
Started by Galdun, September 08, 2006, 01:21:19 PM

Sniff has such great potential for adding yet another layer of RP to our everyday situations, but I think its highly underused simply because there aren't that many things to 'sniff', and the command's name may be jarring to some.

"I wonder if Chosen Lord Gooblegoop is wearing cologne?  Well I ain't gonna sniff him like a gortok to find out"

A.) Sniff doesn't echo...or at least I think it doesn't, so you don't have to play it as sniffing people or places like a blood hound.

B.) Its a great way to determine if someone's been hittin' the spice dens.

C.) Helps you know understand your environment a little better in certain situations where there may be a stench or smell left out of the room's main description.

I also think that drinkers should be sniffable, because it sure is easy to smell alcohol on a person even a day after they've been drinking.  I'd really love to see that implemented.  All in all, sniff is a pretty sweet command that just isn't used a whole lot.  I think it'd be cool if we could do something about that.  Lets discuss it a bit.

Someone else brought up the lack of sniff messages for objects.  The staff said to idea scents for the items and rooms.  I'm all for that, and I encourage others to do so as well.

Also, it'd be nice if drink containers took on the smell of any strong-smelling liquid inside of them, particularly alcohol.
Any questions, comments, or condemnations to an eternity of fiery torment?

Waving a hammer, the irate, seething crafter says, in rage-accented sirihish :
"Be impressed.  Now!"

Is there actual cologne that people can use?
Also i don't know about any one else but sniffing some one isn't really somthing i would do to everyone, if there was a code that at random times might bring the smell to your nostrils i might wonder where it was coming from and try to figure it out. It's kinda like in real life, i'm not going to go around sniffing everything unless i smelled somthing with out trying to smell for it.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

Not sure if exists ingame but perfumes and cologne might be nice to have inorder to change one's smell. It should be expensive though 500+ sid, last 24 RL hours and only 4 or 5 uses per vial. Kadius would be the crafters who would know how to make it. It would be a nice add-on for nobles to show off their wealth.

I would love for sniff not to echo(not really sure if it does or not actually), but both the sniffer and the sniffed would either have to be standing or sitting at the same table.

Insofar as perfumes and cologne, find out IC.

Insofar as the sniff ideas....I'm all for it.

Yup. Mores submissions! More smells!

Like if a person is wearing stained armor, or has a Gith cloak on, he just smells like the worst thing you've ever imagined. Like 40 locker rooms.

A magicker might smell really weird if he just gathered.

A corpse would smell like burnt flesh if Roasted or Zapped.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

Quote from: "Galdun"I also think that drinkers should be sniffable, because it sure is easy to smell alcohol on a person even a day after they've been drinking.

This is already sort of implemented. Heavy drinkers are easy to find with the sniff command.  :twisted:

Kind of hard find out about somthing IC if it doesn't exist IC.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

If he said find out IC, I'm sure he has reason to believe it can be found.
Quote from: Saikun
I can tell you for sure it won't be tonight. So no point in poking at it all night long. I'd suggest sleep, or failing that, take to the streets and wreak havoc.

Yes but like all 'Find out IC' replies, its usually misguided. See i said don't know if, then i suggested my idea, just in case it didn't, i don't remember asking for people to tell me if it did or not. It kinda defeat the purpose of that annoying phrase if everytime people use its to actually say in a stupid elitist way 'Yes i've seen it, its exsists somewhere'. IMO of course.

If it does, the imms can ignore it and pat themselves on the back, if it doesn't well i've humbly suggested it.

Yes, there are perfumes.  They are perfectly mundane items and should have some reputation among the public, especially since most of us aren't sure how the majority of the population keeps clean.
Any questions, comments, or condemnations to an eternity of fiery torment?

Waving a hammer, the irate, seething crafter says, in rage-accented sirihish :
"Be impressed.  Now!"

Perfectly mundane items and available for purchase in perfectly mundane places where lots of other perfectly mundane things are sold.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

Sniff DOES NOT echo when you '> sniff (target)' but DOES echo when you '> sniff' without targetting.

Spicers and drunkards both can be detected through the use of this command.

Perfume exists, find it IG yourself.

In response to the 'Find out IC,' response, by saying so, you totally gave away that there was cologne/perfume in game already.  You may as well have said that it was already imp'd.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "Cale_Knight"Perfectly mundane items and available for purchase in perfectly mundane places where lots of other perfectly mundane things are sold.

These crossword puzzle-esque 'answers' to questions are something I really don't like seeing here - it's one thing to have an answer that's intentionally vague in order to protect some IC information... like if an Assassin was able to forage water in the city like a Ranger can in the desert, and someone asks - "Can water only be foraged in the desert?", you could answer vaguely so the people that know about the Assassin forage would also be able to use the answer without being confused.

But using logic puzzles, backward writing, letter substitution and all other 'clever' answers is just silly, IMHO.  If it's too sensitive for you to write explicitly, it might be too sensitive to post.

I don't mean to be all holier than thou with this post, but somehow this really got to me.

Back to perfumes; perfumes exist and are more common in Allanak than in Tuluk, probably because people wear heavier/longer clothes and live in a hotter region and sweat more.  They're used by the higher society (successful Merchants/Aides and up) frequently, and also by whores or people that want to hide a particular scent.  Scented oils, particularly for hair, also exist but are rarer and more expensive - these oils are more often used by Family Merchant Members and the Nobility.

How perfumes are made and where they originate from is something that should be found out in game, and the same goes for how much perfume costs and where it can be bought.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?