
Started by rufus, October 09, 2006, 06:17:44 PM

Quote10/09/2006: New helpfile, "kraths touch" -- Halaster

Stock up on tents.

All I can say is that I hope this affects different races and guilds differently and that certain articles of clothing can affect it as well.

If so, then neato! If not then.... maybe we can tweak it?
Fear not death, for it is your destiny.

This has been in the game for a long time.

It's commonly called 'dehydration'.

I think it is cool if this is coded in now.  For a long time there has been a convention to refer to anyone acting oddly (dropped link, newbie claiming to be Darth Vader, etc.) as being "Krath Touched" or "Krath Struck".  Now it can really happen!
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.

Wow, this is cool.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Yeah, I do want clothing to affect this. Armor and dark colors are a penalty, sandcloth is a bonus, lots of jewelry maybe a penalty (from the weight of all the stone). It would give desert gear a purpose. More things to consider when deciding to buy clothes.
...so instead of stealing an uneaten one, like a normal person, I decided I wanted the one already in her mouth."

Best movies EVAR:
1. Boondock Saints
2. Green Street Hooligans
3. Fight Club

Norman Reedus is my hero.

Desert gear already has a purpose.

You are already penalized for not drinking water.

Isn't this just another roleplay device, added to the list of  many, many uncoded (but interesting) zalanthan diseases?
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Quote from: "LauraMars"Desert gear already has a purpose.

You are already penalized for not drinking water.

Isn't this just another roleplay device, added to the list of  many, many uncoded (but interesting) zalanthan diseases?

*nod nod* What Laura said.  What is this suddeness of coded affects?  Doesn't it close in space that was once left to the interpretation of rping players.  *sigh* One moment everyone one wants to do away with stats and are all gung ho about RP the next everyone wants all affects to be coded.  WTF?

So... what's the new IC code-word for "Yeah, that guy's link-dead?"
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

"Yeah, that guy's eMANSApated."

Honestly, I think it is because of certain players who got on staff who wanted this sort of thing to begin with. Some of it I agree with, some of it I think is too much. *shrug*
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Honestly, I think everyone may just be freaking out for no reason. Kraths touch has always been listed in the diseases on the website under General Information. I think someone just finally added a helpfile in game. I suspect the other diseases will soon follow.

Though now that I think about it, referencing drink and eat and dehydration may mean I'm totally full of shit, and you -can- get sick now. I dunno.

Quote from: "FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit"So... what's the new IC code-word for "Yeah, that guy's link-dead?"

I think you can still use it for that, it's just supported by documentation.  Is your character Dr. House?  Probably not, so he doesn't have to be right when he makes a diagnosis.

Quote from: "Slime"It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.

That may be a bad idea.  There are parts of your anatomy that you don't want getting sun burned and sand blasted.
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "Angela Christine"
Quote from: "Slime"It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.

That may be a bad idea.  There are parts of your anatomy that you don't want getting sun burned and sand blasted.

Unless you're a krathian.  :twisted:

Quote from: "Bebop"What is this suddeness of coded affects?  Doesn't it close in space that was once left to the interpretation of rping players.  *sigh* One moment everyone one wants to do away with stats and are all gung ho about RP the next everyone wants all affects to be coded.  WTF?

Heh, I guess it depends on who you talk to.  I think the majority of the playerbase loves the coded realism that is added to the intense RP of the game... that is what makes it Armageddon.

Screw doing away with stats and turning Zalanthas into 'mush'... I say kudos for each coded bit of gritty realism that is added to the game.  Keep up the good work.  But in this case, I figured it was just a helpfile for a 'virtual' disease.

I say code all of the diseases and watch everyone go around coughing their lungs up and passing out from their latest ailment from all the unsanitary conditions and filthy plague-spreading insects/creatures.
Of course, we don't want it to be too out of hand but I seriously think it would be cool for them all to be coded and randomly spread through the populace.

Actually I think it is getting a bit code heavy...more then a bit. Any code added that helps RP I'm all for, semote/hemote extra emote pointers and all that. But against most things that interprets for you other then in a very basic sense.

And another point where adding code blows is the loss of the more varied messages and echos and adding 1 boring generic message, specialy one that leaves zero room for interpratation.

Somebody start echo aid, please help these poor sad and boring echos spawn new and more interesting offspring.

And bring back the old rescue message, I miss it and I simply cannot believe people wanted a bright little point of entertainment replaced with some bland message.

Blah, never mind, My PC has just gotten a new personality quirk and will now shout Banzai! on a successful rescue.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "X-D"
And another point where adding code blows is the loss of the more varied messages and echos and adding 1 boring generic message, specialy one that leaves zero room for interpratation.

Somebody start echo aid, please help these poor sad and boring echos spawn new and more interesting offspring.

