Fat half-giants

Started by Marauder Moe, October 03, 2006, 02:45:08 PM

How come so many half-giants are fat?  Half-giants already require an enormous amount of food.  Any who could afford to eat a lot are almost certainly doing hard manual labor for it, and thus would probably work it off or gain muscle instead.

This one is easy to answer. Next time you are at dinner with a hungry half giant, you tell him he can't have any more food :)
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

HGs are bigger.. they smash and eat bigger things?
Mebbe.. I dunno...
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"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

You know, self-sufficient half-giants seem somewhat rare.  Honestly, I've always seen them as pets, kinda like pit-bulls (half as intelligent and twice as cute).  You take care of them if they belong to you, and try to avoid them if they're not yours.

Lord Templar Hard Nose begins to question his own analogies.

Perhaps because of these said things the code should be modified so that half-giants do require more food than they currently do.  From my experiences, a half-giant doesn't require that much more, if any, food due to the code.  Personally I don't recount even a small number of half-giants that were fat, save one or two perhaps.  Surely there'd be the extreme or odd circumstance in which a small number of them might grow to be obese.  Perhaps fat giants spend all of their money on food or are fed well.

I do see the reasoning here.  Maybe you should just ask the next half-giant you see IC and find out.

Furthermore, hard manual labor for a smaller humanoid might not be hard for a giant.  If individuals were, in fact, paid for the amount of work they do then I think it might be safe to say that in many circumstances giants would be paid much much more and could thus afford to eat well.

It's probably a lot harder for HG's to get a lot of exercise. They're also stupid, so they probably eat and drink to excess at every opportunity. Plus, some species are just fatter than others. Maybe the extra layer of fat helps protect them from all the blades they're sure to encounter with their horrid agility scores? That's evolution!
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Quote from: "bloodfromstone"They're also stupid, so they probably eat and drink to excess at every opportunity.

Honestly, I'd consider that pretty darned smart for a Zalanthan, you takes it when you can gets it!

Just a guess but i think what he was refering to was the fact that half-giants are obese when they have their hoods up? in which case the reason is it's relative compared to yoursel. If you yourself where a half-giant they wouldn't look obese like that, it's because they so massivly over weigh you
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     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

Anyone on Zalanthas can get fat, even elves.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Sephiroto"Perhaps because of these said things the code should be modified so that half-giants do require more food than they currently do.  From my experiences, a half-giant doesn't require that much more, if any, food due to the code.  Personally I don't recount even a small number of half-giants that were fat, save one or two perhaps.  Surely there'd be the extreme or odd circumstance in which a small number of them might grow to be obese.  Perhaps fat giants spend all of their money on food or are fed well.

I do see the reasoning here.  Maybe you should just ask the next half-giant you see IC and find out.

Furthermore, hard manual labor for a smaller humanoid might not be hard for a giant.  If individuals were, in fact, paid for the amount of work they do then I think it might be safe to say that in many circumstances giants would be paid much much more and could thus afford to eat well.

Uhm, half-giants do require more and can eat far more than any other race to get full. Not to mention drinking water. I know from personal experience.
staff member sends:
     "No problem. We'll just eat your brainz later

I'd have to say that allthough giants might be able to go a long time without eating, when they do eat......

they eat lots.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

I've always wanted to make a really thin half-giant with pointy ears.

Sdesc: The very big elf.

I don't think half-giants are fat. They're just evolved magickally as a big race. Just like dwarves are wider, heavier but shorter than most humans. Half-giants are a lot wider, heavier and taller than humans.

I mean I've seen a seemingly disproportionate, compared to what I had guessed should be extremely rare due to circumstances outlined in my original post, number of half-giants described as being fat.  Not just large or even wide, but actualy fat, flabby, blubbery, tubby, dumpy, and so on.

(To the past and present players of plus-sized half-giants: I'm not picking on anyone in particular, or anyone at all.  I think I've seen a fair number of fat NPC half-giants too.  It's not a big deal, I just like to point out inconsistencies in the world and within the habits of the players.)

Also keep in mind that half-giants are neither bodybuilders nor strongmen. They don't work out for definition or even specifically to gain muscle. Their vast strength is mainly due the proportional difference in size between them and us.
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Quote from: "Cale_Knight"Also keep in mind that half-giants are neither bodybuilders nor strongmen. They don't work out for definition or even specifically to gain muscle. Their vast strength is mainly due the proportional difference in size between them and us.
Not all humans with high strengths would have worked out for that either.  For this reason, I would postulate that HG's have a normal range of body-types.
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Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I think it is because you will play for a while before you ever get to play a half-giant.  During that time you will probably see one with her hood up, and to a non-HG they are described as "obese" figure.  That word is misleading and gives the impression that HGs are fat, not just heavy, but how many words are there to indicate that something is very heavy, but not fat?  So by the time you make your own HG you are used to thinking of them as fatties, and may incorporate that into your own HGs.

They are freakishly heavy.  A HG is twice as tall as a human, but ten times as heavy.  That's a lot of meat right there.
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins