Infobar suggestion

Started by Hymwen, September 28, 2006, 04:18:53 AM

Is it possible to code the infobar into something like a prompt that you can configure, with things like position, movement speed, armed/unarmed status and so on?

I'm pretty sure you can't do anything with the infobar as it is now, except toggle it on and off. I really dislike using a prompt but the infobar only lets me see health/mana/stamina/stun. It'd be like super awesome if you could add the things to it that you can in the prompt.
b]YB <3[/b]

We've thought about this from time to time, and every time we do we always come to the decision to not add any more features to the infobar.  The reason is because so many clients these days can do a far better job than infobar, and when combined with all our prompt options, it can do some neat stuff.

What client software do you use?  Maybe some helpful player who's setup their own status/info bar can help you.

I'm not saying we'll never do it, but it's definitely a back-burner sort of project, if ever.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

I use zMUD 4.62 (because it's free, simple and the newer versions had some features I didn't like) with no add-ons or doodads.

I really don't like having a prompt. First of all I hate the way it looks clogging up the screen and I much prefer a plain ">". Second, it's absolutely dreadful having to delete hundreds of the damn things when editing logs. Third, I like how the infobar updates instantly and automatically.
b]YB <3[/b]

Quote from: "Hymwen"I use zMUD 4.62 (because it's free, simple and the newer versions had some features I didn't like) with no add-ons or doodads.

I really don't like having a prompt. First of all I hate the way it looks clogging up the screen and I much prefer a plain ">". Second, it's absolutely dreadful having to delete hundreds of the damn things when editing logs.

Some clients can actually strip the prompt out for you.  Basically you'd set the prompt with the information you want sent to your client, then setup your client to take that info and stick it in a status bar, while stripping your prompt back to >

I don't know how to do it, but I've seen it done!
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

I really don't know anything about all that, I just log in and play! :D
b]YB <3[/b]