Suggestions for the Players Meeting

Started by Chronicle, November 14, 2006, 10:39:46 PM

I'm going to suggest instead of having a players discussion about this in game, that we create a special channel in IRC for it. IRC is a small and simple program to download and install for everyone. It doesn't require much memory to run (so anyone with any internet speed and processor speed, and those with hardly any ram) can take part in the discussion. During the IRC chat we could have the Highlords speak at any time they wish, while the players request over PM's to the communicator Highlord, which in turn ques the persons which want to communicate, calling on them one at a time to ask questions.

What do you guys think about this? I would really think it simpler and easier for everyone in the long run, and it won't make Arm laggy for those still playing, -and- it would be less complicated putting it all together in game.

What about you guys? What do you think?

We could use our old #armageddon channel on IRC.  I don't see any problem with this.  Some folks are always lurking in it anyhow.

If anyone is curious, its at:,  channel #armageddonmud

I'd be glad to come to a player meeting about this, but I highly suggest that those who do decide to come, come with an open and willing mind.  Otherwise, we will end up doing nothing but bickering for 7+ hours over who is right about the wisdom of this change.

We could also give the "meeting" a theme, for the sake of the direction of discussion:  should we try to talk about ideas, or discuss how we could support the new changes as a group rather than individually?

Have a serious, mature conversation on IRC?

:blink blink:

quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

How about a Q&A from the Imms? Hopefully the players will be pateint and listen. Set up a date and i am all for it.

I'd rather see it work like this:

Have the imms set up a new email address, something like, and let everyone send in an email with their questions and concerns. The imms could consolidate the emails into a master list of questions, answer them, and put up the doc for us to look at. Repeat as necessary over the next seven months.

Gives the imms time to think about their answers and gives the players more time to think about questions.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

It's been a while since there were any player-staff meetings.  I think that was because everyone realized they weren't very productive or informative.  They tended to just be a rehash of the hot threads on the GDB.

The GDB is a good enough conduit of dialog I think.  I'd rather see a new section made devoted to Arm 2.0 with posting right sort of the opposite of Ask The Staff: only staff can make new threads, but players can respond.  Make a thread for each topic they're ready to have discussed by the players (karma, psionics, races, classes).

I'd rather see it happen in the game in an OOC room.  Since the game is the common ground for everyone, that makes the most sense.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

I would like to see some big post about all planned changes before meeting. I mean, without information what IS the plan there is not much I could ask about.

I'd like to see a couple of meetings/discussions arranged over various timezones to allow peak-players and off-peak players the same opportunity to voice their opinion and pick the brainz of the staff.

I personally would suggest posting questions on here - it ends up saving the answers so other people can see them and (in my experience) leads to more thoughtful and thorough answers.