An open builder port

Started by bardbard#4, September 04, 2006, 12:11:10 PM

I'll keep this proposition short and sweet.

I think it would be supernifty to open a builder port for the players to use so that they can log in and submit items and NPCs, which will then be scrutinized by the staff.  Obviously, there should be no possibility for interaction with other players or the game world, or any way to reveal the coded secrets behind items and NPCs to the players.  This could potentially increase the productivity of the game in general, cutting down on the time that staff actually have to spend implementing these things.

Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
Are belong to you

I'd rather have people use the submissions forum for a number of reasons.  The disadvantages seem to greatly outweigh the benefits, or so it seems to me.

I'd rather put together a webtool that will help you with the bare essentials of building the item (desc, sdesc, keywords, etc), and then allow a staffer to fix everything behind-the-scenes and do approval manually.  The online building process would otherwise reveal too much about how the game works, and spoil many surprises.  Also, it would be harder, I think, to code a privileges system that permitted this sort of building without also allowing you to wander around the world, explore the item database, look at guild and subguild skill trees, etc., than to implement such a webtool.  As Sanvean said in not so many words, the disadvantages vastly outweight the plusses.

-- X

A webtool would be neat. :) As would a webtool for submitting recipes.