
Started by valakas, December 21, 2006, 05:22:00 PM

Im not too sure if this is to much IG info ,but I wanted to know what material was best and what was worse. Like is obsidian better then bone ,or is silt horror shell better then mekillot? Also would like to know the protection differance to "armguards" and "sleaves" or the like.
Whats the orb in the sky?"/"That right there... that orb is called the SUN."/"Oh I have heard so much about it."

Quote from: "valakas"Im not too sure if this is to much IG info ,but I wanted to know what material was best and what was worse. Like is obsidian better then bone ,or is silt horror shell better then mekillot? Also would like to know the protection differance to "armguards" and "sleaves" or the like.

You basically just have to use common sense and try to pick up on subtle clues in the description of each particular item.  But yeah, generally the heavier and bulkier stuff is more protective.  When it comes to things that might be a close call like comparing obisidian to bone or mekillot to silt horror... again, look at the description and quality and how the item is crafted.  I guess it might be fair to say - or my guess anyways - that obsidian is more protective than bone... but obsidian is also very heavy and having a light encumberance affects your ability to avoid attacks and other combat effectiveness.   Stay as light as possible while still wearing enough protective gear.

Be very careful to pay attention to your encumbrance.  More encumbrance slows you down and keeps you from picking up some things.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "valakas"Im not too sure if this is to much IG info ,but I wanted to know what material was best and what was worse. Like is obsidian better then bone ,or is silt horror shell better then mekillot? Also would like to know the protection differance to "armguards" and "sleaves" or the like.
I'd like to add my two 'sids.

It really depends on the sort of style your character, wether or not this material would be best or worse for them. Some have better success with obsidian, while others perfer desert cloth. For example, you are looking to take a very offensive approach that lacks defense in a battle, you will be looking to get your hands on the best protection you can get. At the same time, you will need to keep an eye on your encumbrance, because it can hurt you in many ways.

Quote from: "Help Encumbrance"If you start carrying more than about half of your total capacity, your character's stamina and combat abilities will start to drop _very_ fast, so try not to carry more than necessary.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Should also be noted that different materials are better versus different types of weapons.

(This is an example and by no means true!)

Chitin is strong versus chopping weapons but weak versus bludgeoning.

Leather is strong versus slashing but weak versus piercing

Best I can say is experiment or ask your neighbourhood salarri
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Quote from: MansaMarc's got the best advice.
Quote from: WarriorPoetIf getting loaded and screwing is wrong, I don't wanna be right.