I have to agree with you there. I've posted at least a couple of times about wanting to see several 'room echos' added to as many commands as possible to make things more varied and interesting.

But I'd still also like to see the coded realism continue to be added to the game wherever possible, as long as it was made interesting and I suppose you could still find ways to allow some player-interactive variation without forcing just a single command=echo combination.

Remember, ArmageddonMUD is not a MUSH.  One aspect of roleplaying on ArmageddonMUD is taking what the code tells you (which can steer you in a direction) and running with it, in addition to making up your own story.

While I'm sorry to hear that some of you don't like code that interprets things for you, it does it all the time.  The code interprets that you die if you reach -11 hit points, you don't get to decide that on your own.  The code interprets that you've become thirsty when you reach a certain point, and it tells you so.  You're welcome to RP that you're thirsty before the code tells you, of course, but when it does tell you so, there's not really any room for denying it  The code decides if you've landed a blow against someone in a fight - you don't get to decide that (like a MUSH).  The code decides if there's a sandstorm.

YOU decide what to do once you're thirsty.  Do you beg for water?  Do you already have some?  Do you like to always drink beer instead and perpetually stay drunk forever (an excellent dwarven focus).  YOU decide what to do in reaction to getting hit in a fight.  YOU decide how to react to a sandstorm.

I'm not knocking MUSH's - if that's what you like to play, then cool beans.  But ArmageddonMUD is not one of them.  Certain decisions are out of your hands and put into the hands of the code (but not all decisions).

If you get a "boring echo", so what?  Liven it up yourself.  That's what emote and its family of commands is for.  In fact, a  lot of echos are intentionally left bland and simple so that you have room for interpretation, not the other way around.

I agree that I would rather see most of the RP in the hands of the player, and how they deal with it is up to them and not the code.  But, just like in RL, there are things beyond your control that you simply must deal with.

ArmageddonMUD is a blend of code-enforced situations and player-decided roleplay.  It always has been - there's not been some recent trend or change.

I hope that makes sense - I'm not the most eloquent person in the world.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Let me just echo Halaster here saying that I completely agree with him.

Armageddon is a world that we have all created that defines an alternate reality.  The code provides the framework for how the world interacts with your character, letting you know generally how it makes you feel.  It is up to you the player, to decide how your character reacts to the world and the effects it has on your character.

In my opinion, that is the essence of roleplaying.

Armageddon Staff

I currently play both a nonconsent wod mush and armageddon, with each having pretty much identical playerbases. There are plenty of stats on the mush and 'conflict' resolution, but it leaves most stuff to your own interpretation. Such as eating, drinking, etc. It can create a more complex and involved story when you can mutually agree to assume it is a certain time of night, etc. Yet there also tends to be alot of OOC elements. And of course if you want to do something like kill another, or go 'hunting', you need staff involvement to judge it. Something that can be laborious.

What I like about Armageddon is that it allows much more freedom. There is no +where command telling you where everyone is, or constant OOC paging, or OOC politics. I like that staff are mostly working behind the scenes and not needed everytime two Byn wants to spar. I feel like I can live my character to the hilt, even if I'm mostly by myself. It is much more gritty and straightforward. And when there is posing, it is one sentence and mostly to the point, instead of 4+ that is more elaborate.

Sometimes, at Armageddon, the code gets in the way of telling a story. But at a mush, unless you have a staffer at your beck and call, you're often limited to rather mundane interactions until one has time for you. You can +roll stats by yourself of course. But for anything 'important' (like killing someone or making a powerful talisman) it needs staff oversight. This can either be painless and natural or soul-crushingly difficult, depending on each staffer. I've wizarded a WoD mush, and keeping up with the plot demands of 40-50 players (in a single sphere) can be intensely time consuming. It can be equally frustrating as a player to try and get your turn in the spotlight. At Armageddon, I'm free to not worry about that. I can do whatever I have to do without needing to schedule it next tuesday at 4 PM with Staffer Jimbo.

So I wouldn't want Armageddon to become more like a mush, and I wouldn't want a mush to become more like Armageddon (Except perhaps, for there to be less OOC emphasis, and I hate the OOC channels that everyone has to spam).

EDIT: Also, I envy the mentality of staffing at Armageddon, as opposed to what you have to go through on a mush. It is just as hard work, but on a mush, there is much more face to face drama, and dealing with that diplomatically and effectively is an exhausting prerequesite. Whereas on Armageddon, staffers tend to keep vastly greater distance. Which I think helps them focus on most important matters. For example, dealing with player death and PvP on a WoD mush probably accounts for 75% of the melodrama. It can take weeks to get approved, afterall, so losing your PC after a three hour long timestop can be very frustrating. It's something as staff you need to deal with, since you'll probably be working with the same person over the next week as they re-app.