakki characters will (ultimately, once they sneer at tattoos if you have them) also not care where your character is from. Just make sure to follow the rules of hanging out in Allanak (bow to templars and nobles, don't commit crimes, don't act like you're spying for the north, etc.) and you'll be OK. If you're in Allanak, it should be really easy to find a Byn sergeant and get joined up.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Quote from: "Gimfalisette"...most 'Nakki characters will (ultimately, once they sneer at tattoos if you have them) also not care where your character is from. Just make sure to follow the rules of hanging out in Allanak (bow to templars and nobles, don't commit crimes, don't act like you're spying for the north, etc.) and you'll be OK. If you're in Allanak, it should be really easy to find a Byn sergeant and get joined up.
I beg to differ, northerners in Allanak can have a pretty hard time of it, especially if they're tattooed Tulukis. I've seen periods in the past where anybody with a northern accent who was unlucky enough to meet a templar got the "Northern spy!! To the pit/arena/jail with you!!"... even if these people worked for a merchant house as hunters.

So beware xenophobia and avoid the Trader's, avoid fancy places, and walk on eggshells around anybody with authority (this is a smart thing to do if you're in the Byn anyway).

Luckily these days you can learn to change your accent with time, and as Gimf said, the Byn won't care where you're from, and within there, at least, you'll probably become accepted eventually.

Quote from: "ale six"
I beg to differ, northerners in Allanak can have a pretty hard time of it, especially if they're tattooed Tulukis. I've seen periods in the past where anybody with a northern accent who was unlucky enough to meet a templar got the "Northern spy!! To the pit/arena/jail with you!!"... even if these people worked for a merchant house as hunters.


I remember my northern hunter getting a  jade cross tattoed on her forehead in the brightest green ink available by a templar before he let her go. It was hilarious.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Quote from: "ale six"I beg to differ, northerners in Allanak can have a pretty hard time of it, especially if they're tattooed Tulukis. I've seen periods in the past where anybody with a northern accent who was unlucky enough to meet a templar got the "Northern spy!! To the pit/arena/jail with you!!"... even if these people worked for a merchant house as hunters.
I've played Tulukis in Allanak without this, you just have to be VERY careful on how you play. If you're unwilling to bow or show deference to those in charge, you'll probably get killed. However I wouldn't recommend it for  a newbie.