Bruises, Cuts, Scrapes, and Bandages - TDESC Option.

Started by LoD, September 11, 2006, 11:55:39 AM

Bruises, Cuts, Scrapes, and Bandages

I've seen a few different ideas thrown around regarding temporary descriptions to help express the current state of a character, as well as some desire to see a wound code to encourage players to react more realistically to the wounds they receive in combat.

Bruises, cuts, and scrapes happen during combat, whether it be live or during training exercises.  While many people have opposed a wound code that has detrimental effects upon the character via the code, some would like the option to RP certain conditions.  The proposal is to create a new command that would target wear locations and effectively tattoo a person with a scripted bruise, cut, or scrape of their choice to help portray the temporary state of their character.

I'm curious as to what people would think of the following solution.  I believe this could be system could be implemented to be automatic, manual, or both.  Here are a few examples to help illustrate the idea.

Command: TDESC
Syntax: Tdesc <wear location> <type of wound> <size>

The swarthy, bull necked man bludgeons you extremely hard on the head.

The swarthy, bull-necked man stops fighting you.

You stop fighting the swarthy, bull-necked man!

>emote Wincing, @ rubs a hand beneath ~helm, his fingers gently probing a sensitive part of his head.

Wincing, the gracile, nigrescent elf rubs a hand beneath a leather helm, his fingers gently probing a sensitive part of his head.

>tdesc head bruise small

>remove helm
You remove a leather helm, revealing a purplish bruise just above the ear.

>look me's head

A nasty bruise, purple and swollen, resides just above the ear.  The exterior of the blemish is tinged with redness, and despite being small, it looks extremely painful.

This command would allow players to place tattoo-like temporary descriptions that could reside beneath worn objects.  They would be fairly nondescript and something that could have been caused from contact by anything that has a significant amount of impact.

TDESC Options

The following options would be made available to cover a wide variety of impact situations, from bludgeoning to slashing to falling damage.  Each option would be accompanied by the arguement small, medium, or large.


Bruises would be implemented to cover potential damage from bludgeoning weapons/fists, falling damage, and impact absorbed by armor.

See above for example.


Cuts would be implemented to cover potential damage from slashing or edged weapons, teeth, claws, or puncture wounds.

>tdesc leg cut medium

>remove leggings
You remove your leather leggings, revealing a nasty cut just above the knee.

>look me's legs

The skin just above the knee has been opened, leaving a nasty cut.  Angry and red, the inflamed skin about the cut looks painful to the touch and grows darker toward the center.


Scrapes would be implemented to cover potential damage from spiked weapons, abrasive materials, friction with the ground, or loss of skin.

>tdesc arms scrape heavy

>remove sleeves
You remove your leather sleeves, revealing a painful scrape down the left shoulder.

>look me's arms

Bits of skin have been shredded from the flesh, leaving the shoulder looking like a blood stained mural.  While shallow, the scrape has scabbed over and looks extremely uncomfortable.


Bandages would be implemented to cover potential wounds that have since been cleaned and bound, with or without the bandage skill.  This would allow someone to appear bandaged without forfeiting the wear location to an actual bandage.

>tdesc body bandage medium

>remove cuirass
You remove your leather cuirass, revealing a crimson stained bandage about the torso.

>look me's body

White cloth, stained with dried blood, covers a good portion of the torso, wrapped tight and bound with a bone pin.

I'm not sure how difficult it would be to code something like this, nor if this would be seen as a viable or desired solution by the Imm Staff, but I thought it sounded like a nice compromise allowing people to further RP wounds they might have received during combat.  Imms who notice players not reacting well, could perhaps add these to their character and send an echo to reveal the wound as a more gentle reminder.

There were two basic stipulations that I had in mind with this command:

>TDESC would not work on body locations already tattooed.
>All TDESC would be removed when the character quit the game.


Honestly, if such a wound system were implemented I don't see why it wouldn't be done automatically rather than having the player set each wound.  The combat system already has a sense of hit location.

The idea of a cosmetic-only wound system is a good one, though.

I'd still rather see TDESC implemented as a few extra customisable lines added to the end of MDESC. In this you could document all/any wounds, it would probably be easier to implement and would also allow for DESC alterations in other ways.

