GDB login wiped?

Started by Bestatte, March 06, 2003, 08:11:23 PM

I have two account names and whenever I log in on either of them it brings me to the menu of GDB topics, with the icon set to "Log In" and "Log in to Check your Messages." I don't get an error message saying my ID or P/W are incorrect, it just pretty much ignores the fact that I typed in both and sends me back to the main GDB menu.

Okay that was just wierd. I hit the "submit" button and my account name suddenly showed up again.

I thought Bardex was you. Don't know too many newbie ex-Builders who use <g> :P

Your account names appear to have not been wiped (considering your posting this message), has the trouble only been since the recent change with the GDB? Because I've noticed the GDB uses cookies. Your browser might have cookies disabled, in which case you need to enable them (if you don't know how I can sort of explain). What browser do you use (Internet Explorer? Netscape?) and how did you log in with this post?

Well whatever it was, it cleared itself up as soon as I hit the submit button. I figured I'd show up as "guest" since I didn't log in, but I already *was* logged in.

As for the <g> - anyone who ever used Prodigy Online would use that. OLD-time symbol before anyone made much use of emoticons.

Quote from: "Bestatte"OLD-time symbol before anyone made much use of emoticons.
Snort.  Check your 733t-speak history, Bestatte; emoticons surfaced well before Prodigy Online.  (hint: MsgGroup, ARPANET, circa 1979)
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Yep they sure did, except Prodigy Online wasn't an ISP, it was a self-contained service with *very* limited WWW capabilities, and most members didn't even know IRC existed, let alone used it. We used the <> thing and lots of {} stuff.

We did use emoticons on occasion, but more to be goofy than to actually communicate.

Prodigy did, however, have a mud of sorts- I believe it was called Gemstone or somesuch.
hang is actually...

GemstoneIII was a game created from the old RoleMaster system, based on the ShadowWorld D&D-type game. It began on GEnie and progressed to most of the online services. Eventually it "went internet" and is a successful, commercial text-based RPG. It was available for Prodigy members to play, but Prodigy had no claim of ownership.

It's also the first "mud" I ever played, and spent around 5 years there before moving on to smaller and better things.

Quote from: "Bestatte"Yep they sure did, except Prodigy Online wasn't an ISP
Never did I make this claim, Bestatte.  I too subscribed to a similar service (the Source, gak).  I too played MUD precursors.  I too ran a BBS/AE in the mid-80s (archived, which is nifty, here).  I simply wished to address your statement that '<g>' in some fashion predated ':)'.

I'll bow out now.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Thanks for posting the link Lazloth going through the list sure brought back memories.