Play in Tuluk!

Started by Tlaloc, November 08, 2006, 12:34:24 PM

Just posting this here to state that the past couple weeks have been really fantastic in Tuluk, and the city is currently in an extended RPT-type scenario, where things can happen at any time. If you've never played in Tuluk, have always felt that Tuluk was 'too nice', are a great fan of Tuluk, or if you're just curious to watch how politics, Sorcerer-Kings and the common man can shape a city-state, then I recommend folks come by and play in the Northlands.

There are plenty of roles available, from independents, to noble Partisans, to circle bards, to spies, guards, thugs, muggers, thieves, assassins, name it, and the options are probably quite available.

Needless to say, things are early stages of beginning to Form Like Voltron(tm), and we're quite pleased with the results. Come see for yourselves!

Posting here to say that at 10:43PM, CST, on Tuesday, December 4th, 2006, after nearly 11 months of planning, Tuluk Formed Like Voltron (tm).

More IC, and OOC details to follow.