While I like you're idea, I think something is needed to provide information about non-wound related adjustments too.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"Honestly, if such a wound system were implemented I don't see why it wouldn't be done automatically rather than having the player set each wound.

I agree, which is why I mentioned that this system could be implemented as automatic, manual, or both.  It might simply be easier to code this as a choice to the player rather than figuring out just went these are attributed during not only coded combat, but emoted damage and non-target damage (i.e. falling)

The bandage aspect of this tool also would not be something that would work in an automatic environment.

Quote from: "Beux"I'd still rather see TDESC implemented as a few extra customisable lines added to the end of MDESC. In this you could document all/any wounds, it would probably be easier to implement and would also allow for DESC alterations in other ways.

I agree that it would likely be easier, however, I don't think it would be more likely.  I imagine that the Imms have shied away from the TDESC command as an open tag line to the MDESC because of the inability to monitor what is placed there.

The idea of a pre-scripted, cosmetic wound system offers a safe alternative to players to at least access some of that functionality without containing the parts that make the Imms nervous.


I <3 this idea. Would be great to have an RP tool like this for those who are involved in professions where there is consistent combat. Then companions could really say "ooh, nasty cut there, why don't you go get fixed up" or whatever. Fun fun.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

I would rather wounds not be applied automatically, as the exact nature of wounds is often left to player discretion in many cases. I think this is a decent solution, however.

Wounds should not apply automatically because code will never come close to the ability of players to adapt to the situation.
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

I feel the same way as the last two posters. So long as the final decision of how bad the wound appears and such, I'm cool with it. No auto wounds.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Personaly I am all for auto wounds, because sadly I find it hard to remember to roleplay out a stupid cut on my wrist for 7 real life days as it heals, and I know others have the same problems and the sort.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"Honestly, if such a wound system were implemented I don't see why it wouldn't be done automatically rather than having the player set each wound.  The combat system already has a sense of hit location.

Seconded, but...

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"
The idea of a cosmetic-only wound system is a good one, though.

Not Seconded. I think if we're going to take the time to do this, lets do it right. We have code that bloodies your gear when you take hits of a certain magnatude to certain locations. I'd like to see "spice-like" negative effects attributed to a player when they received a wound like this.

For example, if you get belted in the leg very hard, your MV should be reduced to reflect that your walking is now wampered. A hard arm or hand shot should force you weapon away and take es or ep away for a time.

Optionally, I'd like to see specific magnitudes of attacks semi-permanently give damage. Atleast until a player could be bandaged or healed.

50/50 *50/50* 50/50>hit bull

The swarthy, bull necked man bludgeons you extremely hard on the leg, inflicting an injury to your leg!

The swarthy, bull-necked man stops fighting you.

50/50 *25/25* 50/50>disengage

You stop fighting the swarthy, bull-necked man!

>emote Wincing, @ falls to one knee with a cry of pain.

Wincing, the gracile, nigrescent elf falls to one knee with a cry of pain.

50/50 *25/25* 50/50>stat

You are affected by:

Spice, Severe Leg-Injury

50/50 *25/25* 50/50>remove leggings
You remove a leather helm, revealing a purplish swollen bruise just above the knee.

50/50 *25/25* 50/50>look me's leg

A nasty bruise, purple and swollen, resides just above the knee.  The exterior of the blemish is tinged with redness, and despite being small, it looks extremely painful

50/50 *25/25* 50/50>hold bandage
You hold a white linen bandage

50/50 *25/25* 50/50>bandage me's leg bandage
You apply a white linen badage to a purplish swollen bruise on your leg.

50/50 *25/50* 50/50>

If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Well, yes, I too would like to see a full on wound system with at least some penalties depending on where you're hurt.  However, a lot of people really don't like that idea and a cosmetic system would be a fair compromise in my opinion.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"Well, yes, I too would like to see a full on wound system with at least some penalties depending on where you're hurt.  However, a lot of people really don't like that idea and a cosmetic system would be a fair compromise in my opinion.

Compromise is for wimps!

Just kidding, I hear you, but I figured I'd state my case....again.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.