Way Overhaul

Started by daedroug, September 29, 2006, 11:26:06 PM

I just made my insult loud and clear without any of that nagging "Let's
pretend I'm making meaningful discussion" camouflage that you had.

Then again, "Ha! Look, you care more than I do" is the general fall-back
position from a person getting his lousy attempt at meaningful discussion

I concede defeat,
- Ktavialt

But you -do- care more than I do, and you're trying to draw me into an open flame war, which I'm not interested in.

I was making a poignant and wry statement about how a tablet to block your mind is unnecessary, as there's already a command for it. I'm not quite sure why you took it to be insulting. I'm often poignant and wry.

I don't understand why you seem to have an irrational fear that everyone (or at least, I) assumes you're still a noob, "believe me, I am not totally ignorant" and am saddened to see that you act on that fear and lash out.

I hope this is a one time incident, and you don't take offense in the future at people (especially me) making wry comments about your suggestions.

This is the internet; this is a discussion board no less. Wry comments will be made. Starting a flame war each time will do nothing to help the discussion move forward, especially if you start it right as the discussion begins to move again. "Golly gee, I suppose you could have said that straight from the beginning instead of picking your way around it and being a sarcastic jerk. "

I really don't mean to be a sarcastic jerk, for what it's worth. Inconsiderate and dry, certainly. Jerk? That's a bit much.

Sorry I got your panties in a wad,
- Agent_137

There are a few - some rare and some not - ways to prevent the use of psionics.

This is definitely one of those topics best persued through ingame exploration, should you ever be in a position to do so.